
Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

author:Xu Zai said entertainment

Since Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei were together, Wang Xiaofei basically put all the connections between herself and Big S into the hands of the lawyer, and devoted herself to accompanying her wife and engaging in her own career, the purpose of which was to be able to get together with her two children in Beijing during the summer vacation.

As a result, the summer vacation finally arrived, but Da S suddenly changed his mind and did not allow the two children to return to Beijing, in desperation, Wang Xiaofei could only take the two children abroad for vacation, but compared to Wang Xijiu's liveliness, her sister Xiao Yue'er's state was not very good, especially when facing the camera, she always felt that Xiao Yue'er was in a bad mood and kept hiding her thoughts.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

So why is Big S reluctant to let the two children go back to Beijing? Why is Xiao Yue'er's mood unhappy?

Big S temporarily changed his hexagram, and the two children returned to Beijing in a distant future

We all know that Wang Xiaofei was ready, at the beginning of July, to pick up the two children back to Beijing, Zhang Lan prepared the house in Beijing early in the morning, ready to wait for the two children to go home, but when Wang Xiaofei was having a birthday party, Big S suddenly came with the news that the two children were not allowed to go to Beijing.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

For the sudden change of hexagram of Big S, Wang Xiaofei was caught off guard, and as soon as possible, he took Ma Xiaomei to Taipei, wanting to negotiate with Wang Xiaofei, but Big S's attitude was very resolute and still did not let go, and in desperation, Wang Xiaofei could only take a pair of children to Okinawa to play.

Regarding Big S's sudden change of hexagram, not many people know what Big S means, perhaps because he thinks that Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant in South Korea has enough income, and he doesn't have to care about Wang Xiaofei asking for money anymore, or because Wang Xiaofei ignored himself during this time and only let the lawyer handle the affairs of the two people, he felt dissatisfied and waited for an opportunity to retaliate.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

But in any case, this time Da S's behavior not only hurt Wang Xiaofei alone, but even the two children were affected, especially Xiao Yue'er, who was in a bad mood during the whole trip, which made many people worry about Xiao Yue'er's state.

Xiao Yue'er who is in a bad mood

Compared with Wang Xiaofei, although she didn't see the two children in Beijing, Zhang Lan was still very happy to see the two children in Okinawa this time, holding the hands of the two children and taking the two of them to the beach to play.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

Compared with Wang Xijiu's happiness, Xiao Yue'er looked very depressed, which made many people start to wonder what Xiao Yue'er had experienced at home, you must know that in order to make the two children have fun this time, Wang Xiaofei specially found a very luxurious hotel for the children to play, and even set up her own time to accompany the children.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

But even so, Xiao Yue'er is still in a very bad mood, often standing alone in a daze, and her face is not at all as cheerful and optimistic as she should be at her age. This also made many netizens start to worry about Xiao Yue'er's psychological state, and it was at this time that many people found some abnormalities.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

Xiao Yue'er's recent situation is worrying

In fact, many people have seen one thing, that is, Xiao Yue'er's dress is still a little too mature, especially Xiao Yue'er's hair, it seems that it has not been cut for a long time, the hair is very long, Xiao Yue'er's clothes are also very simple, and it doesn't look like a new one, it should be a little out of shape for a while.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

This makes many people wonder where Big S's money is spent, after all, although Wang Xiaofei's money to Big S every month has dropped from millions to hundreds of thousands, but there must always be money to give the child a head or buy a new dress, if you can open a DJ show for Gu Junye, can't you buy a good-looking dress for the child?

Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

After all, as a person who loves beauty very much, Da S also posted a video not long ago to share his makeup, but Xiao Yueer's recent situation has made Da S receive a lot of accusations, you must know that this is not the first time that Da S has been exposed to not caring about Xiao Yueer, and the nanny who was in charge of taking care of the two children before said that Xiao Yueer's underwear was bought by herself, and Da S didn't care at all.

In fact, in addition to these things, Xiao Yue'er's psychological state is the focus of most people's attention, after all, Xiao Yue'er did show some depression this time, in fact, this is understandable, Wang Xijiu can play with Zhang Lan carefree when facing Zhang Lan, because Wang Xijiu is still young, and he has just started elementary school this year.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

But Xiao Yue'er is 10 years old, and she is already at the age when she is beginning to be sensible, so now Xiao Yue'er has a clear understanding of what the problems her parents are facing, so the behavior of the two people has actually begun to affect the child's personality in a certain aspect.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

Take the incident where Wang Xiaofei forcibly broke into Da S's apartment before, it is said that it was after Xiao Yue'er called, that Wang Xiaofei stopped her anger and decided to amplify S, but in fact, this matter actually hurt Xiao Yue'er a lot, after all, the matter of two adults really shouldn't involve a 10-year-old child.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

The second is the matter of Xiao Yue'er asking for a house, in fact, Xiao Yue'er must think very simply, that is, as long as she has a house in Beijing, she can go to Beijing to live with Wang Xiaofei, so that Wang Xiaofei will not quarrel with Big S because of herself and her younger brother, but Xiao Yue'er doesn't know that the world of adults is far more difficult to understand than that of children.

The role of Big S asking her to ask for a house is not simple, so Zhang Lan said that she would meet Xiao Yue'er's request and buy a house for Xiao Yue'er, but the premise is that the house must be written in her own name, the reason why she says this is because Zhang Lan just wants to buy a house for Xiao Yue'er, but she can't hand over the house to Xiao Yue'er too early to avoid any accidents.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

But Xiao Yue'er didn't understand this, but she knew that Zhang Lan promised to buy a house by herself, and she could come to Beijing to live often, but what she didn't expect was that in the end, she still couldn't go back to Beijing with her father.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

She knew what her father wanted, so when she met Ma Xiaomei, Xiao Yue'er was very close to her, just to make her father happy, which shows that Xiao Yue'er is a very sensible child.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to Okinawa, Xiao Yue'er's hair looked like a big S, and Wang Xijiu's live broadcast was very sticky to Zhang Lan

It's just that the influence of the family is still very big for Xiao Yue'er, which happens to be what Wang Xiaofei is most worried about, but now Wang Xiaofei is also powerless, unless one day Da S can think about it, otherwise everything will be in vain.

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