
Foreign netizens watched the traffic jam in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, and Korean netizens worked hard in the comment area, and were angry by foreigners!

author:Ah Xin never gave up

Today I want to share with you a story that makes people cry and laugh! After foreign netizens saw the traffic jam picture of the Shenzhong Passage, a "whole life war" broke out in the comment area, but they were angry by a foreigner! Come and see this hilarious story!

Foreign netizens watched the traffic jam in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, and Korean netizens worked hard in the comment area, and were angry by foreigners!

Recently, the news of the congestion of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor has been widely circulated in China, however, this scene has also been inadvertently captured by foreign netizens. They reposted the shocking footage of the traffic jam on social media, leaving all kinds of ridicule and comments. Unexpectedly, these comments attracted the whole work of Korean netizens, but they were angrily reprimanded by a foreigner.

Foreign netizens watched the traffic jam in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, and Korean netizens worked hard in the comment area, and were angry by foreigners!

The traffic jam phenomenon of the Shenzhong Passage appeared in the field of vision of foreign netizens, and they expressed strange interest and curiosity about it. In the comment section, someone quipped: "China seems to need a huge oven to solve this problem." Someone else sarcastically asked, "Is this China's version of a highway?" Looks like a parking lot! ”

Foreign netizens watched the traffic jam in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, and Korean netizens worked hard in the comment area, and were angry by foreigners!

Coincidentally, some netizens joked: "What's going on? Could it be that the Shenzhong channel is a charging station with Chinese characteristics? Everyone teased each other, hoping to find some entertainment in this traffic jam.

Foreign netizens watched the traffic jam in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, and Korean netizens worked hard in the comment area, and were angry by foreigners!

However, the behavior of Korean netizens is laughable. They launched a "ghost farce" in the comment section, posting some ridiculous comments. Someone wrote: "I've heard that this is a ninja training camp with Chinese characteristics, and people have to perform all kinds of difficult maneuvers in traffic jams to pass. Someone else quipped: "Is this really a highway?" Looks like a huge parking lot! ”

Foreign netizens watched the traffic jam in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, and Korean netizens worked hard in the comment area, and were angry by foreigners!

The behavior of Korean netizens has aroused a strong backlash from foreign netizens, who believe that this ridicule is disrespectful and rude to China's traffic phenomenon.

Foreign netizens watched the traffic jam in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, and Korean netizens worked hard in the comment area, and were angry by foreigners!

A foreigner angrily scolded Korean netizens in the comment area, saying: "How can you people make such boring jokes about other people's traffic congestion? It's not a funny topic, but it involves people's daily lives and work. Please be respectful of others and stop ridiculing the Chinese phenomenon. ”

Foreign netizens watched the traffic jam in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, and Korean netizens worked hard in the comment area, and were angry by foreigners!

The foreigner's speech resonated with the majority of netizens, who expressed their support for him and called on everyone to remain respectful and rational when discussing international topics.

Foreign netizens watched the traffic jam in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, and Korean netizens worked hard in the comment area, and were angry by foreigners!

This story shows us that in the age of the internet, information has spread beyond borders. While teasing and grooming is a form of entertainment, it should also be noted that jokes are not appropriate on some sensitive issues.

Foreign netizens watched the traffic jam in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, and Korean netizens worked hard in the comment area, and were angry by foreigners!

The international community should pay more attention to understanding and respect, and use the Internet as a platform to enhance friendship and promote exchanges. We can show concern in a humorous way, but avoid hurting the feelings of others.

Foreign netizens watched the traffic jam in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage, and Korean netizens worked hard in the comment area, and were angry by foreigners!

What do you think of the comments of foreign netizens on the traffic jam picture of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage this time? Do you think there should be a limit to the whole life? Come and leave a comment to share your views! At the same time, if you have similar international exchange stories, you are welcome to share them with everyone!

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