
0-3 months, the 3 ways that babies like to sleep, mothers don't be negligent, they are very effective

author:Xinyan Ma Ma parenting

Hello everyone~ I'm Xinyan Mama

Baby sleeping, do you really understand?

Sleeping is also a compulsory course for every mother, and mothers may not realize the importance of sleeping in the first month.

Because in the first month, the baby spends most of the time in sleep in addition to eating and sleeping, and the baby's demand for sleep is relatively high, so mothers will not have the need to sleep.

However, if you don't do your homework well in the first month, most of them will suffer when they enter the second month.

After entering February, except for February, it is to sleep and become a hot topic.

What I heard and saw was that many mothers were on the way to sleep and sleep when they entered the age of two months, and the baby had difficulty falling asleep and often slept in the morning.

0-3 months, the 3 ways that babies like to sleep, mothers don't be negligent, they are very effective

Therefore, mothers should master the method of coaxing sleep, otherwise most of them will suffer.

After all, sleep has a great impact on the baby, and if there is no success in coaxing the baby to fall asleep, it is likely that the baby will fail to fall asleep, and it will be difficult to fall asleep, but it will cause the baby to have a disturbance.

When the baby sleeps, it will also enter the situation of dissatisfaction and crying, which has a great impact on the baby, and mothers should not be negligent.

Frequent disturbances in babies will also cause increased intracranial pressure in the baby and hypoxia in the brain.

In addition, excessive crying of babies will also inhale a lot of air, causing the baby to have intestinal flatulence, which should be paid special attention to.

0-3 months, the 3 ways that babies like to sleep, mothers don't be negligent, they are very effective

Sleep is very important for both the baby and the mother.

If the baby has a good sleep, it will naturally be of great help to the baby's growth and development.

After all, the baby's development speed in infancy and early childhood is very fast, and the baby's growth hormone secretion in the body is vigorous when sleeping, which is conducive to the baby's growth and development.

If the baby does not have a good sleep, not only is it easy to affect the body's metabolism, but the mothers are also very hard, and they are on the way to sleep every day, which should be paid attention to.

According to the survey, 0-3 months, these 3 ways to sleep are what babies like, and mothers hide quickly.


Emulate the intrauterine environment

During intrauterine pregnancy, the baby is almost always on his stomach.

Then, you can also let the baby fall asleep on his stomach when he is sleeping.

Lying on the stomach can not only improve the baby's sense of security, imitate a posture in the womb, but also relieve the burden of the baby's intestines and facilitate intestinal peristalsis.

Sleeping on the stomach can also bring a sense of security to the baby and improve the efficiency of the baby's sleep, which is also very good.

However, the baby's cardiopulmonary function is very fragile and cannot lie on his stomach for a long time to avoid affecting the cardiopulmonary blood supply, which should be paid special attention to.

0-3 months, the 3 ways that babies like to sleep, mothers don't be negligent, they are very effective


Cuddle sleep

Sleeping is also a way for babies to fall asleep.

When holding the baby, you can make physical contact with the mother, and you can also hear the mother's heartbeat and breathing, and you can also get a great sense of security.

With enough security, the baby will fall asleep efficiently.

On the contrary, many mothers will say that they will wake up as soon as they put it down, but in fact, this is also related to the baby's lack of security.

After the baby is held and coaxed to sleep, the bed needs to be given a sense of security, and the body should be close to the baby when put down, and do not leave after putting it down, you should sleep with the baby, so that the baby sleeps next to us.

0-3 months, the 3 ways that babies like to sleep, mothers don't be negligent, they are very effective


White noise falls asleep

White noise is also a good way to lull you to sleep.

There are many mothers who lull their babies to sleep by playing the sound of amniotic fluid, which is also good.

After all, the baby is pregnant in October, and it is accompanied by amniotic fluid, so by playing such a sound to sleep, it is also helpful to improve the efficiency of sleeping, which should be paid special attention to, don't be negligent.

In the newborn period, the baby prefers several ways to sleep, which can effectively improve the sense of security and help the baby fall asleep faster.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]