
The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

author:Every day the text of the collection

The legend of the Hong Kong film and television industry, Hong Jin (stage name), is 86 years old. In the past, he was an idol in the hearts of the audience, starring in countless classic works, such as "Classic Car", which was infinitely beautiful.

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

However, the years are merciless, and now he can only spend his old age in a nursing home.

Walking into the nursing home, an ordinary single room comes into view. Hong Jin was lying on the not very spacious hospital bed, staring out the window with a blank look. His face was full of wrinkles, and his once burly figure was now painfully thin.

"Welcome, welcome! I am what you call 'old', 'weak', 'sick', and 'disabled'! He said self-deprecatingly, pointing to the white hair at his temple.

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

Hong Jin's room is furnished with daily necessities and newspapers, and on the walls are several old yellowed photographs of him in his youth. However, those former glories are now only these objects that quietly tell the past.

Hong Jin's eyes revealed nostalgia for the past and helplessness for reality.

"If it weren't for that damn accident, I wouldn't be living in a place like this!" Hong Jin had some complaints in his tone, "Now I have to manually change diapers, take a bath every day, and even have to be fed for meals, which is really embarrassing!" "

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

From the colorful and vibrant on-screen world to the cold and boring nursing home ward, Hong Jin's life trajectory is dramatic, as if it were a movie. This time, however, he becomes the protagonist of his own life story, which seems to be heading for a sad ending.

"Alas, life is impermanent!" Hong Jin couldn't help but sigh, and there was a hint of loneliness in his eyes. His words are full of emotion about the impermanence of life, and also contain a helpless acceptance of the status quo.

Despite this, from his occasional smile, we can still feel the stubbornness in the old artist's heart that is unwilling to give up easily.

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

In December last year, Hong Kim was desperate and difficult to choose to move into a nursing home, a decision stemming from his family's difficult life and financial constraints.

"I have two children who have their own families and lives. At the same time, my mother and I both need to be taken care of. They have to work and take care of the children, and sometimes it's really hard. Hong Jin said with a wry smile, his voice was full of understanding of his children and the helplessness of his own situation, and his eyes showed a hint of loneliness, but he was forced to be calm.

Once, Hong Jin thought that his wealth was enough for him to enjoy his old age in peace, but the reality hit him hard. "I originally had 1.86 million Hong Kong dollars in savings, but now I have almost spent all of them!" Hong Jin recalled, with a hint of regret in his eyes.

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

His fingers trembled unconsciously, as if counting the money that had disappeared.

"Most of that money was spent on medical treatment and daily expenses, and now there are only bits and pieces left," Hong said. He pointed to some change and an old wallet on the bedside table, which probably contained all his possessions, and his tone was frustrated and self-deprecating.

The financial difficulties and the deteriorating physical condition made Hong Jin choose to live in a nursing home. "In the beginning, I was really not used to not being able to take care of myself," Hong Jin described as uncomfortable when he first moved in, "but the caregivers said it was necessary, because if I accidentally fell asleep, the quilt would get wet, and they would have to be busy cleaning my bed." "

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

"Actually, it's not so hard to live day by day." Hong Jin suddenly showed a relieved expression, "Although I am in a nursing home now, I may not be able to go out to work anymore, but I feel that I have not wasted my time, and I have been smiling to face life."

From these remarks, we see how a once-bright star accepts reality at the aging stage of his life, and also witnesses his tenacity to maintain a positive attitude in the face of adversity.

Hong Jin's experience is not only a personal joys and sorrows, but also reflects the common dilemma faced by many elderly people.

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

For Hong Jin, it is not easy to adapt to life in a nursing home, and the most difficult thing for him to accept is the need to wear diapers around the clock. "When I first started, I was so unaccustomed to not being able to do anything by myself!" Hong Jin said with a wry smile, a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes, "But the caregivers told me that this is necessary, otherwise if I accidentally fall asleep, I will get all the quilts wet, and they will have to help me clean the bed."

He pointed to the pile of diapers on the bedside table and said helplessly: "It's so embarrassing to wear this, I actually live in this kind of place." Now I have to wear diapers every day, and I have to trouble the nurse to help me clean and change at any time, which is really troublesome! ”

In addition to wearing diapers, taking a shower every day has also become a nuisance. I need to trouble the nurse lady every time I take a bath, and I'm really embarrassed. They were always very patient to scrub my body, but I still felt very uncomfortable.

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

However, Hong Jin's physical condition worries us. After being admitted to a nursing home, he had serious problems eating and sleeping. "I can barely eat anything now, and the nurses are trying to prepare nutritious meals for me every day, but I just don't have much appetite," he said. Sleep has also become a problem, often staying awake all night long".

"I always had trouble falling asleep at night and stared at the ceiling," he says. Now, I can only pass the time by watching TV series before bed, and when I'm really bored, I can reminisce about the old movies I chased back then. ”

When he woke up the next morning, he felt weak, his whole body was sluggish, and when he opened his eyes, it was already noon. At night, he started to lose sleep again, forming a terrible vicious circle, which made him feel like he was dying! He laughed as he spoke.

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

His current life situation has led to rapid weight loss, he said: "I weighed 186 pounds before I was hospitalized, and now I only have less than 140 pounds left!" He stretched out his thin arm and said, "You see, now there is only a pair of skinny bones left."

In the face of such a dramatic change, Hong Jin felt very frustrated and helpless. Sometimes he even feels like he's about to break, he whispers, fear flashing in his eyes, "but I'll try to be optimistic, after all, if we can't control all of our lives, then we can at least control our attitude towards it."

Despite his deteriorating physical condition, Hong Kim still tries to stay positive. "Even so, I'm going to live well. Although I can't go out to work anymore, I feel that I haven't wasted my time and have been smiling about life. His words reveal a sense of strength and optimism, and even in such a difficult situation, he still does not want to give up easily.

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

"Once, my friend was seriously ill, and I lent him more than 100,000 yuan for treatment without saying a word. Unexpectedly, he later said that he had made a lot of money in the mainland, and he could pay me back tens of thousands of dollars a month.

The result? He just disappeared, and he couldn't even find a shadow! When Hong Jin said this, a trace of anger and disappointment flashed on his face, and his hands clenched into fists, as if he was still feeling unjust about what happened back then.

Moreover, Hong Jin also recalled a dispute caused by dyeing his hair. "I once dyed my hair very fashionably black and was ridiculed by that friend in front of the media.

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

These people, usually on the surface, they call a buddy very affectionately, but as soon as they turn around, they are like this" Hong Jin shook his head and sighed, his eyes were full of warmth and emotion for human affection.

Speaking of these old things, Hong Jin's emotions became a little excited. "I don't want to complain about anything, I just think life is unpredictable. What a good attitude those people had when they were using me like an ATM. But now that I'm in a nursing home, who will remember me? "

Despite this, Hong Jin was not disappointed in the entertainment industry. "I remember when I was doing Classic Cars, we were both young and passionate. It's hard work, but we're all together, and it's a great feeling! Recalling that time, Hong Jin's eyes flashed with the brilliance of memory, as if he had returned to that shining stage.

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

In Hong Jin's words, he expressed an old artist's summary and reflection on his life. He has experienced the ups and downs of the entertainment industry and witnessed the warmth and coldness of people, but he still maintains his love for life and trust in human nature.

Perhaps, it is this always optimistic attitude that allows him to face life calmly in his later years.

Despite the hardships of his life, Hong Kim remains positive and optimistic. "Actually, life is never easy," he said. He suddenly showed a relieved expression, "Although I am in a nursing home now, I may not be able to go out to work anymore, but I feel that I have not wasted my time, and I have been smiling to face life."

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

Despite the lack of life in the nursing home, Hong Kim still tries to stay optimistic. "I now consider this my 'home'. Although you need help wearing diapers and bathing every day, isn't that just a part of life? He said, a self-deprecating smile in the corner of his eye.

When talking to young people, Hong Jin said earnestly: "The younger generation should cherish the present and work hard. Don't be like me and regret it when you're old. Life is short, but as long as we live with our hearts, every day will be meaningful.

Speaking of this, Hong Jin's eyes became deeper and deeper, as if he was looking back on his life. "I used to think that wealth and fame were the most important thing, but now I understand that health and family are priceless." He sighed a little sadly, "If I go back in time, I will spend more time with my family and try to avoid bothering for some unnecessary interests."

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

This aging film giant, although he lives in a welfare home, he still maintains his love for life and thinks about life. His life story is not only the life trajectory of an actor, but also a mirror that reflects the various states of life.

Hong Jin uses his own experience to tell us that no matter what situation we are in, maintaining an optimistic and grateful attitude can make life bloom with a different brilliance.

Hong Jin's life, from glory to loneliness, from a smash hit movie star to an elderly person in a nursing home who needs to be cared for all day, undoubtedly brings us a lot of thoughts. His experience reminds us that life is fragile and short, and that no matter how brilliant we once were, we eventually have to face aging and death.

The 86-year-old Hong Kong star lives in a nursing home and wears diapers all day, can't eat or sleep, and is skinny

However, what is truly amazing is that even in the twilight of his life, even in difficult times, Hong Jin is still full of love and enthusiasm for life. He once said: "There is only this journey left, and I feel that I have won the favor of heaven." This openness and open-mindedness are the precious wealth he left us.

Hungkin's story teaches us that the value of life is not in what we achieve, but in how we deal with the ups and downs of life. Whether it is at the peak or trough of life, maintaining a grateful and positive attitude, cherishing the moment, and being kind to others may be the true meaning of life that we should pursue.

Through Hong Jin's eyes, we see the fragility and tenacity of life. His message is undoubtedly a life education and spiritual baptism for each of us. As he said, "Life is short, but as long as we live with our hearts, every day is meaningful." This may be the most precious wisdom of life that Hong Jin left us.

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