
Yao Ting, a genius girl born in the 90s: Just after graduation, she was signed away by Huawei with an annual salary of 1.56 million, what is her ability?

author:Fashionable stars


What is it that allows a graduate who has just graduated from college to become a genius?

Although Yao Ting hasn't talked about that yet, she has become a member of the Huawei Genius Youth League.

This fairytale-like story seems to only appear in novels and movies, but it really appears in real life.

Could it be that Yao Ting really has such a great ability?

Some media clapped their hands and applauded, praising her as "China's version of Jobs".

And the Huawei Genius Youth League, which is already controversial, seems to be Yao Ting the only existence among them, and there are indeed some "differences".

So how powerful is Yao Ting?

Yao Ting, a genius girl born in the 90s: Just after graduation, she was signed away by Huawei with an annual salary of 1.56 million, what is her ability?

Ups and downs of childhood.

In 1980, a bittersweet love story was staged.

A driver in Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province, and a girl who lives in a neighbor's house are together, and a sad and joyful story occurs.

Although it is not his own person who is in love, he is still crowned with a "wonderful" title.

This driver is Yao Ting's father, and this shy and quiet girl is Yao Ting's mother.

Although the age difference between the two is seventeen years, they do not give up on each other for this reason, but appreciate each other.

Yao Ting, a genius girl born in the 90s: Just after graduation, she was signed away by Huawei with an annual salary of 1.56 million, what is her ability?

Eventually, the two came together with the support of their parents.

But the two people who grew up in a small place in the old society, just as they were about to enter the marriage hall, it seemed that God did not favor them, and Yao Ting's mother passed away unexpectedly.

My father was deeply guilty and was reluctant to move forward.

In order to keep her father from being overwhelmed by grief, she said, "I will study hard and repay my mother's expectations."

This has also become a great source of motivation for her life.

Since then, the father has also regained his strength, and for the sake of his daughter's future, he resolutely quit his job and started to run a bookstore, and his life is very busy and fulfilling.

Yao Ting, a genius girl born in the 90s: Just after graduation, she was signed away by Huawei with an annual salary of 1.56 million, what is her ability?

When she was a child, she didn't know how sexy and attractive her parents were.

In her last year of elementary school, in her class, there were two students who skipped class and skipped school, they were Yao Ting's father and her grandmother.

After such a long relationship, the two people became more and more affectionate with each other, and finally got married in 1979.

But this marriage did not have a strong love, but it did not fade with the passage of time, but became a stronger friendship.

Yao Ting, a genius girl born in the 90s: Just after graduation, she was signed away by Huawei with an annual salary of 1.56 million, what is her ability?

All this obscurity is accumulated because of the trivialities of life.

After the two got married, their lives were not rich, but very hard, and her grandmother even worked as a tutor volunteer outside.

During that very difficult period, her grandfather's salary was only seven yuan a month, and he worked the railroad in order to earn more money for his family.

My grandmother would go to school to sell eggs, and she would take some rotten eggs home and cook them herself.

Yao Ting, a genius girl born in the 90s: Just after graduation, she was signed away by Huawei with an annual salary of 1.56 million, what is her ability?

Her childhood is full of many bitter histories, even her father is a very "harsh" person, from the early theory lectures, later martial arts practice, and even her beloved bicycle was sold to buy books, all in order to train her to learn better.

Maybe she was too harsh, but it made her feel that studying was a very "tortured" thing, so she didn't want to study more and more.

So her father has become a kind of "deterrent" for her.

As soon as I got home every day, I had to do my homework, and I had to take the top few exams, otherwise I would be beaten.

Such a way of education, no matter how demanding the child is, she can't stand it, and she is very repulsed in her heart, only feeling that learning is drudgery, and every day is a huge pressure, and she is more and more unmotivated.

She gradually began to cross her father's control and step by step into the road of "rebellion".

Yao Ting, a genius girl born in the 90s: Just after graduation, she was signed away by Huawei with an annual salary of 1.56 million, what is her ability?

At the age of 13, she had just stepped out of the urn, and she was already deeply involved, and the school teacher asked her father about her learning, and also slapped her "dedicated" father, who did not "correct" her when his daughter was "rebellious" when she was talking about theory, and the two had a fierce quarrel, which eventually led her to run to her uncle's house to hide.

She didn't get along with her uncle for a long time, but her growth was so short and unfortunate, when she was in the second year of junior high school, her grandmother was lost, and her father found her grandmother on the way, crashed into a car, and unfortunately died.

Under countless sad Weibo, there is a tearful one, which can also witness her expectations for her relatives.

"Uncle, you have to take good care of your sister, otherwise she will be injured."

This Weibo has the highest number of likes, which increases the sympathy of many people for her father.

Yao Ting, a genius girl born in the 90s: Just after graduation, she was signed away by Huawei with an annual salary of 1.56 million, what is her ability?

The scumbag counterattacked and dominated the top class.

Her middle school years were her darkest and unhappiest years.

After the death of her loved ones twice, her initial reaction was to go to the cemetery to throw stones, and then she kept complaining to her biological father, and even her uncle's selfless help made her regret it, but she felt that she would live a more depressed life.

Her family slowly struggled to save her, and her teachers had great hopes for her.

Yao Ting, a genius girl born in the 90s: Just after graduation, she was signed away by Huawei with an annual salary of 1.56 million, what is her ability?

In the high school entrance examination, her grades were unexpectedly poor, although her father has always been very strict with her, but her learning attitude is not careful.

Even her father, when the results of the high school entrance examination came out, was very annoyed, and only felt that he must have done something wrong, why was he so careless?

But this time, instead of scolding, his father made his own decision to let her escape from her too repressed study and make her re-examine her attitude towards learning.

He sent her to her hometown, but instead of sending her to visit her grandfather's grave like everyone else, he sent her to a rural area, a seemingly ordinary and quiet place, which was also the place where she was most slack.

She walked a long way with her beloved headphones, unaware that the river had soaked her shoes.

It seemed like a long-lost relative's words, and she woke up from her dream, and it turned out that she was already soaked.

Slowly, she realized that her father had asked her to come here to think seriously, and if she didn't want to study, she would lose herself in the dark world like her grandmother.

At the age of 15, her former arrogance has drifted away with the wind, and her heart has changed a lot, and she has begun to understand that her father is not a "strict or not strict" issue, but she needs to be responsible.

Back at school, she is no longer the "Uncle Yao" she used to be, she will do her homework seriously.

This time, she achieved excellent results in the high school entrance examination and entered the top class of her alma mater, and finally ushered in the dawn of her studies.

She has a complex personality, she is serious in class, she doesn't like to communicate with others, after school, she will not find a quiet corner to study by herself, but will enjoy the time of self-appreciation alone, use her mobile phone to surf the Internet, or accumulate enough strength to turn on her "battlefield mode", so that the two contrasting personalities make her life full of fun.

Yao Ting, a genius girl born in the 90s: Just after graduation, she was signed away by Huawei with an annual salary of 1.56 million, what is her ability?

Her performance is not only reflected in her studies, but also in the final exam, which drew a perfect end to her first year of junior high school, and her exam score was already the first in the class, so her homeroom teacher gave her a separate copy of "Fame is greater than fate".

Because of her excellent grades, she also became the anchor of the morning reading radio, and every morning when she got up, her voice would sound on the school radio, and the sound was in her ears, and the students were studying hard.

As a result, she became a well-known character on campus in the whole school.

When she was about to graduate, her grades once again firmly maintained the first place in the class, and in the college entrance examination, her results once again proved her ability.

In the college entrance examination, she achieved excellent results, scored 38 points, and was successfully sent to South China Normal University for master's and doctoral studies.

The road to counterattack is full of resistance, and as expected, Huawei is favored.

She has always excelled in her studies, but she has not stopped in her studies, and she has also participated in many competitions, such as mathematical modeling, and she won the first prize in the league for three consecutive years.

In 2016, she won the first prize of the National Collegiate Challenge Cup.

And between 2016 and 2018, she also took the "National Computer Graduate School Entrance Examination" and won the first place in the school for three consecutive years.

In 2018, after her master's degree was over, she did not stop and chose to continue her doctoral studies.

But as time went on, and as the difficulty increased, so did she.

Her online science major is a subject with relatively few students, and they still have a lot of courses to listen to, and it is not enough to rely on the "National Chinese Surgery" materials on the computer to study.

Yao Ting, a genius girl born in the 90s: Just after graduation, she was signed away by Huawei with an annual salary of 1.56 million, what is her ability?

She could only rely on a hard-to-find textbook, and the courses were extremely long, and many times, she had to learn everything she didn't understand all over again, and her study was very difficult.

Because the content of the study is too depressing, the time flies, and the severe study inevitably makes her a little overwhelmed.

Her younger siblings are the same, with their own efforts, they won scholarships, but she has never had the opportunity, probably because of this, she has made further efforts.

In 2019, she participated in Huawei's campus recruitment, in fact, before the recruitment, countless people already knew that she did not get a scholarship, and persuaded her to take the exams of some state agencies, so that her results would be much better.

But she still firmly chose Huawei, she thinks that if she chooses Huawei, she will grow up faster.

When everyone was out of reach, she won the offer of the D1 layer in one fell swoop, and her annual salary was as high as 1.56 million, like a stunning blooming flower, which attracted the applause and attention of countless people.


Yao Ting's growth path is more like a movie, staged "The Story of Youth", and her experience is worth savoring and learning from.

A person's life is not destined from birth, and learning is not smooth sailing, but she uses her extraordinary life to write one "legend" after another, the future, come on!