
Whether a man is worth marrying or not, just look at this

author:Brother Yu will show you the world

In the world of love, time is like a fertile soil, which nurtures the seeds of emotion, allowing them to take root and thrive. The time two people spend together is not only a physical companionship, but also an emotional communication and spiritual fit. If you can't do even the most basic companionship, then this relationship is like a seed without soil, which is difficult to grow, let alone blossom and bear fruit.

Imagine when you feel lonely, helpless, or happy and excited, is your first thought to share with your significant other? That's what companionship is all about. It lets us know that no matter what happens, there is someone who is willing to stand by our side and give us strength and support. This kind of companionship is the most basic and important part of love.

However, companionship is not simply about being together. It requires input and effort on both sides. For example, you can cook together and enjoy cooking. Watch movies together and share each other's feelings; Travel together and explore the unknown. These shared experiences will make your relationship stronger and you will get to know each other better.

Whether a man is worth marrying or not, just look at this

In this fast-paced society, people often overlook the importance of companionship because they are busy with work. However, we need to know that work is for a better life, not the whole of life. If you ignore each other because of work, then the relationship may slowly become indifferent. So, no matter how busy you are, make time to spend time with each other, even if it's a simple hug, a warm greeting, to make the other person feel your love.

Of course, companionship isn't just about being around each other. Sometimes, even if you are in a different place, you can convey your care and love through phone calls, videos or texts. This kind of remote companionship can also make the other party feel that you care.

In short, companionship in love is not only a formality, but also a responsibility and commitment. It requires us to operate with heart and prove it with time. Only in this way will our feelings be able to stand the test of time and become deeper and precious. Remember, companionship is the most affectionate confession and the warmest promise. Don't ignore each other because of a moment of busyness, because love needs us to protect it all our lives.

Whether a man is worth marrying or not, just look at this

Momoko is a gentle girl who always looks forward to spending quality time with her boyfriend. However, her boyfriend always seems to have a busy schedule, work, friends, hobbies...... Momoko felt like she was the last option in line, always being overlooked.

In the beginning, Momoko always told herself to understand and support her boyfriend's busyness. She thought that maybe he really had a lot of important things to deal with, and maybe he was working hard now for the future of both of them. However, as time went on, Peaches began to feel tired and disappointed. She found that no matter how hard she tried to understand and adapt, her boyfriend always found all sorts of reasons to postpone their date, or simply forgot about it.

Momoko remembers one time when she prepared dinner and wanted to surprise her boyfriend. She came home from work early, and after being busy, she prepared a table of delicious food. However, while she was expectantly waiting for her boyfriend to come home, she received a call from him saying that he was working overtime tonight and could not come back. Momoko's mood suddenly fell to the bottom, and she felt a sense of sadness as she looked at the carefully prepared dishes.

Whether a man is worth marrying or not, just look at this

This happened again and again, and Momoko's heart began to crack. She began to wonder what her place in this man's heart was. She began to question whether the relationship was really worth her persistence and dedication.

Momoko has tried to communicate with her boyfriend, and she tells him how she feels, hoping that he will spend more time on their relationship. However, the boyfriend always seems to be unlistening, and he always says, "I know how you feel, but I really have a lot of things to do." Or, "I'm doing this for our future." ”

Momoko feels more and more lonely, and she begins to realize that what she needs is not just a verbal commitment, but practical actions and companionship. She began to think that if a person could not do even the most basic companionship, then he was really worthy of her love?

Eventually, Momoko made a decision. She chose to break up. The decision was not easy because she was still in love with the man. However, she knows that she deserves a partner who is willing to spend time with her and who is willing to create great memories with her. She didn't want to waste her youth and feelings on a man who would always put her last.

Whether a man is worth marrying or not, just look at this

The story of Peaches teaches us that companionship in love is very important. It is not just a formality, but also a kind of attention and love for each other. If a person always neglects to spend time with their partner on the grounds that they are busy, then it will be difficult for the relationship to last. Because, everyone wants to feel valued, happy and fulfilled in a relationship. If these basic needs are not met, then a breakup may be the only way out.

Peach's story, like a mirror, reflects the reality of many modern relationships. Her boyfriend always shows his love with all kinds of expensive gifts, from designer bags to the latest smartphones, from luxury vacation trips to carefully selected jewelry. To outsiders, Momoko seems to have a perfect romance, a boyfriend who is willing to spend money for her. However, Momoko knows in her heart that these material gifts cannot fill the desire for companionship in her heart.

Momoko remembers a time when she was sick and lying in bed, feeling lonely and helpless. How she wished her boyfriend could be by her side, bring her a cup of hot water, and give her a warm hug. However, her boyfriend just came to see her in a hurry, left a bouquet of flowers and a card, and then rushed to attend to his work affairs. The card reads: "Honey, I'm busy, but trust me, I've been thinking about you. Momoko looked at those gorgeous gifts, but felt a sense of emptiness in her heart.

Momoko begins to reflect, does she really need these expensive gifts? What she really longs for is actually that simple and pure companionship. What she wants is ordinary days for two people to spend together, those times that don't cost a penny, but can make her feel happy and satisfied. What she wants is someone who can stand by her side and give her strength and support when she encounters difficulties and challenges.

Momoko's boyfriend always seems to be busy with work, busy socializing, and busy pursuing material success. He always said that he did it to give Momoko a better future. However, Momoko begins to wonder what is the point of the so-called "better future" if she can't be given enough companionship and care now?

The case of Peaches tells us that in love, material gifts are important, but time companionship is even more indispensable. If a person always uses busyness as an excuse to ignore the time spent with their partner, then the relationship will be difficult to maintain. Because, everyone wants to feel valued, happy and fulfilled in a relationship. If these basic needs are not met, then the rift in the relationship will grow wider and wider, eventually leading to the breakdown of the relationship.

Peach's story also reminds us that both parties in a relationship need to share common values and goals in life. If one person values material success and another person values emotional companionship and support, it is difficult for such a relationship to last. Both parties in a relationship need to understand each other, respect each other, and work together to maintain and nurture the relationship.

In conclusion, Peach's case illustrates that even with material gifts, a lack of time can still lead to a relationship breakdown. In love, what we need is not only material satisfaction, but also emotional communication and companionship. Only in this way will our feelings be able to stand the test of time and become deeper and precious.

Peach's story is embarrassing, but fortunately, her best friend has a very different love experience. This best friend's husband, although he is busy with work, always finds time in his busy schedule to keep in touch with his wife and give care. This contrast is like telling us that being busy is not an excuse to ignore your partner, but a choice.

My best friend's husband is a business executive, and he has a huge workload every day, meetings, reports, and decisions, which occupy almost all of his time. However, no matter how busy he is, he always remembers to send his wife a short text message telling her that he is missing her. Sometimes, it's a casual landscape photo, and sometimes, it's a simple sentence of "I missed you today, I missed you today". These small gestures, although simple, are full of love and warmth.

The couple also has a small habit, that is, no matter how late it is, the husband will try to come home for dinner. Even if he can't go home because of work, he will tell his wife in advance and try to make up for it as much as possible. They believe that a shared dinner time is an important moment to bond with each other. At the dinner table, they will share each other's daily routines, talk about work, life, and even some trivial things. This kind of exchange makes their feelings deeper.

The best friend's husband will also be there for his wife as much as he can when she needs him. I remember one time, my best friend was sick and hospitalized, and although my husband was busy with work, he still took a leave of absence to accompany her in the hospital to take care of her. During that time, he became almost a regular visitor to the hospital, going straight to the hospital after work every day and not leaving until late at night. His dedication made his girlfriends feel extremely relieved and happy.

This contrast makes Peaches feel both envious and confused. She doesn't understand why her best friend's husband can not forget to care for his wife in his busy work, while her boyfriend always neglects to spend time with him on the grounds that he is busy. This makes her realize that whether a person is willing to devote time and energy to his partner does not depend entirely on how busy he is at work, but on whether he genuinely cares about the relationship.

The story of Momoko's best friend and her husband gives Momoko a lot of inspiration. She began to understand that true love requires the joint efforts and maintenance of both parties. If a person truly loves you, he will be willing to give your time, even when he is at his busiest. And those who always use busyness as an excuse may not be really that busy, but they don't put you in the most important place in their hearts.

This story teaches us that companionship and care are essential in love. If a person always neglects to spend time with his partner on the grounds that he is busy, then it will be difficult for the relationship to last. Because, everyone wants to feel valued, happy and fulfilled in a relationship. If these basic needs are not met, then the rift in the relationship will grow wider and wider, eventually leading to the breakdown of the relationship.

In this fast-paced era, busyness seems to be the norm for everyone. Work, study, socializing, all kinds of things come like a tide, making people overwhelmed. However, the story of Momoko's best friend and her husband is like a breath of fresh air, reminding us that even in a busy life, people who really care about you will find a way to make time for you.

Peach's best friend, let's call her Xiaomei. Mei's husband, we'll call him Applejack. Applejack is a typical workaholic, leaving early and returning late every day, sometimes even working late into the night. But, despite this, Applejack never lets work be an excuse for him to ignore Mei. He can always find those small gaps in his busy schedule to keep in touch with Xiaomei and give her care.

For example, Applejack will send a good morning message to Mei on her way to work, telling her about the weather today and reminding her to dress or bring an umbrella. These simple greetings, although only a few words, can make Xiaomei feel Applejack's care and love. As another example, even during the busiest times, Applejack will call Mei at lunchtime and ask her how she was doing in the morning and if there was anything interesting. These small gestures, although they don't take up much time, can make Xiaomei feel valued and loved.

Applejack also uses weekends and holidays to arrange special activities to spend with Mei. They might go hiking in the countryside together, go on vacation to the beach, or just cook and watch movies together at home. These shared moments not only deepened their relationship, but also allowed them to find relaxation and happiness in their busy lives.

Mei once shared a little story about a time when Applejack had to work overtime on an important project and couldn't get home until late at night. However, he did not forget that it was their wedding anniversary. Despite her exhaustion, Applejack prepares a bouquet of flowers and a handwritten card and places them at Mei's bedside. When Xiaomei woke up the next morning and saw those surprises, her heart was full of emotion and happiness.

This case shows that even in a busy life, someone who really cares about you will find a way to make time for you. Applejack's behavior is not only because of his sense of responsibility, but also because he truly loves Mei and is willing to give her time and energy. This kind of giving, without flowery words or expensive gifts, only needs a heart that is willing to think about the other party.

The story of Peaches and the story of Xiaomei are in stark contrast. They tell us that being busy is not an excuse to ignore your partner, but a choice. If a person genuinely cares about you, he will find time in his busy schedule, even in the smallest gap, to show his concern and love. This investment of time is the most precious gift in a relationship, and it is also the key to maintaining a relationship.

In the world of love, time is a very valuable resource. Whether a person really loves you or not, many times, we can tell by whether he is willing to spend time with you or not. It's not just about whether he's willing to make time for you, it's about whether he's willing to spend his time building a deep relationship with you.

Imagine when you are sick or have a hard time, your first thought is that you want that special someone to be by your side? At such times, if the other person can let go of the matter at hand, even temporarily, to give you care and support, it will undoubtedly make you feel loved and valued. Conversely, if the other person is always using busyness as an excuse and is unwilling to spend time for you, then the relationship may need to be revisited.

Let's look at a concrete example. Suppose there are two people, Xiao Li and Xiao Wang. Xiao Li is always busy with work, but he always finds time after work to accompany his girlfriend Xiao Zhang. They may go for a walk together, or cook together at home or watch a movie. Even if Xiao Li is really tired sometimes, he will try his best to stay awake, chat with Xiao Zhang, and listen to her day. This kind of willingness to spend time for each other makes Xiao Zhang feel very warm and loved.

And Xiao Wang is different, he always uses the reason that he is busy with work and rarely accompanies his girlfriend Xiao Zhao. Even when they see each other occasionally, Xiao Wang is always absent-minded, constantly checking his phone and handling work emails. Xiao Zhao feels very lonely and neglected, and she begins to wonder if Xiao Wang really loves her.

These two examples illustrate that whether a person truly loves you or not can be judged by whether or not he is willing to spend time with you. It's not just about whether he's willing to make time for you, it's about whether he's willing to spend his time building a deep relationship with you. If a person really loves you, he will prioritize you, and he will be willing to sacrifice some of his time for you, even if it means sacrificing some personal interests or work time.

Of course, this is not to say that a person has to be with you around the clock to be considered to love you. Everyone has their own work and responsibilities, and sometimes it can be really busy. However, the key is whether he can find a balance in his busyness and be able to support and accompany you when you really need him.

Also, the way you spend your time is important. If a person is only by your side, but his mind is elsewhere, then this kind of companionship is of no quality. True companionship is one that is fully committed and makes you feel understood and cared for.

In conclusion, whether a person really loves you or not can be judged by whether he is willing to spend time with you or not. This investment of time is the most precious gift in a relationship, and it is also the key to maintaining a relationship. If a person truly loves you, he will find time in his busy schedule, even in the tiniest space, to show his concern and love. This willingness to spend time for each other is the truest and warmest embodiment of love.

In this world, true love is not afraid of trouble, nor does it become distant because of busyness. If a person always uses busyness as an excuse, then he probably doesn't really care about you. This sentence may sound a bit straightforward, but it is often just that, straight to the point.

Imagine what you would do when you met someone who truly loved you? He may show up when you need it most, even if it means sacrificing his time off or adjusting his schedule. He'll lend a helping hand when you're struggling, even if it means putting down what he's doing or putting off other plans. Because in his heart, your things are more important than anything else.

Let's look at a real-world example. Xiaohua and Xiaoli are a couple of lovers, Xiaohua is a doctor who is very busy at work, often needing to work overtime and be on duty. However, no matter how busy he is, he will always find time to care for Xiaoli. He would send messages to Xiaoli in between work, asking how her day was going; He will try to go home early after work and accompany Xiaoli to eat; He would accompany Xiaoli to where she wanted to go on weekends off. Xiaohua's behavior made Xiaoli feel very warm and loved.

In contrast, the situation of Xiaogang and Xiaomei is not quite the same. Xiaogang is a freelancer, so it stands to reason that his time should be more flexible. However, he always uses busy work as an excuse and rarely accompanies Xiaomei. Even though they live together, Xiaogang is always immersed in his own world and rarely communicates with Xiaomei. Xiaomei feels very lonely and neglected, and she begins to wonder if Xiaogang really loves her.

These two examples tell us that if a person really loves you, he will not ignore you because he is busy. He'll find a way to make time for you, even if it means making some sacrifices. Because in his heart, you are the most important, and he is willing to face those troubles and busyness for you.

Of course, this is not to say that a person has to be with you around the clock to be considered to love you. Everyone has their own work and life, and sometimes it can be really busy. However, the key is whether he can find a balance in his busyness and be able to support and accompany you when you really need him.

In addition, whether a person really cares about you can also be judged by whether he is willing to make changes for you. If a person is willing to adjust his habits or change some of his behaviors for you, then it usually means that he cares about you very much.

In short, true love is not afraid of trouble, nor does it become estranged because of busyness. If a person always uses busyness as an excuse, then he probably doesn't really care about you. If a person truly loves you, he will find time in his busy schedule, even in the tiniest space, to show his concern and love. This willingness to spend time for each other is the truest and warmest embodiment of love.

In the world of love, we all want to find someone who is willing to give time, energy, and even sacrifice for us. However, sometimes, we may come across a situation where a person always ignores your feelings and needs on the grounds that they are busy. At this point, we may tell ourselves that he is really busy, that he really cares about us, and may even comfort ourselves by saying that he is just temporarily negligent. But, dear, self-deception is dangerous, and if a person always neglects you on the grounds that he is busy, then you should be aware that he may not really love you.

Imagine waiting for his call or message with anticipation, and he always postpones your appointment with excuses such as busy work, friend appointments, family matters, etc. You may tell yourself that he is only temporarily busy and that he has you in his heart. But this self-deception becomes dangerous when you are disappointed again and again, when you start to wonder if he really cares about you.

Companionship in love is not just a formality, it is a commitment, a kind of respect and love for each other. If a person is always ignoring you on the grounds that he is busy, then he may not be putting your relationship at the forefront of his heart. He may just be taking advantage of you, or he simply doesn't care how you feel.

None of us are saints, we all have our own emotions and needs. When we feel neglected and unvalued, we can feel distress and upset. At this time, what we need is the care and understanding of the other person, not a person who always uses busyness as an excuse. What we need is the company and support of the other person, not someone who always makes us wait.

So, when you find that a person is always ignoring you on the grounds that they are busy, don't choose to kid yourself. Don't tell yourself that he's just temporarily busy, he has you in his heart. Don't tell yourself that he just needs a little time to adjust. Don't tell yourself that he just doesn't want you to worry. These are all excuses, they are all lies.

Companionship in love is something that two people share. If a person always neglects you on the grounds that he is busy, then you should realize that he may not really love you. At this time, what you need to do is to be brave enough to face reality, to be brave enough to speak up about your feelings, and to be brave enough to make a choice. Because, only when you really face the reality, can you find someone who truly loves you and can have happiness that truly belongs to you.

The lines in the TV series "Ode to Joy" are like a mirror, reflecting the real problems that many people will encounter in love. It reminds us that people who are not willing to give their time and money during the pursuit phase are indeed not trustworthy. This may sound a bit realistic, but when you think about it, it actually reveals a very important truth: if a person is not willing to invest in your pursuit, then how can he treat you wholeheartedly after you are really together?

In the drama "Ode to Joy", we see a variety of characters and their love stories. Some characters are willing to give time and money to each other at all costs when pursuing love, and their actions make people feel warm and loved. Others, on the other hand, always use various excuses to avoid giving, and their behavior makes people feel disappointed and unappreciated.

For example, Qu Xiaoxuan in the play, when she pursued Dr. Zhao, it can be said that she tried her best. She will learn medical knowledge that she is not good at for the sake of Dr. Zhao's words; She will carefully plan every appointment in order to surprise Dr. Zhao. Although her actions sometimes seem exaggerated, they make people feel her sincerity and devotion to Dr. Zhao.

In contrast, another character in the play, Wei Wei, is a little stingy and calculating when he pursues Andy. He always uses the excuse that he is busy with work, and he is not willing to spend time for Andy, nor is he willing to spend money for her. His behavior made Andy feel very disappointed, and also let the audience see the true face of a person who is unwilling to pay for love.

These examples tell us that in a relationship, whether a person is willing to give time and money for you is actually an important indicator of whether he truly loves you. If a person is not willing to invest in the pursuit of you, how can he be wholeheartedly devoted to you after you are truly together? Such a person is likely to just take advantage of you, or he doesn't care about your feelings at all.

Of course, this is not to say that a person has to spend a lot of time and money for you to be considered to love you. Everyone has their own work and life, and sometimes it can be really busy. However, the key is whether he is willing to devote some basic time and energy to you when pursuing you. If he can't even do that, then it's likely that he doesn't really love you.

In conclusion, the lines in "Ode to Joy" remind us that in a relationship, whether a person is willing to give time and money for you is an important sign of whether he truly loves you. If a person is not willing to give during the pursuit phase, then he is most likely not worthy of your trust and expectations. We should keep our eyes open, see each other for what they really are, don't be fooled by sweet words on the surface, and find someone who is truly willing to pay for you and truly love you.