
See also the shrinking bullish candle


The recent trend is very mysterious, is there not much consumption in the stock market? I don't know who proposed it, the stock market is a financial consumer market, I don't want to explore this word, there is no need! mentioned in the early stage: "The key point of the 5-minute cycle of 2972 is an important node position for the upward stroke this afternoon, and it is good to break through strongly here, and the minimum should not be adjusted to break 2955, and the maximum pressure in the later period is at 3000 points." "Today's highest point is 3004.99 points, just breaking through 3000 points, and then there is a correction, and yesterday's analysis of 3000 points is basically realized today. Judging from the 5-minute cycle chart, the current is to do a rising pivot finishing, 2995 points have become an important position, standing up is strong, and if it falls below, it must be careful to rebound to the end. At present, the strength of the current rise is acceptable, and the temporary pullback and correction is also understandable.

See also the shrinking bullish candle

30-minute cycle analysis, the current rise is fast to the previous falling pivot position, pulling into the pivot and the emergence of three selling problems are not big, the important thing is to see where the pullback is. From a structural point of view, the 30-minute decline did not appear divergence, the C segment is obviously larger than the B segment, and the real divergence will fall below 2933 points and then appear again after the low, and the MACD green column does not continue to amplify, which is the most worry-free. There is also a trend that the volume has pulled up over the previous falling center, and the pullback will no longer enter the falling center position is relatively strong, and the later period will be seen while walking. 3026 will be the next pressure.

See also the shrinking bullish candle

On July 2, there were 64 stocks with a limit of 10% and above, and the stocks rose slightly, and the limit of stocks increased slightly compared with yesterday.

Stock review on July 2:

Case 1: Qiming information, 002232, yesterday's analysis: tomorrow may have a high action. As a result, he gave up before he could rush, did he want to enter the ambush circle quickly?

See also the shrinking bullish candle

Case 2: Xiling information, 300588, today's intraday maximum increase of about 1.4%, and then gradually fall, if you dare to operate in the line position, then today's rise is profitable. Keep watching.

See also the shrinking bullish candle

Case 3: USI, 601231, the pressure near the price of 16.10 is relatively large, and the effect of callback to the line drawing position is better, which can avoid chasing higher. It continues to fall back today, and the two lines drawn in the early stage have not moved, to see if the later line can return to the line position to give the ambush a chance.

See also the shrinking bullish candle

This is just the early tracking and observation, the two lines were also marked in the early stage, and today they finally went to a low level and began to react, proving that this method may be helpful to a certain extent.

See also the shrinking bullish candle