
The United States is constantly making moves against China, and China is dealing with it with difficulty, and the core is the military

author:Stars fall

The story between the United States and China, a pair of "economic enemies", is becoming more and more like a Hollywood blockbuster! From the dollar printing press to the technology war, to those "ghost towns" with little reputation, and then with the fireworks of military battles, the whole plot has ups and downs, and it is endless.

The United States is constantly making moves against China, and China is dealing with it with difficulty, and the core is the military

Printing counterfeit money in the basement of the house - the United States. But don't get me wrong, the United States prints real money, which is called "quantitative easing". This Dafa is good, and when his own economy is not good, he starts the money printing machine, and on a whim, the party is driven to the whole world, and even China, which is far away in the east, has caught up with this train.

At that time, the housing market in the United States collapsed, and the economy almost entered an ice age. In order to save the market, the United States not only printed its own money, but also pushed this wave of heat to the world, especially China. You think, the dollar is pouring in like water here, and the real estate market in China is like being beaten with chicken blood, and the property market explodes overnight. From first-tier cities to remote villages, high-rise buildings have sprung up everywhere, and many have become famous "ghost towns", that is, the kind of places where a lot of people live in them.

The United States is constantly making moves against China, and China is dealing with it with difficulty, and the core is the military

The United States may be a little proud of watching China's housing prices soar, because this is not just an economic game, but more like a strategic battle. It's like that Alaskan hunter story, luring wolves with pieces of meat with blades, and unwittingly causing the other to hurt themselves. The U.S. strategy is quite similar to this move, except that this time the prey is the entire Chinese economy.

The United States is constantly making moves against China, and China is dealing with it with difficulty, and the core is the military

However, things always turn out unexpectedly. China didn't end up like those wolves. On the contrary, through continuous efforts and adjustment of strategies, it has not only stabilized its own economic ship, but also made a lot of investment and development in science and technology and the military. Over time, China's military power has grown, forcing the United States to move from provocation to more dialogue and consultation.

The United States is constantly making moves against China, and China is dealing with it with difficulty, and the core is the military

On the U.S. side, in order to contain China's rise, various means have been used in turns, from technology warfare to trade wars. There are also policies that restrict Chinese students from studying high-end science and technology in the United States, trying to block academic exchanges between the two countries and weaken China's scientific and technological strength. It's like playing a "I don't just want to be good, I won't let you be good" drama on the global stage.

In the final analysis, this move of the United States stems more or less from fear and anxiety about China's huge development potential. This kind of mentality is like seeing other people's children making progress every day, and they are anxious, but it is difficult to say it clearly, so they can only use a little means to try to pull back a city.

The United States is constantly making moves against China, and China is dealing with it with difficulty, and the core is the military

This economic and technological game between China and the United States seems to be a contest of money and technology, but in fact it is a deep-seated strategic and psychological competition behind it. From the money printing machine to the scientific and technological warfare, and then to the contest of military strength, this is not only a story between two countries, but also a microcosm of the great power game in the context of globalization. Like every move on the chessboard, behind the seemingly simple moves, there are complex thoughts and strategies.

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