
Who is maliciously attacking and denigrating civil servants? Malicious rumors? It turned out to be these people

author:Xiao An has something to say
Who is maliciously attacking and denigrating civil servants? Malicious rumors? It turned out to be these people

"Civil servants just drink tea and read newspapers all day long, 9 to 5, and the benefits are very good." You've heard of that, right? But is that really the case? Let's step into the world of civil servants and see what their work is really like.

Xiao Li is a grassroots civil servant who gets up before dawn every day to rush to the office. As soon as he arrived at the unit, he began to get busy: answering calls from the masses, processing documents, and preparing meeting materials...... Lunchtime is often just a casual bite. In the afternoon, I will go to the countryside to visit and investigate the people's situation. When night fell, Xiao Li dragged his tired body home.

Such a pace of work may be unimaginable in the eyes of many people. But for Xiao Li, this is already a normal daily routine. He told me: "Although the work is very hard, I feel a great sense of accomplishment to be able to do practical things for the masses and solve problems." "

Who is maliciously attacking and denigrating civil servants? Malicious rumors? It turned out to be these people

Xiao Li's colleague Xiao Wang has similar feelings. As a poverty alleviation cadre, she often has to go deep into poor mountainous areas, visit poor households, and help them formulate poverty alleviation plans. Sometimes, she even has to ride a motorcycle on a mountain road for hours in order to get on the road. "Although I am very tired, I feel that it is worth the hard work to see the lives of the villagers getting better day by day." Xiao Wang said with a smile.

In fact, there are many civil servants like Xiao Li and Xiao Wang who are silently dedicated. They may not have a vigorous deed, but it is precisely because of their hard work that our society can run more smoothly.

Of course, there are some undesirable phenomena in the civil service. Some people are indeed messing around, and there are even corrupt people. But this is only a minority, and we cannot deny the contribution of all civil servants because of that.

Who is maliciously attacking and denigrating civil servants? Malicious rumors? It turned out to be these people

So, how should we view the civil servant group?

First of all, we need to look at civil servants objectively and rationally. It cannot be generalized that all civil servants are "mixed and waiting to die". In fact, most civil servants are working diligently and making their own contribution to society.

Second, we must also understand the special nature of the work of civil servants. They represent the image of the government and shoulder the heavy responsibility of serving the masses. This requires them to be cautious in what they say and do at all times, and to bear unimaginable pressures.

Finally, we should also praise those good civil servants who truly serve the people. They have interpreted what it means to "serve the people" with practical actions, which deserve our respect and learning.

Who is maliciously attacking and denigrating civil servants? Malicious rumors? It turned out to be these people

Netizens also have different opinions on this topic:

@阳光灿烂123: To be honest, my friends who are civil servants around me are really hard, overtime is commonplace, and they often have to be on duty on holidays. I used to think that civil servants were very easy, but now I realize that it is not easy for them either.

Indeed, many people's impression of civil servants is still stuck in the past, thinking that they are just 9 to 5 and leisurely. However, with the development of society, the work intensity of civil servants is also increasing. In particular, grassroots civil servants often have to wear multiple hats, and the work pressure is very high. We should look at their work in a more objective light.

@小小梦想家: I don't think it can be generalized, there are civil servants who work hard, and there are people who mess around. The key is to establish a good evaluation mechanism to motivate those who truly serve the people.

Who is maliciously attacking and denigrating civil servants? Malicious rumors? It turned out to be these people

There are good and bad in any group, and civil servants are no exception. It is important to establish a scientific and rational appraisal mechanism, reward the good and punish the bad, so that those civil servants who truly serve the people can be duly recognized and rewarded. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen supervision, promptly discover and deal with those who fail to act or act in a disorderly manner, and safeguard the overall image of the civil servants.

@理性思考者: Civil servants do have a good side of welfare, but we must also see the special nature of their work. For example, many employees in the private sector can increase their income by working overtime and changing jobs, but civil servants do not have this opportunity. So I don't think you can simply judge by how much you earn.

The work of civil servants does have its own peculiarities, and cannot be simply measured by the standards of private enterprises. While their salaries and benefits may seem good, consider that they have relatively limited room for advancement and are subject to more social responsibility. We should take a holistic view of this issue when evaluating the remuneration of civil servants.

Who is maliciously attacking and denigrating civil servants? Malicious rumors? It turned out to be these people

@爱国青年: I think civil servants represent the image of the government, and they should be more strict with themselves. Now that there are so many negative evaluations of civil servants in society, they should take concrete actions to change this impression.

Civil servants do have a special mission, and their words and deeds represent the image of the government. In the face of doubts in society, the best response is to prove yourself with practical actions. Those civil servants who truly serve the people and are diligent and conscientious will eventually win the recognition and respect of the masses.

Who is maliciously attacking and denigrating civil servants? Malicious rumors? It turned out to be these people

@乐观向上派: Actually, I think that instead of complaining about how civil servants are doing, we should pay more attention to our own work. Everyone does their own things well, and society will naturally become a better place.

Instead of focusing too much on others, reflect on yourself more. Whether we are civil servants or ordinary employees, we should all do our part to contribute to society. Only when everyone takes their own responsibility can our society truly progress.

Who is maliciously attacking and denigrating civil servants? Malicious rumors? It turned out to be these people

Through this in-depth understanding, we can see that the job of a civil servant is not as easy as it seems on the surface. Most of them are quietly giving and making their own contribution to society. Of course, there are also some problems in this group that need to be monitored and improved together.

As ordinary people, how should we view the group of civil servants? First of all, we need to look at their work objectively and rationally and not be misled by stereotypes. Secondly, we should also understand the particularity and pressure of their work, and give appropriate understanding and support. Finally, we should also actively participate in social governance, praise those good civil servants who truly serve the people, and at the same time dare to say "no" to bad behavior.

Who is maliciously attacking and denigrating civil servants? Malicious rumors? It turned out to be these people

Everyone is a member of society, and the words and deeds of each of us will affect the atmosphere of the whole society. Let us work together to create a rational, inclusive and mutually understanding social environment. Only in this way can our society truly progress and our lives become better and better.