
Exclusive: Monitoring Report on China's Large-scale Model Winning Projects (June 2024)

author:Intelligent hyperparameters

In 2024, as many large models have been approved, the commercialization process related to large models will begin to be further accelerated.

Therefore, the intelligent hyperparameters are expected to comprehensively track and analyze the trend and progress of the commercialization of the large model on a monthly and quarterly basis, based on the data of the public large-scale model-related bid-winning projects, and provide valuable market insights for relevant enterprises and practitioners.

The "Monitoring Report on China's Large Model Winning Projects" will analyze the overall market size, industry coverage, project type, representative manufacturers, representative projects, geographical distribution and other dimensions, so as to depict the current situation of commercialization of the large model industry.

Key Insights:

In January and June, the number of winning projects hit a new high. In June 2024, the number of winning bids related to large models reached a new high, proving that the implementation of large models has begun to enter the early adopter stage.

2. There are more data-based projects, but they are still underestimated. Over the past few months, the number of items in data categories has been low in absolute terms, but the number is increasing. Data-based services should be grossly underestimated right now.

3. The demand for education, science and central state-owned enterprises is growing rapidly, and the demand in the energy sector continues to decline. In June, there was a significant increase in the number of projects in the field of education and the amount of disclosed bids, while the number of projects and amounts in the energy sector continued to decline in May. The procurement projects related to large models of central state-owned enterprises continue to grow.

4. Baidu and iFLYTEK lead the industry. In June, iFLYTEK and Baidu led the way in the number of winning projects, showing their industry leadership, but the competition was extremely fierce in the bidding of many industry benchmark projects.

5. The procurement demand in first-tier cities continues to be strong, and major economic provinces have begun to exert force. In June, the large-scale model procurement projects in the first-tier cities were still significantly ahead, but the procurement demand of Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other major economic provinces was also growing rapidly.

The following is the full June 2024 monitoring report:

1. The overall market

In June, the number of large-scale model-related bid-winning projects continued to grow strongly, and the number of bid-winning projects in a single month hit a new high in June. In June, there were 75 large-scale model-related winning projects counted by public channels, of which: 30 projects did not disclose the amount of winning bids (for the convenience of statistics, the amount is calculated as 0), and the remaining 45 winning projects disclosed an amount of 138 million yuan.

Exclusive: Monitoring Report on China's Large-scale Model Winning Projects (June 2024)

In the first six months of 2024, the number of large-scale model-related winning projects that can be tracked in a single month has increased month by month. Although the absolute number of projects we have counted is not large, the trend reflected in these numbers in the past few months is very consistent with our experience, that is, the value of large models has been recognized by government and enterprise customers.

At present, both the supply and demand sides of large model technology are actively exploring landing scenarios, and they are also waiting for the value of pilot scenarios and subsequent large-scale replication. If we use the innovation diffusion curve to describe it, the large model technology should now be in the early adopter stage, but it is still early in this phase.

Exclusive: Monitoring Report on China's Large-scale Model Winning Projects (June 2024)

In June 2024, judging from the amount disclosed by the project, the median disclosed amount of the winning project was about 1.7 million yuan, the median in May was 900,000 yuan, and the median in April was 1.5 million yuan. If you remove some super-large projects in the past months, the amount of large-scale model projects has actually been increasing in the past three months, which has a lot to do with the fact that more and more scenarios have been landed by customers, and more projects include computing power.

2. Large model project type

At present, there are many types of bidding projects related to large models, but on the whole, we divide them into four categories: computing power (computing resources required to run large models), data (large model-related data labeling or data resources, etc.), large models (various large model software and related support platforms), and application (the integration and implementation of large models in clear scenarios).

The categories of projects counted in June 2024 are classified as follows:

Exclusive: Monitoring Report on China's Large-scale Model Winning Projects (June 2024)

As can be seen from this table, in June, application and computing power are the absolute dominant procurement demands. The proportion of these two categories has not changed much since the statistics in 2023, and has continued to be above 90%. It's just that the proportion of applications is getting bigger and bigger.

It is worth noting the application of data categories. Although the number of projects has been small in the past few months, the number is increasing. Data-based services should be grossly underestimated right now. As the update speed of the basic large model iteration slows down, the projects in this category should slowly grow with the landing of the large model in the vertical field. Without data, the accuracy of large models in vertical domains will definitely be limited.

3. Industry distribution of large-scale model projects

In June, the large-scale model winning projects were counted, and the prominent industries include: operators, education, central state-owned enterprises, government affairs, finance, etc.

Exclusive: Monitoring Report on China's Large-scale Model Winning Projects (June 2024)

As can be seen from the table above, in June, the number of projects in the field of education and the amount of disclosed bids increased significantly, and both of the proportion data increased significantly, while the number of projects and amounts in the energy sector continued to decline in May.

The procurement projects related to the large model of central state-owned enterprises continue to grow, which may have a lot to do with the central state-owned enterprises closely following the policy and accelerating the layout of new quality productivity.

In June, the financial industry's large model procurement projects were counted to 5, involving banks, insurance, securities and other institutions, and the amount of its China Yuan Securities large model infrastructure and investment banking large model research projects reached 17.88 million yuan, which is the financial large model related project with the highest disclosure amount currently counted.

4. Winning bidders and representative projects

In June, iFLYTEK and Baidu were the high-frequency faces among the winning bidders, showing the industry's leading position.

iFLYTEK won the bid for 8 projects in a single month, with a disclosed winning bid amount of 38.95 million yuan, and Baidu won 7 projects in a single month, with a disclosed winning bid amount of 28.31 million yuan. In addition, manufacturers such as SenseTime, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, and Zhipu AI have also won bids.

In June, some projects that have attracted the attention of the industry began to be tendered, such as the AI large model construction project of Chongqing Tobacco. Judging from the bid opening records disclosed on June 28, the project is very competitive. From this, we have a glimpse of the next trend of the large model market, and manufacturers will definitely roll to the end in blockbuster projects.

5. Regional distribution

In June, the winning projects were distributed in 19 provinces and municipalities directly under the central government in China, mainly in Beijing, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Guangdong + Shenzhen, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other places.

Exclusive: Monitoring Report on China's Large-scale Model Winning Projects (June 2024)

As can be seen from the table above, the procurement demand in the first-tier regions continues to be strong, but the projects in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other regions with economic pillars have also begun to increase. In addition, many other provinces and cities have also begun to continue to have large-scale model-related projects, which also supports our judgment mentioned above, and today's large-scale model technology has begun to enter the early adopter stage.

Preview: The inspection report of China's large-scale model winning project in the second quarter of 2024 will be released soon, please stay tuned.

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