
The price of the Russian army's blood has taught China a lesson, in the battle of reunification, we must keep in mind 3 iron laws!

author:Ten percent of the story

A cannon shot broke the silence of the European continent. On February 24, 2022, the contradictions between Russia and Ukraine suddenly escalated into a full-scale military conflict. Twenty-eight months have passed, and the smoke of gunfire is still not clearing, and the flames of war are still burning. This conflict, which has been called "the largest ground war in the 21st century," has not only profoundly affected the international landscape, but also left us with many questions worth pondering.

The price of the Russian army's blood has taught China a lesson, in the battle of reunification, we must keep in mind 3 iron laws!

At the beginning, Russia seemed to be confident and intended to fight a quick victory. They are targeting the Antonov airport in Kyiv and want to take the capital of Ukraine in one fell swoop. However, plans have not kept up with the changes.

The runway of the airport was damaged, and the follow-up troops could not be reinforced in time, and the original plan for a "blitzkrieg" was put on hold. The Russian army had to change its tactics and launch a ground offensive on Kyiv instead. This change has given Ukraine a chance to breathe and fundamentally changed the direction of the war.

The price of the Russian army's blood has taught China a lesson, in the battle of reunification, we must keep in mind 3 iron laws!

As the war progressed, the logistical problems of the Russian army were gradually exposed. Supplies could not keep up with the needs of the front, and the shortage of fuel led to the inability of equipment to operate normally, which seriously affected the combat efficiency of the Russian army. Interestingly, there are even pictures circulating on the Internet that the Russian army had to use Chinese-made "Shandong Cat" agricultural vehicles, which raises questions about the strength of the Russian army.

Ukraine, on the other hand, has shown remarkable resilience with the support of NATO. They succeeded in dragging the war into protracted mode, and in some battles they won notable victories. This war has also shown us the complexity of modern warfare, from high-tech weapons to information warfare, from economic sanctions to international public opinion, every link is affecting the direction of war.

The price of the Russian army's blood has taught China a lesson, in the battle of reunification, we must keep in mind 3 iron laws!

However, as time went on, the brutality of the war became more and more apparent. Both sides paid a huge price, countless lives were lost and cities were reduced to rubble. Peace seems out of reach, as the terms of the negotiations between the two sides are far from the same. This begs the question: does war really solve the problem? Where is the path to peace?

@和平使者007: This war has taught us that in the 21st century, force does not solve everything. We need more dialogue and understanding.

The price of the Russian army's blood has taught China a lesson, in the battle of reunification, we must keep in mind 3 iron laws!

Indeed, the era of solving problems by force seems to have passed. In this era of highly interconnected information, the voice of the international community is becoming more and more important. We have seen that economic sanctions and international public opinion pressure may have a greater impact on Russia than the actual war. This reminds us of the need to use more wisdom than to rely solely on force when settling international disputes.

@小小和平鸽: Why do we always fail to learn? There have been so many wars in history that tell us that wars only bring suffering.

The price of the Russian army's blood has taught China a lesson, in the battle of reunification, we must keep in mind 3 iron laws!

This netizen's emotion expressed the hearts of many people. Indeed, human history is full of wars, and each time we have paid a terrible price, it always seems that it is difficult to learn the lessons. Perhaps because peace is not easy to come by, it is easy for us to forget the horrors of war. This reminds us of the need to continue to educate the next generation to cherish peace and understand the cruelty of war.

@军事迷小张: This war has exposed the complexity of modern warfare, and military strength alone can no longer determine victory or defeat.

The price of the Russian army's blood has taught China a lesson, in the battle of reunification, we must keep in mind 3 iron laws!

This is a very profound view. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has indeed demonstrated the multidimensional nature of modern warfare. In addition to traditional military confrontation, information warfare, economic warfare, and diplomatic warfare are all being waged at the same time. This tells us that in modern society, the evaluation of national strength cannot only look at military hard power, and comprehensive national strength is the real determining factor.

@国际关系学者: This war has had a profound impact on the international order, and we need to rethink the way we govern the world.

The price of the Russian army's blood has taught China a lesson, in the battle of reunification, we must keep in mind 3 iron laws!

Indeed, the Russia-Ukraine conflict is not just an issue between the two countries, it has profoundly affected the entire international landscape. NATO expansion, Europe's energy policy, global food security and other issues have all been affected by this.

This reminds us that in a highly globalized world, any local conflict can trigger a ripple effect that can affect the whole world. We need to pay more attention to international cooperation and jointly address global challenges.

@普通老百姓: The biggest victims of war are always ordinary people, and I hope that the leaders of the two countries will think about the people and stop the war as soon as possible.

The price of the Russian army's blood has taught China a lesson, in the battle of reunification, we must keep in mind 3 iron laws!

This netizen expressed the most simple and profound wish. No matter how high-sounding the justifications for war, it is always ordinary people who suffer. Loss of home, loss of loved ones, displacement ... These are the pains that war inflicts on ordinary people. This reminds us that peace is not an abstract slogan, but a practical need that concerns everyone's vital interests.

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has taught us a profound lesson. It has made us see the cruelty of war and the value of peace. In this era of information explosion, it is the responsibility of each of us to know the truth and spread the voice of peace.

The price of the Russian army's blood has taught China a lesson, in the battle of reunification, we must keep in mind 3 iron laws!

We must learn to look at international issues from a rational perspective and not be misled by one-sided propaganda. At the same time, we should also cherish the current peaceful environment and contribute to building a more just and harmonious international order.

Let us hope that the fighting will subside as soon as possible and the sunshine of peace will shine again on Ukrainian soil. And for each of us, maintaining peace is not just a slogan, but should be embodied in daily life. By respecting everyone around us, by understanding different cultures, each of us can be a messenger of peace. Only when everyone cherishes and maintains peace can our world truly stay away from the haze of war and usher in lasting peace and prosperity.

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