
Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

author:Sauce sauce readings
Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

At 3 a.m. in June 2008, chaos suddenly fell outside the delivery room of a hospital in Beijing. Wang Ke, who had just accompanied his wife through childbirth, fell to the ground without warning.

His whole body spasmed, his face turned pale, and he fell into a deep coma in an instant. Liu Tao, who had just experienced childbirth, couldn't take a break, and struggled to get up from the hospital bed, his face full of horror and worry.

At this moment, the originally happy and happy life of a wealthy family burst like a bubble. Once one of the "Four Youths of Beijing", life and death are now uncertain. What exactly led to this sudden tragedy? Can Liu Tao and Wang Ke's marriage withstand this severe test? Everything seems to have returned to a year ago, the fateful night that completely changed the trajectory of Liu Tao's life.

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

One night in the autumn of 2007, a fateful encounter took place in the elevator of The Peninsula Beijing. Liu Tao, an actor who was already well-known at that time, met Wang Ke, a leader in the business world and one of the "Four Youths in Beijing".

The eyes of the two met in the small space, as if there was a flash of lightning. This chance encounter became a critical moment that changed the lives of the two.

Wang Ke was deeply attracted by Liu Tao's temperament and launched a passionate pursuit. He frequently drove luxury cars to visit classes, and did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to please beauties. In the face of such an enthusiastic pursuit, Liu Tao gradually took off his guard and was moved by Wang Ke's sincerity.

In just over 20 days, the two hearts quickly got closer, and they made the decision to get married in a flash.

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

However, this marriage that came too quickly made Wang Ke's mother Li Yourong worried. As a traditional housewife, she has an inherent bias against the entertainment industry.

She was worried that Liu Tao would not be able to teach her husband and children with peace of mind, and she was even more worried that this marriage would affect the harmony of the family.

Faced with his mother's concerns, Wang Ke firmly expressed his trust in Liu Tao. He assured his mother that Liu Tao was not only able to handle the relationship between family and career, but more importantly, her positive attitude towards life was the key to attracting him.

On January 6, 2008, a luxurious wedding costing 4 million yuan was held as scheduled. At the wedding, Liu Tao, who was dressed in a white wedding dress, not only announced the good news that she was pregnant, but also made a decision that surprised everyone - she announced her retirement from the entertainment industry and devoted herself to family life.

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

This decision not only won the admiration of the guests present, but also made Li Yourong completely let go of the mustard in his heart.

Looking at the happy appearance of his son and daughter-in-law, Li Yourong finally believed that his son had found a partner who could truly join hands with him for life. Little did she know, however, that the newlyweds were about to face an unprecedented test that would completely change the trajectory of their lives.

Before the honeymoon period after marriage was over, a sudden financial storm pushed the couple into the abyss. Wang Ke's business empire collapsed overnight, saddled with a huge debt of up to 400 million yuan.

The former "Four Youths in Beijing" instantly became a "sky-high loser", and this blow was tantamount to a bolt from the blue for Wang Ke.

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

Wang Ke, who was once high-spirited, became depressed and locked himself in his room all day. Severe headaches and insomnia plagued him, and he even began to rely on sleeping pills for a brief period of calm.

Looking at her husband's increasingly thin figure, Liu Tao's heart was like a knife, but there was nothing she could do.

In the face of this sudden change, many people thought that Liu Tao would choose to leave. However, she has shown admirable courage and commitment. Liu Tao stood firmly beside Wang Ke and interpreted the true meaning of "seeing the truth in adversity" with his actions.

She said to Wang Ke affectionately: "No matter what happens, I will always be by your side." We've got through it together.

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

In order to tide over the difficulties, Liu Tao made a difficult decision - to return to the entertainment industry. The decision was not easy, as she had just given birth and was supposed to recuperate at home.

However, for the sake of her family, she chose to stand up. Facing his mother-in-law's worries, Liu Tao said firmly: "Mom, please rest assured. Wang Ke and I are one, and his difficulties are my difficulties.

I am confident that we will be able to get through this.

The road back to the film industry was extremely difficult. Liu Tao, who has been away from the screen for many years, has to start from scratch, even if it is an insignificant supporting role, she does not hesitate to take it. She has a full schedule and barely has time to rest.

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

The hard work day after day made Liu Tao tired, but she never thought of giving up.

Whenever filming is over, no matter how late it is, Liu Tao will call his mother-in-law as soon as possible, report the progress of the work, and ask Wang Ke about his condition. Despite her physical and mental exhaustion, she persevered because she knew that she was the hope and support of her family.

During these difficult days, Liu Tao showed amazing perseverance and resilience. Not only does she have to juggle a heavy workload, but she also has to take care of the family and care about her husband's recovery.

Whenever Wang Ke was depressed, Liu Tao would always be by his side, take care of him carefully, and give encouragement. She firmly believes that as long as we work hand in hand, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

Liu Tao's strength and dedication not only supported the whole family, but also gave Wang Ke the courage to regain his strength. Slowly, Wang Ke began to come out of the haze and face life again.

The couple proved with practical actions that sincere feelings can withstand any test.

In this sudden family crisis, the relationship between Liu Tao and his mother-in-law Li Yourong has risen instead of falling, and has gradually developed into an enviable intimate relationship. At first, when Liu Tao proposed to return to the entertainment industry, Li Yourong's heart was full of worry and reluctance.

She couldn't bear to see her daughter-in-law, who had just given birth, under such tremendous pressure alone.

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

Seeing Liu Tao's firmness and hard work, Li Yourong was deeply moved. She realizes that this seemingly weak woman has an amazing strength inside. Li Yourong decided to fully support his daughter-in-law's decision, and took the initiative to take care of his grandson and take care of the housework, becoming Liu Tao's most solid backing.

Whenever Liu Tao returned home from heavy work, Li Yourong would always prepare a hot meal and carefully inquire about her work. The two often had long conversations late at night, sharing their joys, sorrows, and sorrows.

This tacit understanding and understanding made their relationship more and more intimate.

Once, Liu Tao fell ill because of continuous high-intensity work. Li Yourong took care of her inch by inch, boiled nutritious soup, and fed her medicine carefully. Seeing that his mother-in-law cared so much about him, Liu Tao was moved to tears, choked up and said, "Mom, if it weren't for you, I really don't know how to persevere."

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

Li Yourong gently patted Liu Tao's hand and said lovingly: "Silly boy, we are a family, no need to say thank you." You can recuperate with peace of mind, and I am at home.

As time went on, the relationship between Liu Tao and Li Yourong became more and more intimate. They are not only mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but also like bosom friends and mother and daughter. Li Yourong often proudly said to others: "Liu Tao is not only my daughter-in-law, she is my precious daughter, and she is the lucky star of our family."

This deep friendship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become Liu Tao's biggest spiritual pillar in difficult times. Whenever she feels tired or depressed, the thought of having her mother-in-law's support and understanding at home brings her strength back to her.

It is this friendship of mutual support that gives Liu Tao the courage to continue to move forward and become the pillar of the whole family.

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

Li Yourong also experienced an unprecedented sense of accomplishment in the process. She not only saw her daughter-in-law's strength and bravery, but also rediscovered her own value.

She often sighed: "Tao, you not only made our family stand up again, but also made me feel the happiness of being a mother."

This special relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law not only helped the family tide over the difficulties, but also became an important motivation for Liu Tao to persevere. She often said: "With the support of my mother-in-law, I have the courage to take on the burden of the family."

She is not only my backing, but also a source of strength.

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

After five years of unremitting efforts, Liu Tao finally ushered in a double breakthrough in his career and family. Not only did she manage to pay off all her debts, but she also achieved great success in her acting career, portraying several impressive roles.

During this period, Wang Ke's condition gradually improved, and he rediscovered the direction of his life.

Instead of being broken, family ties have become stronger during this ordeal. Wang Ke was deeply grateful for his wife's dedication and began to regain his strength. He told Liu Tao: "After all this, I really understand the importance of my family.

Despite his thriving career, Liu Tao has never forgotten the importance of family. She struggles to find a balance between work and family life, finding time for her husband and children whenever possible.

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

Every time between filming, she would rush home as soon as possible, accompany the children to do their homework, walk and chat with Wang Ke, and maintain the warmth of the family.

Li Yourong watched his son and daughter-in-law regain their happiness, and his relief was beyond words. She often sighed: "Tao, you not only saved our family, but also made it better."

You are a gift from Heaven to our home.

Instead of destroying the family, the crisis has made it stronger. The relationship between Liu Tao, Wang Ke and Li Yourong is closer than ever.

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

They went through the most difficult times together, but also ushered in the joy of rebirth together.

Liu Tao often recalls those difficult years and sighs: "That experience made us know how to cherish each other more." Happiness now is not easy to come by, and we will work harder to maintain it.

The story of the family's rebirth is not only a victory for themselves, but also a source of hope for many families facing hardship. It proves that even the greatest difficulties can be overcome as long as the family is united.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Liu Tao and Wang Ke have gone through 14 spring and autumn together. Looking back on the past, Liu Tao was full of emotion: "The experience of the past 14 years has made me cherish our relationship even more.

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

I have never regretted marrying Wang Ke, and it was this experience that made me grow into a stronger person.

In the past 14 years, Liu Tao has transformed from a simple actor to a successful career woman, and has also become a competent wife and mother. She said frankly: "My achievements today are inseparable from the support of Wang Ke and her mother-in-law.

Especially my mother-in-law, she is like my biological mother and gives me unlimited strength.

Wang Ke is also deeply grateful for his wife's dedication: "If it weren't for Liu Tao, I might have given up a long time ago." It was her love that gave me the courage to start over. "

Liu Tao: I don't regret marrying Wang Ke and volunteering to become the pillar of the whole family, just because of the support of my mother-in-law

Li Yourong looked at his son and daughter-in-law and said with relief: "Your marriage has gone through the most severe test, but it has become stronger. That's the power of true love. "

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