
Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

author:Extremely Wan Yu White

After the results of the US election speculation were released, reactions at home and abroad in the United States poured in. Just when everyone thought the dust was settled, Trump suddenly released a video shouting directly at Putin, which caught the once-cheering Biden team off guard. This article will take you on an in-depth look at Trump's assertiveness and diplomatic strategy.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

In the video, Trump confidently stated that he is capable of resolving the contradictions between Ukraine and Russia. The remark immediately attracted global attention. Trump believes that with a tough attitude and efficient negotiations, he can bring Ukraine and Russia back to the negotiating table and reach a peace deal.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

This self-confidence is not unfounded. Trump's success in business has convinced him of his ability to solve complex international problems. His team members have also expressed support for Mr. Trump's ability to accomplish this daunting task. Putin appeared calm after receiving the video, but the international community reacted enthusiastically to Trump's shouting, with some questioning and others supporting.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

Trump views international relations as a large business negotiation, emphasizing an "America First" policy. He believes that as long as the United States can achieve the greatest benefits, the attitude and reaction of other countries do not matter. This view is fully reflected in his foreign policy.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

In business negotiations, interests and money are at the core, while diplomatic negotiations require more considerations. History, culture, and national circumstances play an important role in diplomacy, and these factors are often overlooked by Trump. In his opinion, as long as the benefits can be exchanged, all problems can be solved. The complexity of international relations exceeded his expectations.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

Mr. Trump is known for being tough, but he has not ruled out a negotiated solution. During his tenure, he repeatedly engaged in face-to-face negotiations with world leaders, trying to resolve disputes through direct dialogue. He was confident that an agreement could be reached through direct dialogue and a tough attitude.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

This hardline style of Trump doesn't always work. Although he has succeeded on some occasions, his hardline attitude in many international affairs has only exacerbated contradictions and complicated them. His relations with other world leaders have also become strained as a result, and have even led to some diplomatic crises.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

Trump's business career has shaped his view of diplomacy. His success in the business world has convinced him that profit and money are the key to solving all problems. This way of thinking is on full display in his foreign policy.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

In his policy, interests and money occupy an important place. He believes that as long as it can win the interests of the United States, it does not matter if it offends other countries. This business mindset is not always applicable in the international arena. Although on some occasions his approach worked, more often than not, he underestimated the complexities of international relations.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

Trump's self-confidence comes not only from his business background, but also from his charisma and the support of his team members. His charisma gives him an edge at the negotiating table, and his team members provide him with strong support from behind.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

His team members have their own strengths, and their expertise and contributions have helped Trump succeed on many occasions. This teamwork has made Mr. Trump more confident that he can solve any problem. However, this self-confidence sometimes leads him to ignore the complexity of the problem, leading to poor decision-making.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

There is an essential difference between diplomacy and commercial negotiations. Diplomacy is a comprehensive discipline that needs to take into account many factors such as history, culture, and national conditions. Business negotiations, on the other hand, are more direct, with interests and money at their core.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

In diplomacy, compromise and respect are indispensable, and these are often overlooked by Trump. He tends to impose conditions unilaterally, lacking the compromise and respect of traditional diplomacy. This approach may work in business negotiations, but it poses many problems in international relations.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

Trump's approach to negotiations, which is dominated by unilateral conditions, stands in stark contrast to the win-win philosophy of traditional diplomacy. He is often reluctant to compromise in negotiations, believing that as long as he can get the best interests for the United States, the attitude of other countries does not matter.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

This unilateral approach to negotiation carries with it many risks and consequences. On some occasions, Trump's approach worked, but more often than not, it exacerbated the contradictions and led to further complications. The unilateral approach to conditions has led many countries to question Mr. Trump's attitude and perceive him as lacking respect for international relations.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

Trump tends to be confident in his views on international issues. He believes that he and the United States have enormous influence in international relations and is able to resolve all issues through toughness and negotiation. However, this self-confidence can sometimes seem overly optimistic.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

There is a gap between his overestimation of American influence and reality. In some international affairs, Trump's policies have been successful, but more often than not, his policies have sparked controversy and contradictions. The international community has reacted to his policies in a mixed manner, with voices of support and skepticism.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

Trump's diplomatic style is fraught with controversy. He was known for being tough and assertive, but that style didn't always work. While he has been successful on some occasions, on more occasions his policies have sparked controversy and contradictions.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

The long-term impact of his foreign policy on the United States remains to be seen. The international community has reacted to his policies in a mixed manner, with voices of support and skepticism. Future U.S. foreign policy is likely to continue under his influence, but it may also adapt to the complexity and volatility of international relations.

Wake up to the US election is a foregone conclusion? Trump suddenly shouted Putin, and Biden was happy in vain!

Trump's post-election rhetoric has shed new light on his self-confidence and diplomatic strategy. By exploring his sources of self-confidence, diplomatic style, and negotiation style, we see a leader fraught with controversy. His policies and actions will continue to affect the United States and the international community, and there may be more stories about him to be explored in the diplomatic arena of the future.

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