
The ignorant man went to the salt lake to swim without permission, and the staff had no choice but to speak: Come out and peel off the skin!

author:Kozuki Fangyuan

Recently, a video caused an uproar online about a man diving into Qinghai's Emerald Lake without permission, a move that not only violated the rules, but could also cause him a lot of trouble.

The ignorant man went to the salt lake to swim without permission, and the staff had no choice but to speak: Come out and peel off the skin!

As can be seen from the video footage, the surface of the Emerald Lake is like a huge piece of jadeite, green and clear, which has attracted the attention of many tourists. However, beneath this beauty lies a fact that cannot be ignored – the Emerald Lake is a salt lake that is extremely irritating and corrosive to the skin. But that didn't stop the big brother's desire to "explore".

The ignorant man went to the salt lake to swim without permission, and the staff had no choice but to speak: Come out and peel off the skin!

In the video, the man appears to have underestimated the depth of the lake, which only reaches to his knees, but he still insists on "swimming" in the water. As everyone knows, the water here is not ordinary fresh water, but salt water rich in minerals, which can cause serious damage to the skin if exposed to it for a long time.

The ignorant man went to the salt lake to swim without permission, and the staff had no choice but to speak: Come out and peel off the skin!

The staff reluctantly said afterwards that swimming is strictly forbidden in the Emerald Lake, and the eldest brother apparently sneaked into the water while the security guards were not paying attention. They also joked: "When he comes out, he will probably have to shed a layer of skin!" Although this is a joke, it also speaks to the potential risks of swimming in salt lakes.

The ignorant man went to the salt lake to swim without permission, and the staff had no choice but to speak: Come out and peel off the skin!

For this "brave" big brother, netizens are also talking.

The ignorant man went to the salt lake to swim without permission, and the staff had no choice but to speak: Come out and peel off the skin!
The ignorant man went to the salt lake to swim without permission, and the staff had no choice but to speak: Come out and peel off the skin!

Someone suggested that he start a live broadcast to show the changes in his body; Someone exclaimed, "Ignorance is really terrible!" "After all, the composition of salt lakes is far more complex than we think, and the chemicals in them can have unpredictable effects on the human body.

The ignorant man went to the salt lake to swim without permission, and the staff had no choice but to speak: Come out and peel off the skin!
The ignorant man went to the salt lake to swim without permission, and the staff had no choice but to speak: Come out and peel off the skin!
The ignorant man went to the salt lake to swim without permission, and the staff had no choice but to speak: Come out and peel off the skin!

Of course, there are also netizens who criticize this kind of disregard for the rules, believing that the more forbidden things are, the more some people want to try. But in any case, this "Salt Lake Swimming Challenge" has undoubtedly brought a lot of lessons to the parties involved, and once again reminds us: don't set foot in the unknown waters!

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