
Babies are tired and will sleep on their own? Don't hurt your baby's brain, stop being stupid

author:Xinyan Ma Ma parenting

Hello everyone~ I'm Xinyan Mama

Yesterday, mothers in the group were discussing a problem: the problem of babies crying before going to bed.

Some mothers said that it was a disturbing sleep.

Some people say that they are tired of crying and sleeping on their own.

Maybe many mothers still don't do enough homework for sleep, and this point still needs special attention. When a baby is tired, it will not sleep on its own, but it will hurt the baby's brain.

Crying tired, will only make the baby fall into the brain hypoxia, this point should be paid special attention to, otherwise the baby will suffer.

At the age of two months, the phenomenon of sleepiness is also very common, most of which are caused by the difficulty of falling asleep, and mothers need to understand.

Babies are tired and will sleep on their own? Don't hurt your baby's brain, stop being stupid

The small month-old baby's sense of autonomy is insufficient, and at this time it does not have the ability to fall asleep independently, so it needs to be comforted by the mother to create a sense of security for the baby, and the baby will fall asleep.

If it is not in place, it is likely to make it difficult for the baby to fall asleep, and finally there will be a disturbance in sleep, which mothers should pay special attention to, otherwise it is easy to suffer.

Excessive crying of the baby will also lead to increased intracranial pressure.

Moreover, excessive crying of the baby will also inhale air and flatulence.

Therefore, the situation of disturbance needs to be prevented, and mothers should pay attention to these points and don't take it seriously.

Babies are tired and will sleep on their own? Don't hurt your baby's brain, stop being stupid


Sleep tips

Falling asleep is also a skill that every mother must master.

Otherwise, the quality of the baby's sleep will be affected, and the happiness index of mothers will be low.

Nowadays, many mothers are either asleep or on the way to sleep every day. It is difficult for the mother to fall asleep, and the baby wakes up frequently.

Of course, there are also many mothers who are ineffective in coaxing sleep, and do not use the right method.

Mothers should pay attention to the baby's sleeping habits and cultivate a sense of security, so as to successfully comfort the baby to sleep, which mothers should not neglect.

Babies are tired and will sleep on their own? Don't hurt your baby's brain, stop being stupid


Develop a sense of security

In the process of growth, the baby develops rapidly, and the natural sense of security should also be valued by us.

The baby's sense of security also comes from the environment and the accompanying person.

Therefore, the person who sleeps should be fixed and cannot be replaced at will.

In addition, after the baby gets used to this environment, mothers should not change the environment for the baby at will to avoid affecting the baby, which should be noted.


Sleep Signals

When the baby is sleeping, you should also pay attention to the baby's sleep signals, which should be paid special attention to, otherwise it is easy to suffer.

When the baby needs to sleep, the body will also send signals, such as the baby rubbing his eyes, playing ha, shaking his head and rubbing his body, which is a signal for the baby's sleep, and mothers should not be negligent.

When the sleep signal appears, it is also very important to comfort the baby to sleep in time, and mothers should not be negligent.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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