
It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

author:Sanqi tea party

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Editor: Sanqi Tea Party

Dream of Red Mansions: The Golden and Jade Romance sparked heated discussions

The summer season of 2024 should be a lively season, and the audience is looking forward to the release of big movies such as "Catching a Doll", "Legend", and "Under the Inhuman". Unexpectedly, a highly anticipated movie "Dream of Red Mansions: The Golden and Jade Relationship" has been caught in the whirlpool of public opinion before its release. This film, directed by Hu Mei and starring Guan Xiaotong, has caused widespread bad reviews and controversy due to many problems in its production and publicity. What's going on here?

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

The distortion of Grandma Liu's image

In the eyes of the audience, Grandma Liu is a key poor character in "Dream of Red Mansions", and her image should be full of hardships and truths in life. Grandma Liu in "Dream of Red Mansions: Golden Jade Romance" completely deviates from this. She was smooth-skinned and neatly dressed, and looked more like a wealthy wife with a good life than a poor peasant woman who had been through the weather. This deviation in the character setting makes the audience wonder if the crew really understands the connotation of the characters in the original book.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

The clash of modernity and history

The costume design in the film is also controversial. Grandma Liu's clothes are not only neat, but also distinctly modern, which is in stark contrast to the image of poverty that she should have. Such a costume design not only loses the sense of history, but also makes the audience feel that the crew lacks in-depth consideration of the background of the times during the production process. This conflict between modernity and history makes it difficult for the audience to identify with the characters, and also reduces the overall authenticity of the film.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

Makeup that lacks realism

Makeup is an important part of shaping the image of the character, but the makeup treatment of Grandma Liu in "Dream of Red Mansions: The Golden Jade Relationship" obviously lacks details. Her face doesn't have the wrinkles it should have, her skin is too smooth, and the neglect of these details makes the character look too young and healthy to convince the viewer that this is a peasant woman who has experienced a life of poverty. The mistake in makeup further exacerbated the audience's suspicion that the details of the film were not rigorous enough.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

Grandma Liu, who lacks a poor temperament

is not only the appearance, but also the temperament of Grandma Liu in the film lacks the sense of poverty it deserves. Her words and deeds did not reflect the life experience and hardships that a poor peasant woman should have, but seemed too elegant and calm. This imbalance in temperament makes the characterization pale and powerless, and it is difficult for the audience to see the tenacious, witty and full of life wisdom in the original book.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

The difficulty of recreating classic characters

To successfully bring the classic character Grandma Liu to the screen is undoubtedly a huge challenge for the production team. In the original book, Grandma Liu is not only a poor peasant woman, she is also an elder full of wisdom and life experience. To present her multi-layered image on the screen, the production team needs to work all aspects such as costumes, makeup, and acting. Judging by the trailers and stills so far, it is clear that the film does not meet the audience's expectations in these aspects. This failure to restore classic characters makes the audience doubt the overall quality of the film.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

The disappointment of netizens

Many netizens' disappointment with "Dream of Red Mansions: Golden Jade Relationship" not only stayed in the appearance and costumes of the characters, but also went deep into the questioning of the overall texture of the film. Viewers believe that the crew's roughness in handling details reflects their neglect of the quality of the film. For example, as a poor peasant woman, Grandma Liu should show the vicissitudes and fatigue caused by long-term labor, but in the film, her image is too glamorous. This distortion not only undermines the authenticity of the characters, but also casts doubt on the film's overall credibility.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

Comparative analysis

Not only Grandma Liu, but also other characters have similar problems in their image design. For example, Tanchun's costumes are too simple, and they do not have the elegance and temperament of the aristocratic lady in the original book. Xiangling's shape is also unacceptable, and even the iconic rouge mole is not reflected. The negligence of these details makes the whole film visually less rigorous and delicate. By comparing the characters in the original book and the film, netizens pointed out this irrationality and questioned whether the crew really respected the spirit and connotation of the original work during the production process.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

Questioning of commercial motives

As the discussion deepened, some netizens began to question whether there was a deep commercial motive for the production of "Dream of Red Mansions". Some people believe that the film is more inclined to cater to modern aesthetics in terms of casting and image design, rather than faithfully restoring the original work. This may be done to attract more young audiences and increase box office revenue, but at the expense of the film's artistic value and sense of history. Netizens generally believe that film and television works should find a balance between commercial interests and artistic pursuits, and "Dream of Red Mansions: Golden Jade Relationship" obviously does not do enough in this regard.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

Network vibes

This skepticism sparked a wide resonance online, with many viewers expressing concerns about the quality of the film. They believe that when remaking classics, the modern film and television industry often ignores the consideration of details and historical backgrounds, resulting in the loss of the sense of heaviness and authenticity that the works should have. As a classic adaptation, "Dream of Red Mansions: Golden Jade Romance" should have been refined in all aspects, but judging from the current publicity situation, the film obviously failed to meet the audience's expectations.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

Director Hu Mei's background and the audience's expectations are at odds

As one of China's top ten outstanding female directors, Hu Mei has directed many classic TV series, such as "Yongzheng Dynasty", "Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty" and "Qiao's Courtyard". Her works have always been loved and praised by the audience, so everyone is full of expectations for her directed "Dream of Red Mansions: Golden and Jade Relationship". The huge gap between reality and expectations makes the audience doubt Hu Mei's ability. Although Hu Mei explained that the core theme of the film is about the eternity of youth, the audience did not buy this interpretation, believing that the film deviated from the spirit of the original book in terms of actual presentation.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

Misunderstandings in the remake

In recent years, many crews that have remade classics have fallen into a common mistake during the production process, which is to ignore the essence of the original. These crews tend to focus more on superficial restoration than on an in-depth understanding of the core ideas and cultural background of the work. For example, many remakes only seek physical similarity in character creation, but ignore the inner spirit and character traits of the characters. This superficial restoration method leads to the lack of depth and appeal that the remake deserves, and it is difficult to touch the hearts of the audience.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

Mistakes in detail handling and overall control

The quality of remakes of classics is also manifested in the details and overall control. Many works have rough treatment in costumes, props, scenes, etc., and cannot create the historical atmosphere and realism that the original work should have. This neglect of details not only reduces the artistry of the work, but also directly affects the audience's viewing experience. The crew also often had problems with the plot arrangement and pacing control, resulting in the remake not being as exciting as the original, making the audience feel bored and disappointed when watching.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

The conflict between artistic pursuits and market demand

When the modern film and television industry remakes classic works, it often faces a conflict between artistic pursuit and market demand. In order to cater to the market, the crew has made many compromises in casting and plot settings, and in order to attract young audiences, the crew may choose some traffic stars, and the acting skills and image of these stars may not be suitable for the role. In order to increase the commercial selling point of the film, the crew may make significant changes to the plot, which often deviate from the spirit and connotation of the original work, resulting in the loss of the artistic value of the work.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

Audience resistance

The audience's resistance to remakes of classic works is also an important reason why remakes have received bad reviews. Classics often have an irreplaceable place in the hearts of the audience, and any change may cause dissatisfaction among the audience. Especially when the new version fails to reach the heights of the original, the audience's disappointment will be further exacerbated, and the evaluation of the work will be more harsh. This dichotomy between the classic complex and the new version makes it difficult for the remake to get good reviews from the audience.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

The key to improving the quality of your remakes

To improve the quality of remakes of classics, a balance between production technology and artistic pursuits is crucial. Advanced production technology is important, but it can only be used as a tool, and what really determines the quality of the work is the understanding and respect for the original. The crew needed to innovate with modern technology while respecting the original, rather than simply pursuing visual effects. At the same time, in terms of casting, plot setting, etc., the crew also needs to consider carefully to ensure that the work can not only meet the spirit of the original work, but also meet the needs of modern audiences.

It's a bad review before it is released! The movie "Dream of Red Mansions" caused controversy by Grandma Liu, and she is not like a poor person

The movie "Dream of Red Mansions: Golden and Jade Relationship". No matter how harsh the audience's criticism, the production team's efforts and dedication deserve respect. This also reminds the entire film and television industry that remaking classics is not only a commercial act, but also a responsibility for cultural inheritance. It is hoped that the crew can listen carefully to the voices of the audience, absorb constructive opinions from criticism, and pay more attention to details and quality in future works. Only in this way can we truly impress the audience and win wide recognition and praise.

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