
What kind of existence is the Chinese Armed Police Force? Why was this unit formed?

author:Brilliant 0707


With the development of the country, the lineup of the armed police force has gradually grown, and the armed police force has also undertaken heavier and heavier work.

What kind of existence is the Chinese Armed Police Force? Why was this unit formed?

But because of this, some people have a prejudice against the armed police force that "the police are stronger than the soldiers", and the appearance of this sentence is actually because the armed police force and the army have different positions, and today we will take a look at the difference between the two.

The difference between the armed police and the army.

There are many differences between the armed police force and the army, and as we mentioned earlier, the armed police force is mainly responsible for maintaining social order and defending the country, so the training of the armed police force will be closer to the actual combat aspect, so the equipment and weapons of the armed police force will also be more suitable for maintaining social order.

What kind of existence is the Chinese Armed Police Force? Why was this unit formed?

However, when maintaining public order, the armed police force must follow the principle of "the people are happy" and must not arbitrarily harm civilians.

As a result, in many cases, the armed police force may not be able to adopt the most effective methods when working, so some people will have in their minds that "the police are stronger than the soldiers" and value "efficiency".

What kind of existence is the Chinese Armed Police Force? Why was this unit formed?

However, this is actually a misunderstanding, after all, the positions and functions of the armed police force and the armed police force are different, so we should not compare the work of the two aspects, but should give them the respect they really deserve in their actual work.

The armed police force is a special armed force on the mainland, as the name suggests, the armed police, generally speaking, the armed police are the "backbone" jointly formed by the public security and the army.

What kind of existence is the Chinese Armed Police Force? Why was this unit formed?

The armed police have their own independent command system, and they have their own set of standards and ranks for the formation of the armed police and their weaponry.

The establishment of the armed police force is also scientifically arranged in accordance with the national conditions of the mainland, and if we really want to make a comparison, there may only be differences at the customary level between the armed police force and the armed forces.

In the early days of its establishment, the armed police force was indeed designed to deal with various emergencies at home and abroad, but on the road of development of the whole country, the armed police force also undertook more and more heavy tasks, and many armed police officers have also made great contributions to the country.

What kind of existence is the Chinese Armed Police Force? Why was this unit formed?

It is precisely because of the particularity of the armed police force that it has also injected a more and more responsible sense of mission into the armed police, and the comrades of the armed police are also meticulous and rigorous in their daily training.

A unit known as the "Armed Police".

Before 2013, the armed police were originally adapted from the army.

The People's Armed Police Force is also known as the "Armed Police Force".

The earliest establishment of the Armed Police Force was in 1982, and the earliest establishment of the Armed Police Force was also in 1983.

What kind of existence is the Chinese Armed Police Force? Why was this unit formed?

The mainland's first "Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Armed Police Force" came into effect in 1983, which clearly stipulates the organization and management of the armed police force.

The armed police force now has about 700,000 people, and it can be said that the scale of the armed police force is very large.

The armed police force is under the command of the Central Military Commission and is managed in accordance with the army's management model.

At the same time, the armed police force should also refer to the laws and regulations of the armed forces when fighting, and this is also the similarity between the armed police force and the armed forces.

What kind of existence is the Chinese Armed Police Force? Why was this unit formed?

The Ministry of Public Security manages the day-to-day management of the armed police force.

The reason for the establishment of the armed police.

Although the armed police force is very well equipped with weapons, they have not started a single war, and they have not even ignited a single flame.

What is the real reason for the establishment of the armed police force on the mainland?

As a matter of fact, the armed police force and the armed forces are different wars, and they are also the same wars, but the tasks carried out by the armed police force are some kind of special wars, and we call them "non-war military operations."

What kind of existence is the Chinese Armed Police Force? Why was this unit formed?

The armed police force's war we call it "encirclement, suppression, crackdown, control, guarding, search and arrest operations," and "maintaining public order and cracking down on violent crimes."

The armed police force is fighting in peacetime, and the armed police force will never allow a soldier to be left behind in combat, nor will a soldier be left behind; this kind of war was established by the mainland government in order to shake off anarchy and ensure the safety of the people's lives and property.

What kind of existence is the Chinese Armed Police Force? Why was this unit formed?

The armed police force maintains social order in the country, and it is also a very great contribution to the country, just like the firefighters, they do not have earth-shattering feats, and you will not feel how safe our lives are because of their sense of existence, but it is really because of the troops of the armed police force that our lives will become safer and safer.

They're the ones who don't let you know they exist.

The tasks of the Armed Police Force.

The war of the armed police has always been a non-war war, and it is also a war of wisdom.

The war of the armed police force can be said to be carried out anytime and anywhere, as long as violent crimes are cracked down.

The public security organs arrest criminal suspects, while the armed police force is responsible for martial law and ensure the normal opening of the court.

What kind of existence is the Chinese Armed Police Force? Why was this unit formed?

Most of the armed patrols carried out by the armed police force are in the field of special suspects or foreign-related stability maintenance.

In the process of arresting criminal suspects, foreign-related crises are often involved, and at this time, the professional ability of the armed police force will be tested to a certain extent, and it is very important to maintain a communication channel with the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The armed police force maintains public order in the country, and the armed police force is also known as the armed police force, and the armed police force conducts armed patrols, and the task of carrying out armed patrols is mainly in some old and difficult places, and the main duty of the armed police force is to safeguard the security of the country and provide a guarantee for the production and life of the people.

What kind of existence is the Chinese Armed Police Force? Why was this unit formed?

When carrying out armed patrols, the armed police force must also ensure the safety of police activities.

At the same time, the People's Armed Police Force should also cooperate with the public security organs to provide security services for places of special importance or important international conferences.

The People's Armed Police Force is mainly responsible for maintaining public order.

The Armed Police Force also has an important task, that is, to deal with emergencies and extraordinarily serious security incidents, and the Armed Police Force also needs to carry the latest weapons and equipment and be on standby anytime and anywhere.

The PAPF also has the task of combating violent crime, and the PAPF can also use its expertise to bring criminal suspects to justice on the road.

The armed police force also has the task of guarding some specific dangerous areas, and the armed police force needs to be guarded.

What kind of existence is the Chinese Armed Police Force? Why was this unit formed?

The Armed Police Force also has the task of controlling, and for some riots, the Armed Police Force is responsible for maintaining order and controlling the incidents of riots to a minimum.

An important task of the armed police force is to search for and arrest the border means of slipping.


The purpose of establishing the armed police force on the mainland is to develop the police force in the direction of "militaryization" and to cultivate a unit with military characteristics in the police force.

To ensure the security and stability of the country, every armed police soldier is actively completing his own tasks and has made incomparable contributions to the country's development and progress.

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