
Good guys, the finale of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World"! It's the most "outrageous" ending I've seen this year!

author:Snow tea chasing
Good guys, the finale of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World"! It's the most "outrageous" ending I've seen this year!

The climax of the story lies in the fierce fights, and the fate of the characters ups and downs. With the finale of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World: Iron Blood Pill Heart", we saw that the story of Huang Rong and Guo Jing came to an end, and their fate was finally settled. The ending of this heroic couple, although it is emotional, has not calmed the waves in our hearts.

Netizens commented: "The adaptation is too outrageous, in the original book, Yang Kang and Guo Jing guarded Xiangyang together, and finally were beaten to death by a disabled person, I heard that the disabled person only had one arm, and there was a big bird behind him......"

"This drama is really love-hate and adaptation, and the adaptation is so outrageous that it completely subverts the classics of the original book. Yang Kang and Guo Jing are heroes who guard Xiangyang in the original book, but they are portrayed as ill-fated tragic characters in the play. The plot of that disabled person beating them to death is simply incredible, how can you treat a classic character like this? ”

"Yang Kang is a copy of Xiao Feng in the real world, Xiao Feng is too great, so great that he doesn't look like a living person, and Yang Kang is more real."

Good guys, the finale of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World"! It's the most "outrageous" ending I've seen this year!

"The adaptation of this show is really a bit overdone. Yang Kang and Guo Jing in the original book are heroes, the last line of defense against Mongolia, and their ending should be glorious, but such a tragic ending is arranged for them in the play, which is completely inconsistent with the spirit of the original work. ”

"I think Yang Kang in the play is closer to reality, he has human weaknesses and confusion, which makes him more emotionally resonant. In contrast, although Xiao Feng in the original book is great, he is a little too mysterious and otherworldly. ”

"For the portrayal of Yang Kang, I think the crew may want to emphasize the complexity of human nature and the impermanence of fate through his tragic fate. Although it distorts the setting of the original book a little, it also makes people reflect more deeply on the inner world of the characters. ”

"The disabled character in the play, I think it may have been set up by the screenwriter to increase the drama of the plot. But such an adaptation made the audience question the plot, after all, the settings and characters in the original book have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. ”

"I have to say that although the adaptation in the play is controversial, it also has its own unique perspective and innovation. Yang Kang's tragic fate may be to highlight the tension of the plot and the complexity of the characters. ”

Good guys, the finale of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World"! It's the most "outrageous" ending I've seen this year!

In this drama, the story of Mu Nianci and Yang Kang has always been worrying. Mu Nianci, a woman who should have been happy, was destined to endure the cruel tricks of fate. From the innocence of her youth to the lonely woman who became a broken family, along the way, the ups and downs of fate are like a roller coaster. Every love tragedy makes the audience empathize, as if they can hear the sound of her heartbreak.

Yang Kang, the former golden little prince, from brocade clothes and jade food to the final desolation and despair, his life is like a ruthless drama, pushing him into the endless abyss. Under the identity of Wan Yankang, he lived a luxurious and hypocritical life, but he was never able to get rid of his inner troubles and struggles. Until he discovered his true life experience, the joke of fate made him have an epiphany, but it was too late. His life is like a thorn in his throat in the play, no matter how he struggles, he can't get rid of the arrangement of fate.

Good guys, the finale of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World"! It's the most "outrageous" ending I've seen this year!

At the moment when the plot came to an end, Mu Nianci finally learned of Yang Kang's death. Her once warm and firm heart was now cut by a cold blade, and each knife deeply pierced her soul. Her remorse and pain raged like a storm, and she couldn't accept Yang Kang's departure, let alone forgive herself for failing to save his fate. Her crying and helpless prayers among her friends made netizens empathize with her, triggering a profound discussion about love and fate.

On the Internet, people have expressed their regret and sympathy for the tragic couple of Mu Nianci and Yang Kang. Someone sighed: "Yang Kang's life is destined to be a tragedy." His love and the entanglement between his family eventually pushed him into endless darkness. Someone else commented: "Mu Nianci's love for Yang Kang is the most touching stroke in this plot." Her persistence and dedication were exchanged for the merciless mockery of fate. ”

Good guys, the finale of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World"! It's the most "outrageous" ending I've seen this year!

Some netizens also expressed their dissatisfaction with Huang Rong in the discussion: "Huang Rong is always suspicious of Yang Kang and never really gives him a chance, this kind of vigilant mentality may also be one of the reasons why the plot is becoming tragic." As for Yang Guo's appearance, netizens have a glimmer of hope: "Yang Guo, the child who was favored by fate, his growth will be the best compensation for his father, maybe he can carry the hope of the family." ”

The relationship between Huang Rong and Yang Kang is so complicated that it is difficult to understand. Her wariness of Yang Kang made this relationship full of misunderstanding and pain. Yang Kang's life is full of struggle and sorrow. In the scene before his death, even decent people in the rivers and lakes did not intercede for him, and even the perfect face Honglie who he once regarded as his own only sought a glimmer of life when he was dying. Huang Rong, should you stand in Mu Nianci's position and think about Yang Kang's last willingness to survive? Your indifference has become the deepest scar in his life.

Good guys, the finale of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World"! It's the most "outrageous" ending I've seen this year!

And the appearance of Yang Kang's son Yang Guo seems to inject a ray of hope into this heavy story. Yang Guo, the child's innocence and tenacity, seems to tell us that every setback in life will become the cornerstone of the future. Mu Nianci's teaching made Yang Guo a child with firm beliefs. When he turned back in the village, the firmness and smile in his eyes seemed to announce to the world that the Yang family would not be cut off because of the fall of a generation.

The show delves into the complexities of heroes and ordinary people. The fate of each character shows the multifaceted nature and deep inner struggles of human nature. The ending of Huang Rong and Guo Jing makes people feel a peaceful relief. They went through ups and downs and finally found peace and belonging in the passage of time.

Good guys, the finale of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World"! It's the most "outrageous" ending I've seen this year!

However, the tragedy of Yang Kang and Mu Nianci was like a heavy blow, which deeply pierced the hearts of the audience. Mu Nianci's fate is full of helplessness and pain, and her love and hate are intertwined, becoming the most touching color in the play. Yang Kang's journey from the little prince of Jin to the desolation and despair at the end, his life has been full of ups and downs, which makes people sigh for his tragic fate.

The appearance of Yang Guo has written a new chapter in this history. His growth symbolizes hope and a bright future, and foreshadows the inheritance and revival of the family. His appearance is not only a continuation of his father, but also a tribute and continuation of the heroic deeds of his predecessors. He will carry the expectations of the family and continue to write their own legendary story.

Good guys, the finale of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World"! It's the most "outrageous" ending I've seen this year!

Through the fate of the characters and the entanglement of emotions, this drama shows the audience the complexity and impermanence of life. Each character has their own ups and downs and pursuits, and their story is not only a drama, but also an attempt to explore human nature deeply. Their destinies are intertwined, and together they have written a touching martial arts legend.

In this story full of joys and sorrows, every character has left an indelible mark. Their joys and sorrows let us see the true meaning of life in tears, and also let us remember in our hearts that real heroes are not only the victors on the battlefield, but also the people who adhere to their beliefs in life.

Good guys, the finale of "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World"! It's the most "outrageous" ending I've seen this year!

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