
Japan continues to crash! The RMB has finally woken up, and the central bank has taken action to "blow up the shorts"!

author:Red dreams


In the global economy, the rise and fall of currencies of various countries are like waves on the sea, sometimes calm, sometimes turbulent. Recently, Asian currency markets have been turbulent, especially the Japanese yen and the Indian rupee, which have refreshed multi-year lows, the yen has fallen to a 36-year low, and the Indian rupee has also hit a historic bottom. This phenomenon reminds people of the old saying: "There must be wind when the waves are big", and behind the huge waves of the market, there must be its deep reasons and motivations.

Affected by the ripple effect of currency depreciation in neighboring economies, China's offshore renminbi has also fallen under pressure, once falling below the important psychological threshold of 7.3. At such critical moments, conventional wisdom often says, "If you lose your horse, how can you know if you are blessed?" "Perhaps for observers, this is not only a crisis, but also an opportunity. Why is the renminbi turning around at this time, and what is the role of the central bank?

Japan continues to crash! The RMB has finally woken up, and the central bank has taken action to "blow up the shorts"!

In the tide of global currencies, every rise and fall is not only a game of numbers, but also a contest of economic policies and market expectations. There is speculation in the market that the central bank may cut interest rates in response to economic pressures, but in fact, the central bank has not moved for five months, which is quite rare in history. So, are central banks really standing on the sidelines? Or do you have other plans? Behind all this, is it the natural fluctuation of the market, or the careful layout of the central bank? The following analysis may give us the answer.

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In this unofficial contest known as the "currency war", every small movement can be a signal of a strategic adjustment. Especially for China, the exchange rate of the renminbi is not only related to the country's economic security, but also affects the confidence of international trade and investment. When the CNH fell below the 7.3 mark, the market's unease peaked. Some analysts believe that this is the market's reaction to China's economic slowdown, while others believe that it is the result of external pressure and internal adjustments.

Japan continues to crash! The RMB has finally woken up, and the central bank has taken action to "blow up the shorts"!

Just when the market was widely expecting the yuan to continue to fall, China's central bank took a surprise action. Instead of cutting interest rates, they borrowed Treasury bonds in an open market operation in a more indirect but effective way. This strategy is not only rare, but it demonstrates the subtle control that central banks have over the market.

Specifically, the central bank lends Treasury bonds to primary dealers, who can then sell the borrowed Treasury bonds. This operation essentially increases the supply of Treasury bonds in the market, thereby depressing the price of Treasury futures. The fall in the price of Treasury futures, in turn, affects market expectations for future interest rate reductions, and this change in expectations is directly reflected in the currency exchange rate.

Japan continues to crash! The RMB has finally woken up, and the central bank has taken action to "blow up the shorts"!

Sure enough, with the sharp decline in treasury bond futures, the RMB exchange rate began to reverse its decline and regained its foothold at the 7.3 mark. The ingenuity of this operation lies in the fact that it has not changed the official interest rate policy, maintained the consistency and stability of the policy, and at the same time effectively intervened in the exchange rate market through the market mechanism to avoid further depreciation of the renminbi.

The central bank's approach also sends a clear signal that speculators looking to profit from shorting the renminbi may need to reevaluate their strategies. By intervening in the market through this unusual but highly strategic approach, central banks are effectively telling the market that they are willing and able to take the necessary steps to maintain monetary stability.

Behind this strategy is a deep understanding of market dynamics and precise control of the lifeblood of the country's economy. The central bank's operation is not only a technical adjustment, but also a strong statement to the outside world: the renminbi is not an unsuspecting target, and China's economic policy is prepared. In this seemingly passive situation, the central bank's decisive and strategic actions have actually helped China stabilize its economic and currency markets.

Japan continues to crash! The RMB has finally woken up, and the central bank has taken action to "blow up the shorts"!

Sublimation at the end

In this series of complex and delicate economic operations, we can see not only the application of technology, but also the embodiment of wisdom. As the old saying goes, "Make good use of the wise, move like a rabbit", and the timely intervention and clever operation of the People's Bank of China are a vivid practice of finding opportunities in the crisis and revealing wisdom in the subtleties.

This incident also reminds us that monetary policy is not rigid and unchanging, and that the logic and strategy behind it are complex and flexible. Through this operation, not only the exchange rate has been stabilized, but more importantly, the market's confidence in China's economic management ability has been enhanced.

Finally, it is a reminder to all market participants: in this uncertain world economic environment, every decision can trigger a series of reactions. Therefore, at all times, it is necessary to remain vigilant and learn to find a position in the midst of change and a balance in the midst of volatility, as the central bank has done, in order to sit firmly in the tide of the global economy.

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