
How much does Wei Dongyi earn a year? Uncle Wei Shen solves the puzzle: The home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

author:Bai Qiao Pond

In this confusing world of mathematics, there is a legendary mathematician, whose name is like a mystery - Wei Dongyi. People often envy his mathematical talents, but what is even more curious is, what does the life of a mathematical genius look like? Today we will uncover one of the biggest mysteries: how much money can Wei Dongyi earn in a year?

How much does Wei Dongyi earn a year? Uncle Wei Shen solves the puzzle: The home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

Everyone knows that Wei Dongyi has been his forte in mathematics since he was a child. The multiplication formula table is well memorized, and Hua Luogeng also holds the gold medal in the mathematics competition in his hand, he is the legendary figure who can kill the math problem in seconds. However, although he is gifted in mathematics, I heard that his home is a rough house, do you believe it? It's not even fastidious, which is really staggering.

How much does Wei Dongyi earn a year? Uncle Wei Shen solves the puzzle: The home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

Some people say that Wei Dongyi is a low-key student and has no interest in brand-name bags. Don't look at his excellent grades, and even being escorted to the school by Peking University, he is not the kind of person who pursues overwhelming fame and fortune. He would rather work quietly in the world of mathematics than show off for money. Such a person is a bit like the little citizen around you and me, except that he happens to be a great god in the mathematical world.

How much does Wei Dongyi earn a year? Uncle Wei Shen solves the puzzle: The home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

But the question is, how much does a math god earn every year? Some people speculate that he must have earned a lot of money from the prize money and teaching in math competitions. After all, if you sell math books, you probably have to eat instant noodles. However, Uncle Wei Shen himself has never disclosed his income, so he probably thinks that the money is not worth making a fuss about.

How much does Wei Dongyi earn a year? Uncle Wei Shen solves the puzzle: The home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

Regarding the rough house at home, some people joked that maybe Wei Dongyi is a "budget-conscious" househusband who calculates the water and electricity bills every month, and does not make the family bells and whistles. His mother doesn't pay attention to it, maybe he thinks he can live at home, anyway, he does a good job in math, and he doesn't need to pay too much attention to such a small thing as home improvement.

How much does Wei Dongyi earn a year? Uncle Wei Shen solves the puzzle: The home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

Peking University discovered this math star and directly escorted him to campus. A student who is engaged in mathematics, so good, must have been the focus of the campus at that time. Soon after, he became an assistant professor at Peking University, and won the gold medal in the Mathematics Olympiad more than once.

How much does Wei Dongyi earn a year? Uncle Wei Shen solves the puzzle: The home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

Although Wei Dongyi is like a fish in water in academics, in life, he does not like to show off or burn money as most people think. On the contrary, he is a bit like a small citizen, preferring to live a low-key and unpretentious life. This low profile makes people wonder, is he trying to save more money to study mathematics? Or is it just to be able to concentrate more on math problems? After all, how can such a good person have time to meddle in things?

How much does Wei Dongyi earn a year? Uncle Wei Shen solves the puzzle: The home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

In short, Wei Dongyi is the kind of existence that seems ordinary, but in fact, it impresses you as soon as you do it. He used his wisdom and mathematical talent to sneak in the ocean of mathematics, not pursuing overwhelming fame and fortune, nor chasing money with all his might. This spirit is sometimes admirable and a little difficult to understand. But it's no wonder, after all, mathematicians need to calm down and think about problems. If you look at the college students around you, no one is worried about designer bags all day long.

How much does Wei Dongyi earn a year? Uncle Wei Shen solves the puzzle: The home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

Wei Dongyi's mathematical talent and low-key lifestyle make him unique in the world of mathematics. He was not only a talented mathematician, but also a man with a unique philosophy of life. Through his story, we can see that success depends not only on shining achievements and the pursuit of fame and fortune, but also on inner focus and perseverance.

How much does Wei Dongyi earn a year? Uncle Wei Shen solves the puzzle: The home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

Wei Dongyi has shown a unique mathematical talent since he was a child, and with his excellent results in mathematics competitions, he entered Peking University and quickly emerged in the mathematics world. However, he was not fooled by the aura of academics and chose a low-key path in life. He did not pursue external ostentation and material luxury, but concentrated on the depth and breadth of mathematical research.

How much does Wei Dongyi earn a year? Uncle Wei Shen solves the puzzle: The home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

In his story, we see the image of a scholar who truly prides himself on his academic achievements. He is not driven by utilitarianism, but pursues his ideals and goals in the world of ideas. This inner determination and focus became an important factor in his success in the field of mathematics. Compared with the pursuit of fame and material wealth, Wei Dongyi chose a deeper and more lasting sense of achievement, which also made his life more fulfilling and meaningful.

How much does Wei Dongyi earn a year? Uncle Wei Shen solves the puzzle: The home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

Wei Dongyi's story tells us that true success is not only a temporary glory and external honor, but also inner satisfaction and sincere love for the cause. He used his practical actions to explain what is the real academic pursuit and spiritual realm. In the highly competitive academic world, he chose a different way of life, sticking to his inner beliefs and not being distracted by the glitz of the outside world.

How much does Wei Dongyi earn a year? Uncle Wei Shen solves the puzzle: The home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

This thoughtful and unwavering attitude not only influenced his personal development, but also provided us with a new philosophy of life.

How much does Wei Dongyi earn a year? Uncle Wei Shen solves the puzzle: The home is a rough house, and he doesn't pay attention to his mother

Therefore, Wei Dongyi's story is not only a legend about mathematical genius, but also a deep reflection on life attitude and inner pursuit. His low-key life and academic achievements set an example for us to pursue true values and peace of mind. In the bustling and noisy world, we may find some precious inspiration from his experience, that is, not forgetting the original intention and insisting on oneself, in order to go further and more steadily on the road of life.