
After 17 years of debut, she finally won the Magnolia, and Jiang Yan's strength and acting skills were affirmed again!

author:Yan Keer 9O0Y

Behind the bright starlight, how many unknown sweat and tears are hidden? Today, let's take a look at the goddess who makes countless people admire - Jiang Xiaoyan, she is not an ordinary person, with 17 years, she has carved her own course in the vast sea of the entertainment industry, and won the Magnolia Award in one fell swoop. But the most talked-about thing is not the glorious moment when she added the trophy, but the "masterpiece" that made her popular overnight, but almost made her fall into the whirlpool of public opinion. You say, what kind of magic does this have to be, it can make the audience love and hate at the same time, and even those of us who eat melons can't help but want to find out?

After 17 years of debut, she finally won the Magnolia, and Jiang Yan's strength and acting skills were affirmed again!

1. Emerging edge, big dreams in small roles

Back then, Jiang Xiaoyan was still a little-known little actor, standing in the crowd, you might not even recognize her. But there is a fire in people's hearts, and what burns vigorously is the love of performance. She is like a tireless spinning top, spinning and turning in the crew, even if she is a small supporting role, she can perform flowers. I remember that in one drama, she played a maid whose name she couldn't even remember, and just a few shots made people remember those talking eyes. At that time, I thought, this girl will become a great thing in the future!

After 17 years of debut, she finally won the Magnolia, and Jiang Yan's strength and acting skills were affirmed again!

2. A "controversial work" that turned the tables against the wind and exploded in acting skills

Speaking of Jiang Xiaoyan's masterpiece, it is really a "love and hate" existence. That drama is simply a turning point in her acting career, and it is also a bump in her life. Why? Because the character is as complex as a labyrinth, the good guys are not like the good guys, and the bad guys are not like the bad guys, so that the audience can see it as both love and hate, and there is a lot of scolding on the Internet, but the ratings have soared. Jiang Xiaoyan used her explosive acting skills to play the role alive, which made people hate her teeth and feel sorry for her at the same time. I was thinking, this girl really has two brushes, and she can interpret the complexity of human nature so vividly.

After 17 years of debut, she finally won the Magnolia, and Jiang Yan's strength and acting skills were affirmed again!

3. Behind the scenes, the interweaving of sweat and tears

Do you think those highlight moments are pie in the sky? Wrong! Jiang Xiaoyan has made a lot of money for this role.

After 17 years of debut, she finally won the Magnolia, and Jiang Yan's strength and acting skills were affirmed again!

It is said that in order to experience the psychological state of the character, she did not go out for a whole month, reading scripts, listening to music, and writing experiences at home every day, and the whole person was immersed in the role. During the filming, he was even more desperate to possess Saburo, no matter how difficult the scene was, he went into battle in person, without a stand-in. There was a crying scene, she cried heartbreakingly, the director shouted to stop and she couldn't stop, and finally the whole crew cried.

After 17 years of debut, she finally won the Magnolia, and Jiang Yan's strength and acting skills were affirmed again!

How can we, outsiders, know all about the efforts behind this? But one thing is certain, that is, every drop of sweat will turn into a seed of success.

After 17 years of debut, she finally won the Magnolia, and Jiang Yan's strength and acting skills were affirmed again!

Fourth, the public opinion turmoil, the growth and transformation in the controversy

With the popularity of the show, controversy also followed. Some people scolded her for her exaggerated acting skills, and some praised her for daring to break through. In the face of these voices, Jiang Xiaoyan did not choose to escape, but stood up bravely.

After 17 years of debut, she finally won the Magnolia, and Jiang Yan's strength and acting skills were affirmed again!

She posted a long post on Weibo, describing her understanding of the character and the creative process, and the sincerity and tenacity revealed between the lines made many netizens turn fans. This turmoil is both a challenge and an opportunity for her.

After 17 years of debut, she finally won the Magnolia, and Jiang Yan's strength and acting skills were affirmed again!

It not only made her see her own shortcomings, but also taught her how to maintain herself in the torrent of public opinion, and strengthened her acting path.

After 17 years of debut, she finally won the Magnolia, and Jiang Yan's strength and acting skills were affirmed again!

Fifth, the crowning of magnolia is a well-deserved glory

Finally, in the 17th year of her acting career, Jiang Xiaoyan won the Magnolia Award in one fell swoop with years of hard work and accumulation.

After 17 years of debut, she finally won the Magnolia, and Jiang Yan's strength and acting skills were affirmed again!

At that moment, all the hardships and hardships turned into tears, but she smiled brighter than ever. Because she knows that this is not only a recognition of an award, but also the best proof of her perseverance and hard work over the years.

After 17 years of debut, she finally won the Magnolia, and Jiang Yan's strength and acting skills were affirmed again!

Standing on the podium, she delivered a touching acceptance speech, thanking all those who supported her and expressing her expectations for the future. At that moment, she seemed to be glowing all over her body, so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

After 17 years of debut, she finally won the Magnolia, and Jiang Yan's strength and acting skills were affirmed again!

Conclusion: Dreams illuminate reality, and persistence creates brilliance

Jiang Xiaoyan's story, like an inspirational blockbuster, tells us a simple and profound truth: no matter how far away your dream is, as long as you make unremitting efforts, you will one day usher in your own highlight moment. In this entertainment industry full of variables, she used her own experience to tell us that there is no shortcut to success, only down-to-earth and courageous. And her love and dedication to performance are worth learning and learning from each of us. In the days to come, I believe that Jiang Xiaoyan will continue to use her talent and sweat to bring us more wonderful works and touches. And what about those of us who eat melons? Just wait and see!

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