
Zhang Bochao: The importance of oral health

author:One point in midsummer

On June 30, 2024, I followed the flag reporter into the Nobaikal Dental Hospital.

Doctors talked about oral diseases such as tooth decay and periodontitis that seriously affect the physical health and quality of life of patients, and Nobaikal dental experts popularized oral health and oral disease protection knowledge for the banner reporters.

Zhang Bochao: The importance of oral health

Through the popularization of science by Nobaikal dental experts, we learned that we must not only pay attention to oral hygiene, but also pay attention to bad oral habits, and we must avoid the formation of bad habits such as biting the lower lip, biting the fingers, biting the pencil, etc. At the same time, I also learned that not liking to eat hard things is also one of the causes of tooth deformation, so oral health prevention starts from a young age.

Zhang Bochao: The importance of oral health

Nobaigal Dental Dental sent [Love Teeth Family Card] to the flag reporters

Zhang Bochao: The importance of oral health

I hope that all friends who see this report will pay attention to oral health prevention at this moment, and may Nobel Dental Hospital bring more gospel to patients with oral diseases, and may patients with oral diseases return to their original superior quality of life as soon as possible.

Editor in charge: Wu Di

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