
Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

author:The moon is round in the east

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Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

Reading guide: Suspension and transfer! Dandong's parents did not come to the school to clean up, and the teacher was ruthless: My academic performance has nothing to do with me in the future

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

A WeChat caused a storm of teaching Y

"From half past three to now, it has been more than an hour, and no one has signed up!" "Then we will do our own things in the future, I will teach my classes well, and it has nothing to do with me!"

These two seemingly ordinary WeChat messages caused an uproar in Dandong City. The reason for the incident is actually very simple: a school is about to be inspected, and a teacher calls on parents to come to the school to help clean up in the class group. Who knew that this ordinary request was met with an unprecedented cold reception.

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

An hour passed, and the crowd was silent, and not a single parent responded. The teacher's emotions exploded instantly, not only complaining about the parents' lack of cooperation, but also offering the killer word - "The grades have nothing to do with me". As soon as this sentence came out, it was like a bombshell, which instantly detonated in the parent group.

Some parents directly scolded back: "You did the first year of junior high school, and your parents did the fifteenth, why do you think that parents will be manipulated by you?" For a while, the group quarreled into a pot of porridge, and this contest between parents and teachers began.

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

The battle of the generation gap between the parents of the post-80s and post-90s

"After the 80s, I did hygiene when I went to school, and after I became a parent when I had children, I helped my children go to school to do hygiene, and they came and went to do hygiene anyway!" A netizen ridiculed so. Although these words are a little self-deprecating, they also express the helplessness of post-80s parents.

In their opinion, helping the school to clean is simply "decent work". A post-80s parent recalled: "At that time, let alone cleaning, we had to go to the teacher's house to help harvest and hoe weeds!" It was dirty, tiring work. Today's parents complain about the misery of just cleaning the classroom, and I really don't know how we got here at that time. "

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

And post-90s parents don't buy this account. They believe that times have changed, and the relationship between parents and schools should also evolve with the times. Some post-90s parents said bluntly: "Why do you think parents will be manipulated by you?" We're here to send kids to school, not to be free cleaners. Schools should have their own cleaning staff, so why should these jobs be pushed on to parents? "

This statement speaks to the voice of a new generation of parents. In their view, education is a professional service, and parents and schools should be an equal cooperative relationship, rather than unconditional obedience and dedication. They want the school to focus on teaching and not wasting time and energy on things like organizing parents to clean up.

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

"Game of Thrones" in the Classroom

This incident reflects not only the contradiction between parents and teachers, but also a contest for the power of teaching Y. Teachers have long enjoyed power in the Chinese education system that goes beyond teaching. They are not only responsible for the students' studies, but also manage the lives of the students and even interfere in family affairs.

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

For example, some teachers will ask parents to monitor the completion of their children's homework, and even assign some homework that requires parental involvement. Some teachers interfere with students' dress, hairstyle, and even family habits. This over-extension of power has led some teachers to believe that parents should be unconditionally obedient to the school's arrangements.

With the progress of society and the awakening of the awareness of parental rights, this one-way power relationship has begun to be challenged. More and more parents are questioning: why do we have to cooperate with the school's requirements unconditionally? Shouldn't the essence of education be to develop children's abilities and character, rather than simply obedience?

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

One parent said: "We respect teachers, but this respect should be based on mutual understanding and respect. Teachers can't threaten us with their children's grades at every turn. We work with schools to provide a better learning environment for our children, not to meet the personal wishes of some teachers. "

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

"Make-up door" VS "Cleaning the door"

Looking back at the hot events in education in recent years, similar controversies are not uncommon. After the introduction of the "double reduction" policy in 2021, the "make-up door" incident in which some teachers treated students differently because they could not continue to make up classes has caused heated discussions. At that time, some teachers openly and secretly said that students who did not participate in make-up classes might be left out in the daily teaching, which caused strong dissatisfaction among parents.

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

Compared with the "make-up door", although the "cleaning the door" incident has different manifestations, it essentially reflects the problem of power imbalance in the field of education. Whether it is compulsory make-up classes or forced cleaning, it is a manifestation of the teacher's imposition of personal will.

Some netizens pointed out: "What these two incidents have in common is that teachers are trying to use their identities and positions to force parents or students to do something beyond the scope of normal education." This not only goes against the original purpose of education, but also damages the professional image of teachers. "

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

Who pays for classroom cleaning?

In fact, school hygiene has always been a sensitive topic. It has been argued that keeping classrooms clean is the responsibility of students and parents; Some people also feel that this should be the school's business. This controversy actually reflects people's different views on the allocation of educational resources.

Proponents of parent involvement in cleaning believe that it fosters a sense of labor and responsibility. A secondary school principal said: "Involving students in campus cleaning not only maintains a good learning environment, but also fosters their sense of community and work spirit. Parental involvement can be exemplary. "

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

Opponents, however, argue that schools should have dedicated cleaning staff. One parent said, "We've already paid so much tuition and fees, isn't it enough to hire a cleaner?" If schools are underfunded, that's a problem for the education department to solve, and parents shouldn't be put to blame. "

Someone else quipped: "Should parents go to school to clean the toilet next time?" Although this sentence is ridiculous, it also speaks to the hearts of many people. In the opinion of many, schools should have dedicated cleaning staff instead of passing this work on to students and parents.

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

The quick knife of the relevant departments cut through the mess

In the face of this increasingly fierce storm of public opinion, the local education department reacted quickly. They quickly made a decision: to criticize the teacher and suspend him from his job and transfer him from his post. The result of this treatment has sparked heated discussions on social media.

Proponents believe that the decision of the relevant authorities is very timely and appropriate. A netizen commented: "This attitude is worthy of praise. Not only did it respond to public concerns, but it also served as a wake-up call for other educators. Teachers should not abuse their powers, let alone use students' grades to blackmail parents. "

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

But there are also those who feel that the handling is too heavy. One netizen said: "The current teaching environment is really complicated. Teachers are under all kinds of pressure, and sometimes it is inevitable that they will lose control of their emotions. Instead of simply punishing, it is better to give more understanding and help. Everyone's original intention is for the good of the child. "

Others asked a deeper question: "It's easy to deal with a teacher, but how can this fundamentally change the situation?" Isn't it time to re-examine our teaching system, including teacher training, school management, etc.? "

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

Peel through the fog and look at the essence

Emotional rhetoric aside, we might as well think calmly: What is the essence of this incident?

First, it exposes problems in school management. Why do parents need to do the regular work of the school? Does this mean that the school's human resources are inadequate? Some netizens pointed out: "The school should have a clear division of job responsibilities. Cleaning should be done by professionals and not randomly assigned to parents or students. This is not only about efficiency, but also about the professionalism and safety of work. "

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

Second, it reflects the increased pressure on the teaching profession. Under the pressure of various inspections and evaluations, some teachers may transfer the pressure to parents. A netizen analyzed: "Teachers' emotional outbursts are often the result of long-term pressure accumulation. We need to build better teacher support systems to help them cope better with work stress. "

Third, it reflects the difference between the education concepts of the old and new generations of parents. Post-80s parents may be more inclined to cooperate with the school, while post-90s parents are more rights-conscious. This generational difference actually reflects a change in social attitudes. One netizen said: "This change is a manifestation of social progress. It prompts us to rethink the relationship between family, school and society, which is conducive to building a more democratic and harmonious education ecology. "

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

Don't let "sweeping" become a stumbling block in education

Admittedly, it is important to maintain a good learning environment. But if the relationship between teachers and students, and the relationship between home and school, are affected because of such a trivial matter as cleaning, it will inevitably outweigh the losses.

Some netizens suggested that schools could try some innovative ways to solve this problem. For example, cleaning can be included in students' labor education curriculum, so that students can learn basic cleaning skills under the guidance of professionals. This not only maintains environmental hygiene, but also cultivates students' ability to live.

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

Another option is to establish a volunteer system. The school may regularly recruit parent volunteers to participate in various tasks of the school, including but not limited to environmental maintenance. This allows parents who want to be involved without creating an additional burden for all parents.

It was also suggested that consideration could be given to the introduction of social forces. For example, working with a cleaning company can not only ensure professional cleaning quality, but also save the school management costs. An expert in business management said: "Outsourcing non-core operations is a trend in modern management. Schools can learn from this model and focus more on education and teaching. "

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

Conclusion: Take care of the soil of education

Although the turmoil was caused by a simple classroom cleaning, it reflected many problems in some school management systems. It reminds us that education is not just a matter for teachers, students and parents, but also about the future of society as a whole.

A netizen summed it up this way: "Education is a systematic project that requires the joint efforts of schools, families and society. We should create an environment where teachers can focus on teaching, where parents can trust the school, and where students can learn happily. Only in this way can we create a truly good education ecology for the next generation. "

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me

Let's take this as an opportunity to think together: how to build a more equitable, effective and humane education system? Only when we truly focus on and address these issues can we create a better learning environment for the next generation. After all, the essence of education is to train people, not to worry about the minutiae of who will clean the classroom. #头条创作挑战赛 ##长文创作激励计划#

Must be punished! Parents did not come to the school to clean up, teacher: The child's future academic performance has nothing to do with me
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