
She is the only princess of Qianlong, who was given 5,240 amulets and has been with Qianlong for 61 years!

author:Xue Yan said something

The tradition of marriage between the Qing Dynasty and Mongolia is a long and complex history. Since Nurhachi, the Qing Dynasty has had various tribes with the Mongols

The tradition of marriage between the Qing Dynasty and Mongolia is a long and complex history. Since Nurhachi, the Qing Dynasty has had a tradition of marrying with the Mongol tribes, strengthening political alliances through marriage. This kind of marriage is not only a union between the royal family, but also a deep integration and exchange between the two peoples. 3

The origins of Manchu-Mongolian marriages can be traced back to the early Qing Dynasty, when Nurhachi began to establish ties with the Mongol tribes in order to consolidate his rule over the northeastern region. This marriage policy was further developed and perfected after the establishment of the Qing Dynasty. By marrying their daughters to Mongol princes, the Qing emperors not only consolidated their alliance with the Mongols, but also incorporated the political and military power of the Mongol region into the Qing dynasty's ruling system.

Manchu and Mongolian marriages played an extremely important role in the history of the Qing Dynasty. For example, the Shunzhi Emperor's own daughter married the Manchurian minister Naldu, while six of the Kangxi Emperor's eight princesses married to Mongolia. This marriage policy not only strengthened the ties between the Qing Dynasty and Mongolia, but also established close blood ties between the princes and nobles of Mongolia and the Qing imperial family.

The implementation of the marriage policy is also accompanied by the establishment and improvement of a series of systems. The Qing emperor held the right to marry the children of the royal family and the princes of the clan, and decided their marriage by means of marriage. This kind of marriage system was practiced from before the Qing Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, and became an important way to arrange marriage within the ruling class of the Qing Dynasty.

With the increasing perfection of the feudal state system in the Qing Dynasty, the Manchu and Mongolian marriage system was gradually improved. For example, the special purpose of marriage, the formulation of punitive laws and regulations, and voluntary repatriation were all concrete manifestations of the Manchu and Mongolian marriage system during this period. In addition, the Qing Dynasty also made detailed regulations on the grade and the system of marrying princesses, the system of Mongolian pilgrimage to Beijing, and the system of princesses returning to Beijing Province to ensure the smooth implementation of the marriage policy.

However, the Manchurian-Mongolian marriage was not without its challenges. For example, some princes of the clan are reluctant to marry their daughters far away to Mongolia, and there is even a phenomenon of concealment and failure to report and private employment in advance. In response, the Qing government adopted coercive measures, such as fines, to ensure the implementation of the marriage policy.

In general, Manchu-Mongolian marriage was an important policy in the history of the Qing Dynasty, which not only strengthened the political alliance between the Qing Dynasty and Mongolia, but also promoted the cultural exchanges and integration between the two ethnic groups, and played a positive role in promoting the stability and development of the Qing Dynasty.

She is the only princess of Qianlong, who was given 5,240 amulets and has been with Qianlong for 61 years!

"Harem: The Legend of Ruyi" is a TV series set in the harem of the Qing Dynasty, although its plot is mostly artistically processed, but it also reflects the complex interpersonal relationships and power struggles of the harem of the Qing Dynasty to a certain extent. There is a discrepancy between the marriage proposal of the Mongolian Horqin Department described in the play and the historical records, which precisely reflects the difference between artistic creation and historical facts.

In the TV series "Harem: The Legend of Ruyi", the marriage proposal of the Mongolian Horqin Department is one of the important turning points in the development of the plot. The play depicts that the daughter of Empress Fucha, Princess Jinse, is arranged to marry away from Mongolia, which leads to a feud between Empress Fucha and the Empress Dowager. This battle not only involved the power struggle of the harem, but also the political competition of the previous dynasty. However, according to historical records, the historical Princess Jinse did not marry far away from Mongolia, but stayed in Beijing.

This difference, on the one hand, reflects that the creators of the TV series have adapted and imagined historical events to a certain extent in order to enhance the drama and attractiveness of the plot. On the other hand, it also reflects the delicate relationship between history and art. Artistic creation often needs to carry out appropriate artistic processing on the basis of respecting history to meet the aesthetic needs and emotional resonance of the audience.

In "The Harem: The Legend of Ruyi", although the marriage proposal of the Mongolian Horqin Department is different from history, the harem struggle and power game it shows are a true portrayal of the harem life in the Qing Dynasty. Ruyi in the play, as Qianlong's favorite concubine, her life is full of ups and downs and challenges. She walked into the palace wall with an infatuated heart, but had to face a series of traps and calculations. Ruyi's life is a desire for "deep love and mutual promise", and it is also a helpless struggle against her own fate.

Ruyi in the play, although she is in a high position, her every choice is full of difficulties and sinisters. She tried her best to be resourceful, but she couldn't escape calculation; Sincere dedication, but it is difficult to avoid suspicion. In this context, the marriage proposal of the Mongolian Horqin Department has become another test in Ruyi's fate. She has to choose between family interests, personal feelings, and harem struggles, and this choice undoubtedly exacerbates her inner contradictions and struggles.

In general, although "The Legend of the Harem: The Legend of Ruyi" is different from the historical record in terms of the marriage proposal of the Mongolian Horqin Department, the life pictures and characters of the harem of the Qing Dynasty shown in it are an artistic reproduction of history. Through the ups and downs of the fate of the characters in the play, the audience can feel the helplessness and sorrow of women in the power struggle of that era, and they can also experience their persistence and sacrifice in love and family affection. This combination of art and history not only enriches the level of the plot, but also deepens the image of the characters, making "Harem: The Legend of Ruyi" a TV series that is deeply loved by the audience.

Princess Gulun and Jing, as the third daughter of Emperor Qianlong, enjoys a special status and glory. She was not only revered for her mother, Empress Xiaoxian, but also for her personal qualities, which was deeply favored and valued by Emperor Qianlong. In the history of the Qing Dynasty, the status of the princess was often closely related to the status of her biological mother, and Princess Hejing, as the daughter of the queen, was naturally given the noble title of "Gulun".

Princess Hejing's life can be said to have been spent in the infinite favor of Emperor Qianlong. She was born in the ninth year of Yongzheng, when Emperor Qianlong had not yet ascended the throne, but had been secretly appointed as the prince. Therefore, Princess Hejing has enjoyed a different treatment and attention since she was a child. After Emperor Qianlong ascended the throne, he canonized her as Princess Gulun and Jing, which means "the world, the country, and the honorable" in Manchu, showing her noble status in the royal family.

She is the only princess of Qianlong, who was given 5,240 amulets and has been with Qianlong for 61 years!

Emperor Qianlong's favor for Princess Hejing is not only reflected in her title, but also in her marriage. According to the practice of the Qing Dynasty, the princess should live in Mongolia after marrying the Mongolian prince, but Princess Hejing made an exception and stayed in Beijing. Emperor Qianlong built a luxurious princess mansion for her in the capital, which was not only grand in scale and richly decorated, but also became an important landmark in the capital.

Princess Hejing's husband, Sebuteng Baljur, was also carefully selected by Emperor Qianlong. He was born into a Mongolian nobleman, young and promising, and was canonized as an auxiliary prince. Emperor Qianlong not only held a grand wedding for them, but also specially increased the dowry, and even after marrying Princess Hejing, he made an exception to pay a lot of silver for expenses. These measures all show that Emperor Qianlong has special favor and attention to Princess Hejing.

Princess Hejing's life can be said to be extremely honorable. She has five children and has a stable and happy life. After her death, Emperor Qianlong personally wrote a memorial text and sent her to the ground for burial. Her tomb, located in Beijing's Chaoyang District, is a place of excellent feng shui, and its scale and decoration reflect her noble status during her lifetime.

Princess Hejing's special status is not only reflected in the glory of her life, but also continued after her death. Her tomb has been properly protected and excavated, and has become an important site for the study of Qing Dynasty history and culture. And her princess's mansion has also become a precious historical heritage in Beijing, witnessing the dignity and glory of her life.

The life of Princess Gu Lun and Princess Jing was a unique existence in the Qing Dynasty royal family. She not only enjoyed the honorable title because of her mother's status, but also became a remarkable figure in the history of the Qing Dynasty because of her personal characteristics and the favor of Emperor Qianlong. Her story is not only a legend of a princess, but also a microcosm of the royal culture and power struggle of the Qing Dynasty.

Sebuteng Balejur, whose name occupies a special place in the history of the Qing Dynasty, was respected not only because he was born into a Mongol nobleman, but also because he became the husband of Princess Gulun and Jing, which earned him great honor and status. Although Sebuteng Balejur came from a humble background, this did not prevent him from marrying the Qing royal family, but became an important springboard for his political career.

Emperor Qianlong's favor for Princess Hejing made Sebuteng Balezhur quickly become the core of power in the Qing Dynasty after marrying the princess. In the eighth year of Qianlong, at the age of 16, Sebuteng Balezhur was canonized as an auxiliary duke, which was the youngest duke of the Qing dynasty at that time. This honor not only demonstrated his status among the Mongolian nobility, but also reflected the importance and expectations of Emperor Qianlong for this son-in-law.

In the tenth year of Qianlong, Emperor Qianlong officially married the 14-year-old Princess Hejing to Sebuteng Balejur, a move that further consolidated Sebuteng Balejur's position in the court. According to the custom of the Qing Dynasty, the princess should live in Mongolia after marrying the Mongolian prince, but Princess Hejing made an exception and stayed in Beijing, a decision that undoubtedly deepened the relationship between Sebuteng Baljur and Emperor Qianlong.

She is the only princess of Qianlong, who was given 5,240 amulets and has been with Qianlong for 61 years!

Sebuteng Balejur's personal actions also affected his relationship with Emperor Qianlong. He not only won the trust and reuse of Emperor Qianlong politically, but also showed his talent in military affairs. In the twelfth year of Qianlong, after Princess Hejing married Sebuteng Balejur, they lived in the palace of Princess Hejing in the capital, which was built according to the system of the Prince's Palace, and its scale and decoration showed the noble status of Sebuteng Balejur.

The military talents of Sebuteng Balejur were fully demonstrated in the campaign against Dzungaria. His military achievements not only won honor for himself, but also added weight to his position in the heart of Emperor Qianlong. However, the military success of Sebuteng Balejur did not make him complacent, and he always maintained the qualities of humility and loyalty, which was one of the reasons why Emperor Qianlong favored him.

The marriage between Sebuteng Balejur and Princess Hejing was not only a union of the two individuals, but also an important marriage in the relationship between the Qing Dynasty and Mongolia. This marriage strengthened the Qing Dynasty's control over the Mongol region, while also promoting cultural exchanges and integration between the Manchu and Mongolian peoples. The personal qualities and behaviour of Sebutem Balejur undoubtedly played a key role in the success of this marriage.

The life of Sebuteng Balejur is closely linked to the Qing Dynasty royal family. He grew from a Mongolian nobleman to an important member of the Qing imperial family, and in the process, he not only gained high honor and status, but also showed his political and military talents. The story of Sebuteng Balejur is a unique chapter in the history of the Qing Dynasty, and his marriage to Princess Hejing has also become a model for the marriage between the Qing royal family and the Mongolian aristocracy.

Princess Gulun and Jing, as the third daughter of Emperor Qianlong, her life was full of happiness and longevity. Her marriage to her husband Sebuteng Balejur not only won the special favor of Emperor Qianlong, but also enjoyed a very high status in the Qing Dynasty royal family. This marriage is not only politically significant, but also deeply emotionally linked in personal life.

The married life of Princess Hejing and Sebuteng Balejur was happy and contented. They have had multiple children together, and these children not only continue the blood of the royal family, but also become a testimony to Princess Hejing's happy life. In the social context of the time, having more children and blessings was regarded as a symbol of auspiciousness and happiness, and Princess Hejing's fertility undoubtedly won her more respect and love.

Emperor Qianlong's love for Princess Hejing is reflected in every detail of her life. According to the custom of the Qing Dynasty, the princess should live in Mongolia after marrying the Mongolian prince, but Emperor Qianlong made an exception to allow Princess Hejing to stay in Beijing. This decision not only reflects Emperor Qianlong's deep affection for his daughter, but also shows his special importance to Princess Hejing. Princess Wakei was able to stay in Kyoshi and enjoy a life closer to the royal family, which was an extremely rare honor at the time.

Princess Hejing's princess mansion was specially built for her by Emperor Qianlong, and its scale and decoration are extremely luxurious. This mansion not only provided a comfortable living environment for Princess Hejing, but also became a symbol of her social status. The existence of the princess's mansion has made Princess Hejing enjoy a high reputation among the Jingshi, and every time she appears, she will attract people's attention and respect.

Princess Hejing's longevity is another manifestation of her happy life. In ancient times, when medical conditions were relatively backward, longevity was often seen as a blessing. Princess Hejing's ability to live a long and healthy life is undoubtedly an important aspect of her happy life. Her longevity not only allowed her to have more time to enjoy the warmth of her family, but also gave her the opportunity to witness the growth of her children and the prosperity of her family.

She is the only princess of Qianlong, who was given 5,240 amulets and has been with Qianlong for 61 years!

Princess Hejing's life was a unique existence in the Qing Dynasty royal family. She not only received special favor from Emperor Qianlong, but also enjoyed a very high status and respect in her personal life. Her marriage to her husband, Sebutenbal Lejur, was a story full of happiness and fulfillment. Her princess mansion is a symbol of her noble status and a guarantee of her happy life. Her longevity is a continuation of her happy life. Princess Hejing's life is an enviable legend in the Qing Dynasty royal family.

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