
It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

author:Sauce sauce readings
It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!
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It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

In March 2017, the volleyball world ushered in a shocking news: Japanese women's ranking leader Saori Kimura officially announced her retirement. This former goddess of volleyball has conquered countless fans with her stunning appearance and excellent ball skills.

However, her decision to retire caused an uproar in the sports world.

Saori Kimura's retirement not only marks the end of an era, but also raises endless speculation about her future. Why did the athlete, who has been hailed as "the goddess of world volleyball if she were not Japanese", choose to leave the court at the prime of her career? How will her future be written? Let's uncover the story behind this beautiful legend.

It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

The story of Saori Kimura begins in an ordinary town in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. In her youth, no one could have imagined that this mediocre-looking, diminutive girl would become a famous volleyball star in the future.

However, the gears of fate always turn quietly and inadvertently.

During her high school years, Saori Kimura experienced an amazing growth. Her height rose as quickly as a spring spring, and finally froze at 178cm.

This height not only opened the door to her volleyball dream, but also became a key advantage for her to win on the court in the future.

It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

After joining the varsity team, Saori Kimura showed amazing talent. Her smooth and elegant playing posture, coupled with her proud figure that gradually revealed, quickly became the focus of the court.

However, it wasn't just her looks that really made her stand out, but her tenacity. In the face of doubts and challenges, Saori Kimura proved with her strength that she was not just a "vase".

In the varsity team, Saori Kimura quickly developed into an excellent secondary attacker. Every smash she makes, every block she makes, shows her extraordinary potential. Her teammates were amazed by how quickly she was improving, and her coaches saw the possibilities in her.

In 2004, Saori Kimura reached an important turning point in her career when she was selected for the Japanese national volleyball team. Standing on the world-class stage, the 18-year-old Saori Kimura's eyes sparkle with a vision for the future and a desire to win.

It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

Although she made her debut as a substitute player, she firmly believes that with her strength and charm, she will eventually write her own legend in the volleyball world.

From an ordinary girl in Saitama Prefecture to a rising star of the Japanese national team, Saori Kimura's transformation is a miracle. Her story has not only inspired countless young people with dreams, but has also become a proud story in the Japanese volleyball world.

However, this is only the beginning of Saori Kimura's saga, and more exciting chapters are still waiting for her to write.

At the 2004 Athens Olympics, Saori Kimura attracted the attention of the audience when she made her debut on the international stage. Even though she was only a substitute at the time, her every move drew cheers from the crowd.

It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

Saori Kimura's slender legs, slender waist and proud figure all highlight her charm as an elite athlete. However, she is not content to just be a beautiful "vase".

In the subsequent Olympic women's volleyball tournament, Saori Kimura proved that she deserves to stand on the world stage with her strength. Her agility and precision smashes earned Japan a valuable bronze medal, which is undoubtedly the best recognition of her quality.

After the match, Saori Kimura's face was filled with the joy of victory, and her eyes flashed with desire for greater achievements in the future.

As time passed, Saori Kimura's strength grew. Her graceful posture and superb skills on the court have made her an indispensable member of the Japanese women's volleyball team.

It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

Whenever she appears on the field, the camera will always involuntarily follow her, and it is difficult to take the audience's eyes off her.

After six years of unremitting efforts and experience, Saori Kimura finally won the position of captain of the Japanese national volleyball team with her own strength. This important role is not only a recognition of her ability, but also a heavy responsibility.

As the captain, Saori Kimura must not only play well on the court, but also be the spiritual pillar of the whole team.

Under the leadership of Saori Kimura, the Japanese women's volleyball team has repeatedly achieved great results in the international arena. Her indomitable will and never-give-up spirit infect every teammate.

It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

Whether it's working up a sweat on the training ground or fighting hard in a competition, Saori Kimura always leads by example and inspires the team to keep moving forward.

However, behind success often hides hardships. In order to stay in the best condition, Saori Kimura put in unimaginable efforts. Every morning, while most people are still asleep, she has already begun her rigorous training.

When night fell, she was still working the court, trying to perfect every move. This kind of self-discipline and persistence has forged her brilliant performance in the field.

Saori Kimura's name gradually became more and more popular, and she became not only the pride of the Japanese volleyball world, but also a bright star of Asian volleyball. The media rushed to cover her story, and fans eagerly followed her every fight.

It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

Saori Kimura seems to be standing at the pinnacle of her career, and the future is full of possibilities.

However, just when everyone thought that Saori Kimura would continue to write her legend, fate played a cruel joke on her. A series of unexpected setbacks are quietly hitting the volleyball goddess and are about to change the trajectory of her life.

At the peak of Kimura's career, Saori Kimura unexpectedly suffered a series of setbacks. First of all, in terms of relationships, she has a crush on a Chinese male coach, who is rumored to be a sparring coach named Yuan Lingxi.

This young and promising coach is not only outstanding in terms of professional qualities, but also proficient in computers and English, and is a master of data analysis in the team. Saori Kimura was attracted to his talent, but the relationship ultimately failed to blossom, leaving her with deep regret.

It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

The bigger blow came from the Circle. In many encounters with the Chinese team, Saori Kimura and her team have been defeated repeatedly. A match in 2008 was a turning point in her career.

Wang Yimei, the heavy gunner of the Chinese team, smashed Saori Kimura's head with a powerful smash, causing her to fall unconscious on the spot. Although Saori Kimura later regained consciousness, the injury had a huge impact on her both physically and mentally.

Three years later, in another match against the Chinese team, Saori Kimura suffered another misfortune. This time, she suffered a concussion due to a serious injury and had to take a break from the professional arena.

The injury was a watershed moment in Kimura's career, and she began to have to face up to the possibility of retirement.

It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

Faced with a series of setbacks, Saori Kimura is full of struggle and confusion inside. She used to shine on the court, but now she has to consider whether she can continue to shine on the volleyball court.

She began to question her abilities and was also worried about her health.

During this period, Saori Kimura experienced an unprecedented low point. She is no longer the all-powerful volleyball goddess, but an ordinary person who needs to face reality and make difficult choices.

She needs to make a trade-off between continuing to hold on to her volleyball dreams and thinking about her own health.

It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

Despite her inner ambivalence and reluctance, Saori Kimura eventually made a difficult decision. She realized that maybe it was time to end her amazing volleyball career.

This decision is not only about her personal future, but will also have a profound impact on the entire Japanese women's volleyball team.

In March 2017, Saori Kimura made a decision that shocked the volleyball world - officially announcing his retirement. At the retirement press conference, in the face of various questions from media reporters, Saori Kimura behaved calmly and firmly.

When asked about her future plans, she smiled and said that she would be watching the game in front of the TV and cheering on the players on the field just like a regular football fan.

It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

This answer not only reflects her deep affection for volleyball, but also hints at her yearning for ordinary life.

After retiring, Saori Kimura stood at a crossroads in her life. With her beauty, popularity, and popularity accumulated over the years, many film studios and modeling agencies have thrown olive branches to her.

These invitations represent a glamorous path and seem to be ideal for many athletes after they retire.

However, surprisingly, Saori Kimura declined all invitations. Her decision has baffled many, who, in most people's mind, mean fame and fortune.

It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

But for Saori Kimura, who has experienced a fierce competitive career, she seems to be tired of life in the spotlight and longs to return to the ordinary.

Just two months after retiring, Saori Kimura once again sparked heated discussions - she announced her marriage. What is even more surprising is that her husband is not a public figure, but an ordinary person with a mediocre appearance.

This choice has made many people feel incredible, and some people even expressed confusion and opposition to it. However, Saori Kimura is full of joy and devotes herself to a new family life, as if she has found true happiness.

After getting married, Saori Kimura chose to become a full-time housewife, saying goodbye to the world of competitive sports completely. She and her husband opened a cozy café together and lived a simple and comfortable life.

It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

From the much-anticipated goddess of volleyball to the ordinary café proprietress lady, Saori Kimura's transformation has surprised and regretted many people.

For Saori Kimura, however, such a life choice seems to be exactly what she is after. In the café, she no longer has to face fierce competition and intense training, but instead has a warm communication with customers and the joy of making delicious coffee.

Her smile became more relaxed and natural, as if she had been relieved of a burden that had been on her shoulders for a long time.

Saori Kimura's retirement options have sparked widespread discussion among the public. Some people praise her courage in pursuing ordinary happiness, believing that it shows her sincere attitude towards life.

It's a pity that Saori Kimura is Japanese, otherwise she would have become a volleyball goddess with this figure!

Some people lament that her talent has been buried, and feel that she could have continued to shine in the sports world or entertainment industry.

However, no matter what the outside world says, Saori Kimura seems to have found her direction in life. Many still believe that if Saori Kimura wasn't Japanese, she could have become a world-recognized goddess of volleyball with her figure and ball skills.

But for Saori Kimura herself, perhaps ordinary happiness is the real goal of her life. Behind the counter of the café, she still exudes a unique charm, only that charm has become more restrained and calm.

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