
Only now do you know! Why should we look at fan feedback rationally

author:Qi Xia writes

There is a fatal weakness in human nature, and that is that it only wants to listen to beautiful words. However, we are very clear in our hearts: "Loyalty is good for deeds", although some words are ugly, but they are very realistic, and they are helpful to ourselves.

Turn; The same applies to self-media writing.

I once heard a friend share such a story; There is an online writer, and the most annoying thing in his life is that readers give his work a relatively low score, or point fingers at the content of his novels.

Speak from the heart; When I heard this, I was still shocked. Because since you have chosen to become an online writer, it means that your works are for the general public; Then there are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand people, and each person's interpretation of the work is of course different due to different births, experiences, etc.; It's normal for someone to like it, and then for someone to hate it. To put it mildly, some people still regard money as dung!

Therefore, whether it is an online writer or a novice in self-media writing; should treat the comments of netizens with a normal heart.

Only now do you know! Why should we look at fan feedback rationally

1. A good evaluation should continue to work hard

Actually, it's not hard to understand; It's just that none of us can write an article casually and easily. Before writing an article, we may need to collect a lot of relevant materials and materials, and then organize and analyze them to see what kind of content is suitable for use in the article and what kind of content should be eliminated.

And when an article is finished, it has to be revised once or twice, and the energy and time spent in this is unknown to others.

Therefore, when we work hard to present such an article to the public, we naturally hope to receive good feedback and encouraging words.

The warm hearts and motivational messages of the fans can indeed give us a lot of encouragement and motivation, but we should not be too proud and complacent, and constantly moving forward and improving is the ultimate goal.

Only now do you know! Why should we look at fan feedback rationally

2. You should listen to more correct evaluations

In the previous article, we have already mentioned that if a person is not a sage, he can do no wrong. None of us are perfect people, so it's normal for the articles we write to have flaws and flaws.

For example; We know that we are going to write "The sun rises in the east", but when we write an article, we may write "The sun rises in the west" because of the fast typing; And in the subsequent inspection, this error was not found. And so I published the article.

Then, some heartwarming readers pointed it out, for example, they would say, "Little sister, you wrote the wrong place, the sun rises from the east!" ”

If I were the author, I would be grateful to this reader for being so gentle in pointing out the mistake I made, and I would continue to leave a message and thank him after I corrected it immediately.

In many cases, some constructive language can indeed give us a lot of encouragement and help, and can also help us creators continue to expand their knowledge.

Only now do you know! Why should we look at fan feedback rationally

3. Looking at feedback rationally is more conducive to our progress

Whether you want to engage in self-media writing or want to become an online writer; You must have such a psychological preparation: that is, your work is for the public, that is, for all kinds of people, so it will naturally receive all kinds of evaluations. Good, bad, even insulting and offensive language.

In the face of good reviews, we are naturally happy in our hearts, because it is a recognition and appreciation of our articles, and we receive good feedback; It is also the motivation for us to continue to work hard to move forward.

But after all, people are still different from each other; Some people's ideas will always be more extreme, or they will vent their unsatisfactory places in life and work to innocent self-media creators.

Like what; When we write articles; I accidentally made a mistake and wrote "the sun rises from the east" instead of "the sun rises from the west".

At this time, it is possible to receive comments such as: "Are you sick?" Even a three-year-old child knows that the sun rises in the east, but you say that it is in the west, deliberately attracting people's attention, right? ”

According to normal psychology; We see reviews similar to this; There will certainly be shock, sadness, and anger in the heart. Because it's clear that this reader is maliciously speculating on our minds, and he's also using dirty language to attack our lives.

For this case; We can admit our mistakes to him, if he is still persistent; We must not continue to scold him, because this kind of quarrel is completely meaningless. We can ignore it or report it to the platform.

In the final analysis, whether you are writing for self-media, shooting short videos, or becoming an online author, you will receive all kinds of replies and comments, so you still have to keep yourself in a relatively stable state, so that we can go further.

I am Qixia, a freelance writer who loves reading, writing, and writing, and I am here to share with you the dry goods of self-media writing, I will continue to update, click to follow my account, and let us become a better version of ourselves.

(The pictures involved in the article are all from the Internet)

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