
The appearance of the supporting characters in "Hurricane" making crazy money shows the entertainment industry's rush for quick success and quick profit to the fullest

author:Peerless melon
The appearance of the supporting characters in "Hurricane" making crazy money shows the entertainment industry's rush for quick success and quick profit to the fullest

What are you waiting for? The chance for good luck is fleeting! Hurry up and follow me and start a lucky journey together! I wish you good fortune and all your wishes come true!

The aftermath of the phenomenal drama "Hurricane": the AB side of the fate of the supporting characters

At the beginning of 2023, a TV series called "Hurricane" swept the Chinese film and television industry with a thunderous momentum, this series not only climbed in ratings, but also triggered a frenzy of national drama chasing on online platforms, and its popularity even surpassed the sum of all popular dramas in the past few years, The success of "Hurricane" not only pushed the protagonist in the play to the peak of his career, but also made many previously unknown supporting actors taste popular overnight

The appearance of the supporting characters in "Hurricane" making crazy money shows the entertainment industry's rush for quick success and quick profit to the fullest

The hit of "Hurricane" made the names of Su Xiaoling, Wu Jingli, Wang Peilu and other supporting actors begin to frequently appear on the headlines of major social platforms and entertainment news, as if overnight, they walked from the obscure behind the scenes to the front of the stage, surrounded by the spotlights, and became the object of heated discussion among the public

The confusion behind fame: the different choices of supporting actors

For these supporting actors who have been in the entertainment industry for many years, the sudden surprise is not all joy and luck, but more confusion and choice for the future, some people choose to seize the opportunity, cash in as much as possible, and strive for more resources and opportunities for themselves; Some people choose to keep their original intentions and continue to hone their acting skills, hoping to gain the recognition of the audience with their strength

The appearance of the supporting characters in "Hurricane" making crazy money shows the entertainment industry's rush for quick success and quick profit to the fullest

Su Xiaoling's role of "Gao Qisheng" in "Hurricane" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, he vividly interpreted this role of both good and evil, paranoid and crazy, leaving a deep impression on the audience, after becoming popular, he seemed to be carried away by the sudden and began to over-consume the dividends brought by the role, he frequently imitated the classic actions and lines of "Gao Qisheng" in the live broadcast, and even brought the labeling characteristics of the role into commercial activities, this behavior aroused the disgust of many audiences, thinking that he was too eager for quick success, lost the original intention that an actor should have

Unlike Su Xiaoling, although Wu Jingli played a role in "Hurricane" without many scenes, her gentle and kind image left a deep impression on the audience, after becoming popular, she took over some commercial endorsements and activities, but she did not over-consume the role, nor did she appear in the public eye as frequently as Su Xiaoling, she seems to hope to be able to settle down, polish her acting skills, and bring more and better works to the audience

Wang Peilu's "crazy donkey" in the play is a hateful villain, but his superb acting skills have also won him a lot of attention, after becoming popular, Wang Peilu chose to interact with fans through live broadcasts, sharing his life and work, compared to Su Xiaoling and Wu Jingli, Wang Peilu's choice seems to be more Buddhist, he doesn't seem to have changed his lifestyle because of it, and still maintains his usual rhythm

A flash in the pan or a build-up? Time will tell

The popularity of "Hurricane" has opened a door for these supporting actors, but whether they can seize the opportunity to go further in the entertainment industry ultimately depends on their own efforts and choices

The appearance of the supporting characters in "Hurricane" making crazy money shows the entertainment industry's rush for quick success and quick profit to the fullest

Su Xiaoling's over-consumption role, although it brought him a moment of popularity and benefits, but also ruined the audience's popularity and limited his acting path, if he can't adjust his mentality in time and settle down to hone his acting skills, he will only become a meteor in the entertainment industry in the end, a flash in the pan

Wu Jingli's choice is relatively safe, she was not carried away, but chose to be down-to-earth and continue to improve her acting skills, I believe that as long as she maintains her original intention and continues to work hard, there will be more and better opportunities in the future

Although Wang Peilu's live broadcast has brought him some controversy, it has also brought him closer to his fans, and if he can make good use of the live broadcast platform, share more content, and create a good public image, I believe it will also help his acting career

The "Hurricane" Effect of the Entertainment Industry: The Game of Traffic and Strength

In the era when traffic is king, many actors are eager to become famous overnight and realize quickly, but they ignore that the essence of actors is to create good roles and speak with their works

The appearance of the supporting characters in "Hurricane" making crazy money shows the entertainment industry's rush for quick success and quick profit to the fullest

It is true that traffic is an important factor for actors to obtain resources and opportunities, but excessive pursuit of traffic will only lose oneself and lose the recognition of the audience in the end

The hit of "Hurricane" provides a platform for these supporting actors to show themselves, and also makes them face greater challenges and temptations


The aftermath of "Hurricane" continues, and the fate of these supporting actors is also full of unknowns, but no matter what, we hope that they can not forget their original intentions, forge ahead, and bring more and better works to the audience

The appearance of the supporting characters in "Hurricane" making crazy money shows the entertainment industry's rush for quick success and quick profit to the fullest

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