
The 180,000-ton giant ship was fully loaded towards Israel, and suddenly an unmanned self-explosive boat exploded, and the bottom of the ship was blown through

author:Smart pineapple 6


A merchant ship named the Rafael, laden with cargo, was heading for an Israeli port, but an unmanned self-explosive boat attacked the bottom of the merchant ship, causing the ship's warehouse to be blown through.

The merchant ship was instantly plunged to the bottom of the sea, and all the crew members and cargo loaded on board were killed.

What a terrible loss, not just by a merchant ship, but by those who were killed.

The sinking of the merchant ship came after the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli war, when a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier of the United States was blown up, and the American fleet suffered a serious blow.

This battle line, which is tense all the time, can make this aircraft carrier not immune, and it must be extraordinary.

Causes of unrest in the Middle East.

This was the first mission that a US warship had independently completed in the Middle East, and despite the opposition of many people, the United States still chose to act alone.

As one of the hegemons in the world, the United States does not know how many countries have aroused the fear of the United States, and there are already many wars and turmoil in the Middle East, and if the United States intervenes one more finger, the Middle East region is destined to be thrown upside down.

In order to ensure the safety of the United States, the United States has also organized a group of countries with powerful fleets, and the fleets of these countries will move forward with the US fleet to block all forces that may threaten the security of the United States.

However, the independent operation of the American fleet ended in failure, and the aircraft carrier, which had been hidden until now, was finally partially revealed.

The 180,000-ton giant ship was fully loaded towards Israel, and suddenly an unmanned self-explosive boat exploded, and the bottom of the ship was blown through

With the appearance of these aircraft carriers one after another, various countries have learned that the United States is actually a "thin dog," and the forces in the Middle East have joined forces to launch strikes against the United States, forming a united front against the United States.

This front is led by Iranian militant groups and a coalition of Muslim countries.

In the face of the single-handed provocation of the United States, Iran directly dispatched missile destroyers equivalent to the US aircraft carriers in an attempt to sink the US aircraft carriers.

At this time, Iran is already standing on the cusp of the entire Middle East region, and it has long known that the tiger has been bitten by flies, and although it dares to provoke the United States, it also knows how to advance and retreat.

The 180,000-ton giant ship was fully loaded towards Israel, and suddenly an unmanned self-explosive boat exploded, and the bottom of the ship was blown through

It dares to use missile destroyers to launch an attack on the US aircraft carrier fleet, but it does not dare to carry out continuous strikes against the US aircraft carrier fleet, so that the United States will certainly usher in its powerful main fleet.

Other countries in the Middle East are all enemies of Iran, and the United States is strong enough to suppress Iran, but there are also Houthis who dare to take the lead, and it is not afraid of the United States at all.

It is already in a state of hostility with Israel, and the United States is rushing to help it without stopping.

The 180,000-ton giant ship was fully loaded towards Israel, and suddenly an unmanned self-explosive boat exploded, and the bottom of the ship was blown through

The U.S. aircraft carrier fleet met it and participated in the fight against the U.S. aircraft carrier, and it was also its will to oppose Israel, so it organized a fleet in the rear to launch a strike against Israel.

Israel's maritime trade was paralyzed at once, and the countless cargo ships that had been bound for Israel were about to sail to Israel's ports with fear, and the goods on board were already in danger of being lost.

Unmanned self-explosive boats frequently attacked.

In this case, the Houthis who oppose Israel also saw the opportunity, and some of them sent their own fleets to intercept the cargo ships bound for Israel, but the fleet was severely damaged, and some of the "warriors" even lost their lives.

At this time, everyone else understood, thinking that the fleet sent would not work, and some people boldly demanded that unmanned self-explosive boats be launched to strike at cargo ships.

Unmanned self-explosive ships have one of the biggest advantages, that is, they are not afraid of death, and exchange their lives for threats to the enemy, a ship tows an unmanned self-explosive boat and a ship doctor, as long as the ship's doctor is safe, the unmanned self-explosive boat can continue to strike at the enemy.

There are also some people who choose to directly tow this unmanned self-explosive boat, and when they are dying, they suddenly understand that the guidance system of this unmanned self-explosive boat is not the one in their hands at all, so they struggle, but it is too late.

The 180,000-ton giant ship was fully loaded towards Israel, and suddenly an unmanned self-explosive boat exploded, and the bottom of the ship was blown through

and the Houthis' trial of unmanned self-explosive boats soon after, and the results were so good that both Israel and the United States were terrified.

First of all, a cargo ship bound for Israel, they have no protection at all, and the degree of protection of cargo ships is quite low, and a small unmanned self-explosive boat does not pose any threat at all, let alone they are still so arrogant.

The 180,000-ton giant ship was fully loaded towards Israel, and suddenly an unmanned self-explosive boat exploded, and the bottom of the ship was blown through

So a merchant ship was led by the nose for a while, and as a result, it was directly blown up and sunk, which caused Israel to be alarmed.

But this time, the results were not bad, enough to make Israel feel the slightest threat.

But this is far from enough, the primary target of the Houthis is the United States, they are not afraid of the United States like Israel, only when they subdue the United States, there are no forces in the world that pose a threat to them, and then they can be regarded as subdued.

The technology of unmanned self-detonating boats is relatively mature, and it is a big deal that one of them is broken, and there is a backup, and the new ones are recreated, and these unmanned self-detonating boats are not valuable, and they will not delay production.

When the number of UUD boats is sufficient, the Houthis intend to expand the scope of their attacks, and these UEG boats will target mid-route freighters to find their way through the attack, while also inflicting heavy damage on Israeli shipping.

Defeat the first American missile.

The base camp of this operation is not the Middle East, but the entire Mediterranean, where Israel's last shot is halfway, and the United States' last shot is the aircraft carrier that was rebuilt in an emergency, and the freighter, which should have been safe and sound, has become a strategic target for the Houthis.

The United States is the leader of the trade routes, and the Houthi attack on Israeli freighters hit the United States at the vital point, so they are helping Israel here and helping themselves here, killing two birds with one stone.

Of course, this plan is also very risky, once it is exposed, a large number of fleets from various countries will come, and the Houthis will lose their own strength, after all, they are not a big country, and they cannot resist the revenge of a large number of countries.

The 180,000-ton giant ship was fully loaded towards Israel, and suddenly an unmanned self-explosive boat exploded, and the bottom of the ship was blown through

This was supposed to be a risky plan, but the Houthis led the way in attacking one by one, which is why Israel and the United States did not react until later.

The Houthis had already realized that their plans had lost their mystery at the time of the second missile launch, and would use Soviet tactics from World War II to plan their trajectory and conceal their destination.

The Houthis don't know if their calculations failed, or if the Israeli and American fleets really believed in this mystery and no longer took the initiative to hold the route, but to find hidden aircraft carriers.

As a result, the Houthis bombed a sea area with six missiles, and both the United States and Israel were shocked, and this was not a Houthi plane, nor an underwater warship of the Houthis, and their purpose was not very clear, and the United States and Israel were puzzled.

In the end, it was a far-sighted general who came up with a new conjecture that since it was a ballistic trajectory, it was a missile, and since it was a missile, it was a Houthi plane or the fleet commander himself, but neither was likely.

So the truth about the six launch sources of these six missiles emerged one by one, and they could not prevent the next launch of these missiles, and they all said that they would change places with one shot, but this place was the ships of the United States and Israel.


While Iran is armed to challenge the United States, it also affects the hearts of other countries in the Middle East, and the situation of the United States and Israel in the Middle East is full of risks.

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