
The girl fell off the list, and her mother's words touched thousands of netizens: There is no failure in life, and the pen is providential

author:The stars speak of emotion

From the failure of the college entrance examination to the starting point of life: never say die, you will eventually succeed


The college entrance examination is a crucial exam in life for every student who is about to enter the university. For many students, the announcement of the results of the college entrance examination often means a major choice and turning point in their lives. Some people may cry with joy because of their achievements, while others will feel sad and lost because of their name. Whether happy or sad, failing the college entrance examination does not mean the end of life, but a new starting point.

The girl fell off the list, and her mother's words touched thousands of netizens: There is no failure in life, and the pen is providential

1. Failing the college entrance examination is not the end of life

Failing the college entrance examination is not a fate that every student can escape. In this year's college entrance examination, there was a girl who cried on the spot because of the failure of her grades, but her mother did not blame her, but comforted and encouraged her with a positive attitude, telling her that the failure of the college entrance examination was just a small setback in her life, as long as she maintained the quality of not giving up and continued to work hard, there will be a successful day.

Whether it is the college entrance examination or life, everyone will face a variety of challenges and difficulties, and failing the college entrance examination is just one of them. On the road of life, we may feel lost and lost because of temporary helplessness, but as my mother said, failing the college entrance examination is not the end of life, but a new starting point. It is only in the midst of failures and setbacks that we can learn to grow and find a path that truly suits us.

Second, if you don't give up, you will succeed in the end

In real life, there are many successful people, and they all have touching and inspirational stories behind them. For example, Chen Huxiong, a successful business giant, used to be a student who failed the college entrance examination. In the face of the failure of the college entrance examination, he did not get discouraged and give up, but chose to continue to work hard, and finally successfully built his own business empire through his own entrepreneurial path.

The girl fell off the list, and her mother's words touched thousands of netizens: There is no failure in life, and the pen is providential

In addition to Chen Huxiong, there are many other people who may have felt hesitant and helpless because of the failure of the college entrance examination, but it is precisely because they have maintained the quality of never giving up that they have succeeded later. For example, Tang Xiaojun, Zhang Zhongchen, and Zhengzheng, etc., may not have gone to the university campus, but through their own efforts and persistence, they have achieved unexpected achievements.

Whether it is the college entrance examination or life, everyone has their own life trajectory, and on this trajectory, there may be some accidents and regrets, but this does not prevent us from chasing our dreams and finding the possibility of success. Some people may feel that after failing the college entrance examination, the future is at a loss, but as long as we maintain the quality of not giving up, believe in ourselves, and work hard, there will definitely be a successful day.

The girl fell off the list, and her mother's words touched thousands of netizens: There is no failure in life, and the pen is providential

3. Failure in the college entrance examination is the starting point of life

Failure in the college entrance examination is not a fate that every student can escape, but even in the face of the failure of the college entrance examination, we are not alone, because we have always been accompanied and supported by family and friends. They will give us the warmest encouragement and comfort when we are most lost, and help us to pick ourselves up again and continue to face life's challenges bravely.

Some people may think that after failing the college entrance examination, life seems to have lost its direction, but the failure of the college entrance examination is just a small setback in life, and the real life challenge has just begun. Whether we choose to go to work or improve ourselves through other means, we need to learn to persevere and grow in the face of setbacks and failures, because this is the most important ability.

On the road of life, we may feel lost and helpless because of temporary setbacks, but as long as we maintain the quality of never giving up, believe in ourselves, and face life bravely, no matter what difficulties and challenges we will encounter in the future, we will always move forward firmly until the moment of success.

The girl fell off the list, and her mother's words touched thousands of netizens: There is no failure in life, and the pen is providential


The college entrance examination is an important exam for every student, and whether it is happy or sad, the failure of the college entrance examination will not affect our expectations and expectations for the future. Because on the road of life, everyone has their own starting point, as long as we maintain the quality of never giving up, work hard, believe in ourselves, no matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, we will always persevere, until the moment of success. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

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