
The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, and Indian netizens are not compared with China, and India is not worthy

author:Festive starry sky

Text丨Festive starry sky

Editor丨Festive starry sky


In the era of fast eyes, speed is becoming more and more a luxury, and the mode of transportation is no longer a simple means of transportation, but a dual challenge of time and space.

As a country with a large population, China's transportation construction has always attracted much attention, whether it is roads, railways or waterways, China has world-renowned transportation projects, but also has made great contributions to the development of the world's transportation industry.

The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, and Indian netizens are not compared with China, and India is not worthy

Now another bridge, known as the "Project of the Century", has officially opened to traffic, and it has once again put China in the spotlight of the world. Behind China, we have also seen a lot of "sour grapes" countries, and they can't help but give a thumbs up in front of the news of China's transportation construction.

1. The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor makes the traffic more convenient

With the development of cities, traffic problems have been plaguing us, whether in large cities or small counties, the growing number of vehicles has made the originally spacious roads become congested, and traffic congestion has become a common scenery in people's lives.

In order to solve this problem, local governments have also begun to take action to break through road bottlenecks by reforming transportation modes, so that people can travel more conveniently, and the construction of transportation infrastructure has become a vital part of this.

The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, and Indian netizens are not compared with China, and India is not worthy

Among these transportation infrastructures, the construction of the bridge has undoubtedly brought the most direct changes to people's lives, which can not only effectively alleviate traffic congestion, but also effectively improve the transportation efficiency of the city, and can also make the communication between cities more convenient, bringing new impetus to economic development.

The construction of the Shenzhong Passage is a typical example of this, as a sea-crossing bridge, it is not only unique in the appearance design, but also in the construction materials and technology, and the design of the undersea tunnel is praised by the world.

The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, and Indian netizens are not compared with China, and India is not worthy
With the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, it originally took more than two hours to travel, but now it only takes half an hour, so the obvious shortening of time is undoubtedly of great help to the development of the city and the lives of residents.

In addition, the construction of the deep-middle channel also has a positive role in promoting the protection of the ecological environment, through the design of going deep into the seabed, not only can avoid large areas of tidal flats, but also better protect marine life.

At the same time, the construction of the Shenzhong Passage also provides people with a new tour experience, through the transparent tunnel glass, to see the living conditions of marine life up close.

Second, China's transportation construction has once again become the focus of the world

There is a good saying, "let others can't do things, leave it to the Chinese", China's transportation construction has always attracted the attention of the world, whether it is high-speed rail, highways or bridges, Chinese can make more innovations and breakthroughs on the original basis, so that the world is amazed.

In the process of building the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the Chinese once again showed their wisdom and courage, they were not afraid of difficulties, overcame one difficulty after another, and finally successfully completed this "project of the century".

The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, and Indian netizens are not compared with China, and India is not worthy

At the construction site of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, we can see construction experts from all over the world, who are full of praise for China's construction technology and have expressed their desire to learn from the Chinese.

At the moment of its opening, the entire Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor has become the focus of the world, and tourists from all over the world have come to visit, they are amazed by the speed of China's construction, and they are also impressed by China's wisdom and courage.

The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, and Indian netizens are not compared with China, and India is not worthy

In their eyes, the originally extremely vast land has been "shrunk" little by little by the Chinese, and only when they come to China can they truly appreciate what is called "world-class infrastructure".

When Chinese construction vehicles pass by their country, they even have to sneak around, hoping that they can also touch the "light of China".

Third, India's bridges frequently have problems, netizens: India is not worthy of being compared with China

China's transportation construction has always attracted the attention of all countries, they are full of curiosity about China's technology and speed, and they are also full of admiration for China's achievements, and all this in China is inseparable from the support and help of other countries.

However, in the face of China's "strength", there are also some countries that have begun to have a "sour grapes" mood, and after they see China's traffic engineering, they can't help but begin to feel inferior, and they also begin to black China, among which India is a typical representative.

The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, and Indian netizens are not compared with China, and India is not worthy

When the news of the opening of China's bridges spread, India's bridges frequently had problems, some bridges were washed away by floods, and some bridges collapsed because of quality problems, which caused a great threat to people's lives and property safety.

In the face of these frequent bridges, Indians have also begun to realize their own weakness, they have begun to regret that they did not manage the country's rivers well, and they have also begun to "ask" from China for experience in building bridges.

The Shenzhong Bridge suddenly exploded in India, and Indian netizens are not compared with China, and India is not worthy

In the eyes of Indian netizens, China's traffic engineering is already unbeatable, they are full of praise for China's bridges, and they are beginning to realize why China's traffic engineering can have such achievements.

They have said that China's traffic engineering can always bring surprises to people and always surpass themselves, while their country's traffic engineering always brings accidents and troubles to people, and they began to learn from China and began to envy China's achievements.

Some Indian netizens even lamented, "China's traffic engineering is like a textbook, and we in India are not qualified to read this textbook." ”


Although transportation construction is only a part of social development, it can invisibly affect everyone and become an important embodiment of the country's soft power.

Through China's transportation construction, we can see China's wisdom and courage, but also can see China's tolerance and openness, and China's achievements are inseparable from the support and help of other countries, I hope that in the near future, more countries can move forward side by side with China, and jointly make more contributions to the development of the world's transportation industry.

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