
Liao Chengzhi was greedy for meat in his later years, but his wife didn't let him, he pointed to the door and said: Look who is coming

author:Coarse tea and light rice look at all kinds of states

Family life is an important part of everyone's life, it is not only related to personal emotional sustenance, but also the cultivation base of a healthy lifestyle. In this warm little world, Liao Chengzhi and his wife Jing Puchun have created a home full of love and care. However, in this home, there are also small dramas about health and diet control.

Liao Chengzhi is a person who loves food, and he always has an unquenchable craving for white meat. Whenever there is fragrant white meat on the dinner table at home, his eyes are always unconsciously attracted to it, and his heart is full of yearning for deliciousness. However, his wife, Jing Puchun, is a person who pays great attention to healthy eating, and she always strictly controls the eating habits of the family, especially for high-fat, high-calorie foods.

Under Jing Puchun's supervision, white meat rarely appeared on Liao Chengzhi's table. Whenever he saw the white meat on someone else's dinner table, he was always envious in his heart. However, he also knew his wife's good intentions and understood that she was thinking about the health of the whole family. Therefore, despite the craving for white meat in his heart, he always tried his best to restrain himself and follow his wife's diet.

However, Liao Chengzhi occasionally secretly satisfies his appetite. Once, a few guests came to the house, and in order to entertain the guests, Jing Puchun specially prepared some white meat. When Liao Chengzhi saw the white meat, he secretly rejoiced in his heart, but he didn't show it. When the guests began to eat, he took the opportunity to secretly take a piece of white meat and put it in his bowl, and then continued the meal as if nothing had happened.

However, Liao Chengzhi's small action did not escape Jing Puchun's eyes. When she saw her husband's actions, she did not debunk them on the spot, but reminded him in a humorous way. Jing Puchun smiled and said to the guests: "You see, Liao Chengzhi of our family always has a soft spot for white meat, and when he sees a guest today, he can finally eat a piece openly." When the guests heard this, they couldn't help laughing, and Liao Chengzhi also smiled awkwardly, but his heart was warm.

This episode not only did not make Liao Chengzhi feel embarrassed, but made him feel the warmth of his family and the care of his wife even more. He knew that although his wife was strict, it was all for the health of his family. And the funny story of him stealing white meat has also become a joke in the family, and whenever it is mentioned, it always causes a burst of laughter.

This kind of little humor in life not only adds to the fun of family life, but also deepens the relationship between husband and wife. Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun understand and support each other through these daily small things, and jointly create a harmonious and loving family environment. Their stories tell us that family life is not only a trivial matter, but also a cultivation of emotional communication and a healthy lifestyle.

In Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun's homes, health care is everywhere. We regularly prepare a healthy diet plan for our family members to ensure that everyone can get a balanced diet. She also encourages her family to participate in physical activities together to strengthen their fitness. Although Liao Chengzhi sometimes secretly satisfies his appetite, he also respects his wife's opinion very much and is willing to make some sacrifices for the health of his family.

This mutual understanding and support makes Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun's family life full of warmth and happiness. Their stories also remind us that health care and emotional communication are just as important in family life. Through the small things in our daily lives, we can better understand and care for our family members and work together to create a healthy and harmonious family environment.

Liao Chengzhi's family life is full of warmth and harmony, but at the same time, there are some small twists and turns. The most striking of these twists and turns is the delicate balance between his desire for white meat and his wife's strict dietary control.

Liao Chengzhi was greedy for meat in his later years, but his wife didn't let him, he pointed to the door and said: Look who is coming

Liao Chengzhi's love for white meat is almost to the point of obsession. Whenever he sees the fat, but not greasy, attractive white meat, his taste buds will involuntarily beat, and his heart will be filled with infinite yearning for food. However, his wife, Jing Puchun, is a person who is very conscious of healthy eating. She is well aware of the potential harm to her health caused by excessive intake of high-fat, high-calorie foods, so she always strictly controls her eating habits at home.

However, Liao's restraint did not completely eliminate his craving for white meat. On special occasions, such as family gatherings or holiday celebrations, he always wants to be able to enjoy a feast of white meat. But at this time, Jing Puchun was always able to perceive his mind and remind him to pay attention to healthy eating with her gentle but firm attitude.

Once, a big dinner party was held at home, and many relatives and friends were invited. In order to entertain the guests, Jing Puchun specially prepared some white meat. When Liao Chengzhi saw the white meat, he secretly rejoiced in his heart, but he didn't show it. When the guests began to eat, he took the opportunity to secretly take a piece of white meat and put it in his bowl, and then continued the meal as if nothing had happened.

Liao Chengzhi's craving for white meat did not diminish because of his restraint, but became stronger at some point. Whenever he sees a food show on TV that explains how to cook white meat, he feels the urge to try it himself. However, at this time, Jing Puchun was always able to remind him in time to get him back on the track of healthy eating.

Under the influence of Jing Puchun, Liao Chengzhi gradually began to pay attention to the importance of healthy eating. He began experimenting with low-fat, high-fiber foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole-grain foods. While these foods may not be as appealing on the palate as white meat, he can feel the physical and mental pleasure of a healthy diet.

Over time, Liao's craving for white meat waned, while his emphasis on healthy eating grew. He began to take the initiative to participate in the planning of the family's diet, and together with his wife, he prepared nutritionally balanced, healthy and delicious meals for the family. Although the frequency of white meat on their tables has decreased, the health and well-being of their families has improved significantly.

The story of Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun is a microcosm of many families. It teaches us that health care and emotional communication are equally important in family life. Through the small things in our daily lives, we can better understand and care for our family members and work together to create a healthy and harmonious family environment. And in the process, we are constantly growing and improving to become a better version of ourselves.

The interesting story of Liao Chengzhi stealing white meat is a bright spot in their family's life. Whenever this incident is mentioned, the family is always full of laughter. This incident not only shows Liao Chengzhi's love for food, but also reflects the deep emotion and humor in life between him and his wife Jing Puchun.

It was a sunny weekend, and the Liao family hosted a family gathering. For this gathering, Jing Puchun carefully prepared sumptuous dishes, which naturally included the white meat that Liao Chengzhi had in mind. However, for the sake of the health of the whole family, she did not prepare much, but only symbolically put a small plate.

Guests arrived one after another, and everyone sat around the table, and the atmosphere was lively and warm. Liao Chengzhi sat next to his wife, his eyes glancing at the plate of white meat from time to time, and secretly thinking about how he could eat a few more pieces quietly. Jing Puchun seemed to see through his thoughts, patted his hand gently, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone has a share." ”

Liao Chengzhi was greedy for meat in his later years, but his wife didn't let him, he pointed to the door and said: Look who is coming

However, when the guests began to eat, Liao's "plan" began. He first pretended to inadvertently take a piece of white meat, and then quickly put it in his mouth, a satisfied expression on his face. Jing Puchun noticed his small movements, but did not immediately expose them, but quietly observed him.

As time passed, Liao Chengzhi's "actions" became more and more bold. He began to frequently sandwich white meat, and even when he picked up two pieces at a time, he was "caught" by Jing Puchun on the spot. She gently tapped his bowl and said with a smile, "Chengzhi, are you too greedy?" When the guests heard this, they couldn't help laughing, and Liao Chengzhi also smiled awkwardly, but his heart was warm.

This incident also reflects the deep affection between Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun. Although they have different opinions on food, they are able to understand and respect each other. Jing Puchun knew Liao Chengzhi's love for white meat, so at the right time, she would also relax some restrictions so that he could satisfy his appetite. And Liao Chengzhi also understands his wife's good intentions and is willing to make some sacrifices for the health of his family.

The humor in life often comes from these small things in daily life. The funny story of Liao Chengzhi stealing white meat has become a classic joke in their family life. Whenever a guest comes to visit the family, Jing Puchun always mentions it, which makes everyone laugh. And Liao Chengzhi will also join in and tell about his "feat" at that time, making the atmosphere more lively.

This kind of humor not only adds to the fun of family life, but also deepens the relationship between husband and wife. Through these little everyday things, they understand and support each other, and together they create a harmonious and loving family environment. Their stories show us that humor and emotional communication in life are just as important and can enrich family life.

With the passage of time, this deep affection between Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun and the humor in life have become a tradition in their family. Whenever there is an important holiday or celebration in the family, they will always celebrate these special days in a relaxed and happy way. And the interesting story of Liao Chengzhi stealing white meat will always be shared and become a common memory for everyone.

This deep emotion and humor in life not only made Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun's family life full of warmth and happiness, but also set a good example for their children. Children learn from their parents the importance of mutual understanding and respect, and they also learn to find fun in life and use humor to resolve conflicts and stress.

The story of Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun is a microcosm of many families. It teaches us that emotional communication and humor are equally important in family life. Through the small things in our daily lives, we can better understand and care for our family members and work together to create a healthy and harmonious family environment. And in the process, we are constantly growing and improving to become a better version of ourselves.

On a sunny afternoon, the first encounter between Jing Puchun and Liao Chengzhi was like the beginning of a legendary story. It was by chance that Jing Puchun inadvertently helped an old man in a public welfare activity, and this old man was Liao Chengzhi's grandmother, He Xiangning. Jing Puchun didn't know the identity of the old man, but out of instinctive kindness, he gave her the necessary care.

He Xiangning was old and her body was getting weaker and weaker, and she went out alone that day and accidentally fell on the street. People came and went, but no one stopped to lend a hand. At this moment, Jing Puchun happened to pass by and saw this scene. Without the slightest hesitation, she immediately stepped forward to help He Xiangning up and asked if she needed help. Although He Xiangning was unwell, her heart was full of gratitude to this kind girl.

Liao Chengzhi was greedy for meat in his later years, but his wife didn't let him, he pointed to the door and said: Look who is coming

He Xiangning was sent to a nearby clinic by Puchun and accompanied her until her family arrived. During this time, the two talked a lot, and Puchun's care and consideration for He Xiangning made He Xiangning feel very warm. However, Jing Puchun didn't know that the old man in front of her was the elder of an influential local family.

He Xiangning's family, including her grandson Liao Chengzhi, expressed their deep gratitude to Jing Puchun for her kindness after learning of the incident. Liao Chengzhi became even more interested in this kind girl. He began to approach Jing Puchun in various ways, hoping to learn more about her.

As time passed, there was more and more contact between Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun. They found that they shared common interests and values in many ways. Liao Chengzhi was attracted by Jing Puchun's kindness, independence, and wisdom, and Jing Puchun also appreciated Liao Chengzhi's talent, humor, and sincerity.

However, at the time of their first encounter, Jing Puchun had some misunderstandings about Liao Chengzhi's identity. She thought that Liao Chengzhi was just an ordinary kind-hearted person, and she didn't realize the family background behind him. This misunderstanding did not affect the interaction between the two, but only increased the mystery and attraction between them to a certain extent.

With the deepening of the relationship between the two, Jing Puchun gradually learned Liao Chengzhi's true identity. She was a little surprised, but it didn't change her opinion of him. In her mind, a person's character and behavior are far more important than his family background. And Liao Chengzhi's sincerity and kindness are the qualities she values most.

He Xiangning's care for Jing Puchun became the catalyst for the love story of the two. This wise old man, with his own experience and insight, saw the potential and possibility between Jing Puchun and Liao Chengzhi. She began to give the two of them some hints and encouragement at the right time to help them get to know each other better and promote the development of their relationship.

This legendary encounter and the budding of love are like a well-choreographed drama. Jing Puchun's kindness and Liao Chengzhi's sincerity have become the most moving elements in their stories. And He Xiangning's kindness and wisdom are the key to the promotion of this good relationship. Their stories tell us that true love often comes from the simplest and purest kindness and care.

On a spring afternoon, the first encounter between Jing Puchun and Liao Chengzhi was like a well-woven fate. On that day, as usual, after finishing a day's work, Jing Puchun strolled home on the way. The cherry blossom trees on both sides of the street sway gently in the wind, and the petals fall with the wind, adding a bit of romance to this spring day.

That's when she noticed a scene on the corner: a plainly dressed man who looked a little confused was standing in front of the window of a bookstore, as if looking for something. Out of curiosity, Jing Puchun got closer and found that this man was Liao Chengzhi. His gaze is focused and deep, as if he is completely immersed in his own world.

Jing Puchun stepped forward and asked softly, "Sir, do you need help?" Liao Chengzhi raised his head and saw Jing Puchun's clear eyes, and his heart couldn't help but move. He smiled and replied, "Thank you, I was just looking for a book on history." After Puchun enthusiastically helped him find it on the bookshelf, the two began their first communication.

During the conversation, Jing Puchun mistakenly thought that Liao Chengzhi was an ordinary bookstore customer, and maybe even a scholar who loved to read. She was impressed by his erudition and enthusiasm, but she didn't know that the man in front of her was actually the heir of a prestigious local family.

Liao Chengzhi was greedy for meat in his later years, but his wife didn't let him, he pointed to the door and said: Look who is coming

Liao Chengzhi did not immediately correct Jing Puchun's misunderstanding, which he felt made their encounter more interesting. He appreciates Jing Puchun's sincerity and kindness, and also enjoys this ordinary and real exchange. The two spent a pleasant afternoon in the bookstore, talking about a variety of topics, from history to literature, from art to life.

As time passed, Jing Puchun and Liao Chengzhi came into contact more and more. They found that they shared common interests and values in many ways. Jing Puchun was attracted by Liao Chengzhi's talent, humor and sincerity, and Liao Chengzhi also became more and more appreciative of Jing Puchun's independence, wisdom and kindness.

However, Jing Puchun's misunderstanding of Liao Chengzhi's identity has always been like a thin veil, shrouded in the relationship between the two. She always thought that Liao Chengzhi was just an ordinary scholar, until one day, she accidentally discovered his true identity. It was at a social event that Puchun heard other people's talk about Liao Chengzhi and learned that he was the heir of that family.

Jing Puchun was a little shocked, but soon her mood calmed down. She realizes that a person's family background does not define everything about him, what really matters is his character and behavior. And Liao Chengzhi's sincerity and kindness are the qualities she values most.

This unexpected discovery did not affect the relationship between the two, but made their relationship more frank and deep. Jing Puchun began to understand and accept everything about Liao Chengzhi with a more open mind, including his family background. And Liao Chengzhi also cherished his encounter with Jing Puchun even more, he was grateful for her understanding and acceptance, and he was more determined to spend the future with her.

This legendary encounter is like a spring cherry blossom rain, beautiful and short. The story of Puchun and Liao Chengzhi began with a beautiful misunderstanding and gradually developed into a profound emotion. Their stories tell us that true love often comes from the simplest and purest encounter and understanding. And Jing Puchun's misunderstanding of Liao Chengzhi's identity has also become a good story in their love story, witnessing the meeting and acquaintance of two hearts.

Through Puchun's kindness and careful care, she not only won the gratitude of the old man He Xiangning, but also invisibly built a bridge between her and Liao Chengzhi, and contributed to a beautiful relationship.

It was a cold winter day, and on the way home through Puchun, he happened to meet He Xiangning who had fallen. The old man's leg was injured and he was unable to stand on his own. People came and went, but no one stopped to lend a hand. Jing Puchun did not hesitate, and immediately stepped forward to help He Xiangning and asked if she needed help. Although He Xiangning's body was in pain, she felt warm in her heart for this strange girl's kindness.

Jing Puchun didn't care about his own affairs, but decided to send He Xiangning home. On the way home, Jing Puchun carefully supported He Xiangning, for fear of bringing her more discomfort. She also kept comforting He Xiangning and relieved the old man's pain and anxiety with gentle words. He Xiangning felt Jing Puchun's sincerity and care, and her heart was full of gratitude.

After sending He Xiangning home safely, Jing Puchun did not leave immediately, but helped her treat her wounds and accompanied her until her family returned. In this process, He Xiangning was deeply moved by Jing Puchun's carefulness and patience. She began to talk to Jing Puchun, and a deep affection for the two gradually developed between the two that transcended age and identity.

Liao Chengzhi was greedy for meat in his later years, but his wife didn't let him, he pointed to the door and said: Look who is coming

He Xiangning's family, including her grandson Liao Chengzhi, were very grateful after learning of Jing Puchun's kindness. Liao Chengzhi became even more interested in this kind girl. He began to reach out to Jing Puchun, hoping to learn more about her. With He Xiangning's encouragement, the two began more exchanges and contacts.

As time passed, the relationship between Jing Puchun and Liao Chengzhi gradually warmed up. They found that they shared common interests and values in many ways. Jing Puchun was attracted by Liao Chengzhi's talent, humor and sincerity, and Liao Chengzhi also became more and more appreciative of Jing Puchun's independence, wisdom and kindness.

He Xiangning was very happy to see the relationship between the two gradually sprouting. She believes that Jing Puchun is a trustworthy and trustworthy person who can bring happiness to Liao Chengzhi. So, He Xiangning began to give some hints and encouragement to the two at the right time to help them understand each other better and promote the development of their relationship.

Through Puchun's kindness and care, not only He Xiangning brought warmth and comfort, but also invisibly He Xiangning's grandson Liao Chengzhi brought the other half of his life. This kind care became the starting point of the good relationship between the two, allowing them to gradually establish a deep relationship on the basis of mutual understanding and respect.

This experience also made Jing Puchun and Liao Chengzhi deeply realize that kindness and care are the bridge between people. Their stories teach us that true love often stems from kindness and care in its simplest and purest form. And Puchun's care for He Xiangning is the key to the promotion of this good relationship. In their interactions, both of them have learned to cherish and appreciate every kindness and warmth in their lives even more, and these kindness and warmth have become the most solid cornerstone of their relationship.

In that turbulent era, the flame of revolution burned in every corner, and countless young people threw themselves into this great struggle for the destiny of the nation. Liao Chengzhi, a hot-blooded young man, with a desire for freedom and justice, resolutely joined the ranks of the revolution. His identity was secret and important, a key link between the different revolutionary forces. However, during a secret operation, due to the betrayal of a traitor, Liao Chengzhi's identity was unfortunately exposed, and he was arrested.

The news of his arrest came like a bolt from the blue, shocking everyone who had anything to do with him. After Puchun, Liao Chengzhi's lover, when he learned the bad news, his heart was like a knife. She knew that Liao Chengzhi was not only facing prison, but also life. However, Jing Puchun was not crushed by this sudden blow, and her heart was full of trust in Liao Chengzhi and a firm belief in the victory of the revolution.

In prison, Liao Chengzhi was subjected to harsh interrogations and torture. The enemy tried to get more revolutionary information from him, but Liao Chengzhi was strong and unyielding, and he defended his faith and loyalty to his comrades with silence and firmness. In the long dark night, he often thought of Jing Puchun's gentle eyes and the good times they spent together, and these memories became his strength to persevere.

Jing Puchun was not idle outside, she was actively looking for a way to rescue Liao Chengzhi. She contacted the underground organization and worked with her comrades to plan a possible rescue. Despite the difficulties and little hope, Jing Puchun never gave up. She knew that Liao Chengzhi was waiting for her, the revolutionary cause was waiting for him, and she couldn't let him down.

While Jing Puchun and his comrades were anxiously waiting, Liao Chengzhi did not give up hope while in prison. He used every opportunity to observe the layout of the prison and look for possible escapes. By chance, he discovered a weak link in the prison. On a dark and windy night, Liao Chengzhi, together with several other comrades, took advantage of this weak link and successfully escaped from prison.

The process of escaping was full of thrills and challenges, but Liao Chengzhi overcame the difficulties again and again with his strong will and desire for freedom. When he finally breathed the air of freedom and saw the stars in the sky, he knew that all this was inseparable from the support and help of Jing Puchun and his comrades.

Liao Chengzhi was greedy for meat in his later years, but his wife didn't let him, he pointed to the door and said: Look who is coming

When Puchun learned the news that Liao Chengzhi had successfully escaped, he was so excited that he burst into tears. She knew that this was not only Liao Chengzhi's personal escape, but also a victory for the revolutionary forces. She is even more convinced that no matter what difficulties and trials they face, as long as they stick to their beliefs, nothing can stop them from moving forward.

This test of love in the context of the revolution shows the deep affection between Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun and their infinite loyalty to the revolutionary cause. Their stories, like the love stories of countless revolutionaries of that era, are full of sacrifice and dedication, but also full of hope and perseverance. Over the long years, their love has undergone a baptism of blood and fire and has become more indestructible.

In that stormy era, Liao Chengzhi, as a staunch revolutionary, was always active at the forefront of the struggle. His wisdom and courage made him a banner in the hearts of his comrades. However, the road to revolution was never easy, and danger and betrayal always lurked in the shadows, ready to strike a fatal blow.

Late one night, Liao Chengzhi was in a secret meeting, and his identity became known to the enemy due to the betrayal of a traitor. The enemy moved quickly and laid a net to capture him in one fell swoop. In the tense escape, Liao Chengzhi escaped the pursuit again and again with his familiarity with the terrain and extraordinary courage. But in the end, in a fierce firefight, he was unfortunately arrested in order to cover the safe evacuation of his comrades.

After his arrest, Liao Chengzhi was held in a gloomy prison. Here, the walls are damp, the light is dim, and the air is filled with the smell of decay and despair. In the interrogation room, the enemy used all means to try to get valuable information from him. But Liao Chengzhi is as firm as iron, whether it is torture or coercion and temptation, he has never confided in half a word. There was only one belief in his heart: keep secrets, protect comrades, and the revolution would eventually win.

In prison, Liao Chengzhi did not give up hope. He knew that the comrades outside must be trying to find a way to rescue him. In the dead of night, he would silently recite the names of his comrades in his heart, imagining the scene where they were planning a rescue. This belief gave him the strength to stay awake and strong even in the toughest of times.

At the same time, the comrades outside really did not give up on him. They organized rescue operations one after another, and although the first few times failed due to the enemy's strict precautions, they were not discouraged. In a well-planned operation, the comrades took advantage of the change of guard in the prison and launched a surprise attack. In the chaos, Liao Chengzhi relied on his wit and bravery to cooperate with the comrades who came to rescue him and successfully escaped from prison.

The process of escaping is full of thrills and challenges. Liao Chengzhi and his comrades crossed many obstacles, evaded the pursuit of the enemy, and finally escaped from the pursuit in a dense forest. When they reached the secret rendezvous point safely, everyone couldn't help but shed tears of excitement. This successful escape was not only a personal salvation for Liao Chengzhi, but also an encouragement to the entire revolutionary cause.

Liao Chengzhi's arrest and escape became a microcosm of the indomitable and heroic struggle of the revolutionaries of that era. His story inspired later revolutionaries to keep their faith and move forward bravely, no matter what hardships and obstacles they faced. And his experience has become an indelible part of the history of the revolution and has been praised by future generations.

Jing Puchun's heart was filled with endless waiting and unwavering trust. Since Liao Chengzhi's arrest, every morning and dusk, she would stand in front of the window, staring into the distance, expecting that familiar figure to suddenly appear in front of her. However, time passed day by day, Liao Chengzhi was not heard from, and although Jing Puchun's heart was full of anxiety and uneasiness, her trust never wavered.

Liao Chengzhi was greedy for meat in his later years, but his wife didn't let him, he pointed to the door and said: Look who is coming

In that era when communication was inconvenient, Jing Puchun could not know the specific situation of Liao Chengzhi, and she could only capture some vague information through sporadic reports in the newspaper and word of mouth from comrades. In the dead of night, she would always take out the token that Liao Chengzhi had left her, which was a small wooden box carved by him, with their names and a heart engraved on it. This token became a beacon in her heart, illuminating every night she waited.

Despite the long separation and lack of news, Jing Puchun did not choose to give up. She knew that Liao Chengzhi was fighting for common beliefs and ideals, and she could not be shaken by her personal thoughts. She turned this thought into strength, devoted herself to revolutionary work, and continued to provide support and assistance to Liao Chengzhi and his comrades. She firmly believes that as long as she persists, she will one day wait for Liao Chengzhi's return.

In the days of waiting, Jing Puchun did not let himself be idle. She actively participated in revolutionary activities and used her actions to support Liao Chengzhi and their cause. She secretly delivered messages to her comrades, provided treatment to wounded fighters, and added fuel to the fire of the revolution. Her actions, although they were not filled with the smoke and artillery fire of the battlefield, were no less fraught with danger and sacrifice.

Jing Puchun is not alone in waiting, and she has a group of comrades who also adhere to their beliefs. They supported each other, encouraged each other, and faced difficult times together. At every gathering, Jing Puchun shares her story with Liao, and her words are full of pride and determination. She believed that Liao Chengzhi would definitely feel her waiting and trust, and this power would pass through many obstacles and pass to his heart.

As time passed, the wait became more difficult. Rumors from the outside world began to spread, and some people advised her to give up waiting and start her life again. But Jing Puchun's heart is as hard as a rock, and she knows that true love will not change because of the passage of time, and true trust will not be shaken by difficult tests. She believes that as long as she persists, she will one day wait until Yunkai sees the moon.

In Jing Puchun's heart, Liao Chengzhi is not only her lover, but also her like-minded comrade-in-arms. She believes that no matter where Liao Chengzhi is, his heart is with her. This belief has kept her hope and strength in the long wait. She knew that as long as she didn't give up, one day, she would see Liao Chengzhi's determined eyes and warm smile again.

When Jing Puchun received Liao Chengzhi's letter, her hands trembled, and her heart surged with irrepressible excitement. In the letter, Liao told her that he had arrived safely in Hong Kong and was waiting for her arrival there. This letter is like a beam of light, illuminating all the gloom in Jing Puchun's heart. She knew that no matter how many difficulties and challenges lay ahead, she had to travel to Hong Kong to reunite with her lover.

The journey to Hong Kong was full of hardships and dangers. Jing Puchun must cross the enemy's blockade line to avoid identity scrutiny, but she has only one thought in her heart: to meet Liao Chengzhi as soon as possible. She sold part of her family property, raised money for the journey, said goodbye to her relatives in her hometown, and embarked on a journey full of unknowns.

Along the way, Jing Puchun has experienced many difficulties, but her heart is as firm as iron. She traversed rugged mountain roads, crossed fast-flowing rivers, and was even pursued by enemies on one occasion. During that escape, she wittily ducked into a dense forest, relying on the cover of trees and night, and managed to escape her pursuers. Whenever she felt tired and hopeless, she would take out Liao Chengzhi's letter and draw strength and courage from it.

Finally, after countless days and nights of trekking, I arrived in Hong Kong via Puchun. When she saw Liao Chengzhi's figure in the port, all the exhaustion and hardship turned into tears, and she rushed over and threw herself into his arms. At that moment, time and space seemed to freeze, and only two hearts were left beating violently after a long absence.

Liao Chengzhi was greedy for meat in his later years, but his wife didn't let him, he pointed to the door and said: Look who is coming

In Hong Kong, the two held a simple and solemn wedding in the presence of relatives and friends. Although there are no lavish wedding receptions, no expensive gifts, everyone present can feel the deep love between them and the unwavering belief in the future. Their marriage was not only a union between two people, but also a covenant of common ideals, a common commitment to the revolutionary cause.

Life after marriage is not easy, and they face challenges and difficulties in life. Liao Chengzhi continued to devote himself to revolutionary work, while Jing Puchun took on the heavy responsibility of taking care of the family at home. Not only does she have to deal with the lack of supplies, but she also has to be on the lookout for enemy surveillance and pursuit. However, no matter how difficult life may be, they face it hand in hand.

Although their days are simple, they are full of love and warmth. In the evenings, they would discuss the ideals of the revolution and share their experiences and experiences. In Liao Chengzhi's busy days, Jing Puchun was his strongest backing, and she supported him in her own way, so that he could fight fearlessly on the front line.

This reunion and married life is the most touching chapter in the love story of Jing Puchun and Liao Chengzhi. Their love has gone through the baptism of war and has become more tenacious and precious. Their lives, though ordinary, are full of extraordinary meanings. Their stories teach us that true love can transcend all difficulties and challenges, and that nothing is impossible as long as two people are in the same heart.

Jing Puchun trembled his hands and opened the letter from Liao Chengzhi. The brief text of the letter revealed the news of his safety and his new address in Hong Kong. This letter is like a beam of light that pierces through the darkness, giving Jing Puchun endless hope and strength. She knew that no matter how bumpy the road ahead was, she would have to travel to Hong Kong to reunite with her lover.

Jing Chun began to prepare for this long journey. She carefully stowed away the letters and began to collect money for the journey, preparing items she might need for the journey. Her heart is filled with fear of the unknown, but more than that, a desire for reunion. She said goodbye to her relatives in her hometown and embarked on a journey to Hong Kong with a vision for the future.

The road is long and full of dangers. Jingpu Chun must traverse war-torn areas, evade enemy hunts, and deal with the rigors of the natural environment. During one of her border crossings, she was nearly spotted by patrolling soldiers, so she had to hide in a cold cave and wait for it to get dark. The cold wind at night was biting, but her heart was warm, because she knew that every step made her closer to Liao Chengzhi.

The difficulties of the journey did not deter Jing Puchun. She used her wisdom and courage to overcome one obstacle after another. On one occasion while crossing a river, she had to venture across the river because there were no bridges. The icy water washed over her body, but she had only one thought in her heart: she must reach the other side. When she made it to shore and looked back at the rushing river, she knew that she had overcome the odds again.

After countless days and nights of traveling, we finally arrived in Hong Kong via Puchun. The city was busy and unfamiliar, but her heart was full of anticipation. She followed the address in the letter and found Liao Chengzhi's residence. As she stood in front of the door, she took a deep breath and knocked on it. The door slowly opened, she saw that familiar and kind face, all the exhaustion and hardship turned into tears at this moment, and she threw herself into Liao Chengzhi's arms.

The joy of reunion made the two forget all their suffering. They hugged each other tightly and did not want to separate. Life in Hong Kong, although simple, is full of happiness and sweetness. Jing Puchun and Liao Chengzhi walked together on the side of Victoria Harbour, tasted authentic food in the alleys together, and told each other's thoughts and future visions together in the night of Hong Kong.

Liao Chengzhi was greedy for meat in his later years, but his wife didn't let him, he pointed to the door and said: Look who is coming

In Hong Kong, although the lives of Jing Puchun and Liu Chengzhi are ordinary, their love is as full of vitality and hope as the city. Together, they have overcome the difficulties of life, shared the joy of life together, and worked together for common ideals and goals. Their stories, like the love stories of countless revolutionaries of that era, are full of persistence and faith, but also full of warmth and strength.

Witnessed by relatives and friends, the wedding of Jing Puchun and Liao Chengzhi was simple and solemn. There are no elaborate ceremonies, no extravagant decorations, just the firmness of two hearts and an infinite vision for the future. Their wedding was held in a modest room in Hong Kong, with bright red wedding letters on the wall and simple refreshments on the table, everything seemed so simple and sincere.

At the wedding, Liao Chengzhi was dressed in a neat tunic and Jing Puchun was wearing a light blue cheongsam, and the two stood in front of everyone hand in hand, with deep love and firmness for the future in their eyes. Although there were not many relatives and friends present, everyone's faces were filled with sincere blessings and respect for the couple. They know that the road to love for the couple is not smooth, but they also know that both of them have firm beliefs and unyielding spirits.

After getting married, Jing Puchun and Liao Chengzhi's lives were full of challenges. As a revolutionary, Liao Chengzhi often needed to go out on duty, while Jing Puchun took on the heavy responsibility of taking care of the family at home. Their lives are simple and full of hardships, but their hearts are always connected. Whenever Liao Chengzhi came back from a trip, no matter how late it was, Jing Puchun would always light up the lights at home and wait for his return. And Liao Chengzhi, no matter how tired he is, when he sees the warm light, endless strength will surge in his heart.

The difficulties in life did not discourage the two. They support each other and face it together. In the days of scarcity of materials, Jing Puchun will change the method to make delicious meals with limited ingredients, so that Liao Chengzhi can forget the hard work of the day. When Liao Chengzhi was busy and couldn't go home, Jing Puchun would silently take on everything at home, never complaining, and only hoped that he could work with peace of mind.

Although the lives of the two are ordinary, every day is full of love and warmth. They would walk together, discuss the ideals of the revolution together, and share the bits and pieces of life together. In the hard days, their love grows deeper and their lives become more fulfilling.

As time passed, the lives of Jing Puchun and Liao Chengzhi gradually stabilized. With the help of relatives and friends, they started their own small business, and although the income was not much, it was enough to make ends meet. Their days are still simple, but their hearts are full of happiness and contentment. They know that as long as the two can be together, no matter how difficult life is, it will be worth it.

In their common life, Jing Puchun and Liao Chengzhi also continue to learn and grow. They learned how to stay optimistic in the face of adversity and how not to give up in the face of difficulties. Their love story has become a role model in the hearts of those around them, allowing more people to see the power of love and the beauty of life.

This married life, although there is no vigorous feat, has a plain truth. Jing Puchun and Liao Chengzhi used their actions to explain what it means to be in harmony with each other and what it means to share joys and sorrows. Their stories, like the love stories of countless revolutionaries of that era, are no less great and touching, albeit obscure.

With the passage of time, Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun entered their old age. Due to the hard work and long-term revolutionary struggle in his early years, Liao Chengzhi gradually developed some health problems. Seeing it in Puchun's eyes and anxious in her heart, she began to control his diet more strictly, hoping to help him regulate his body and delay the invasion of aging.

Liao Chengzhi was greedy for meat in his later years, but his wife didn't let him, he pointed to the door and said: Look who is coming

Every morning, when the first rays of sunlight shine through the curtains in front of the bed, Jing Puchun has already gotten up and started to prepare a healthy breakfast for Liao Chengzhi. She carefully selects fresh vegetables and fruits, paired with the right amount of whole grains and protein, to ensure that his nutrition is balanced. For Liao Chengzhi's occasional greedy mouth, Jing Puchun is always helpless and resolute, and she will remind him with gentle words: "For the sake of our health, you can't be too willful." ”

Although Liao Chengzhi sometimes complains like a child, he knows Jing Puchun's good intentions, and his heart is full of gratitude. He knows that every one of her persistence and efforts is out of love for him and responsibility for the family. Therefore, he will also try to match her diet as much as possible, although occasionally he will secretly taste some "forbidden items".

Life in his later years was not all smooth sailing, and Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun often faced some difficulties. Sometimes it's a health problem, sometimes it's a family matter, but no matter what difficulties they encounter, they are always able to support each other and get through it together. When Liao Chengzhi was unwell, Jing Puchun would take care of him meticulously, make soup and massage for him to relieve his discomfort. And when Jing Puchun feels tired, Liao Chengzhi will also do his best to share the housework so that she can rest.

Their love became deeper and more delicate in their later years. Gone is the passion and impulse of youth, replaced by a deep tacit understanding and interdependence. They will cherish each other's company more and be more grateful for each other's existence. At dusk, they would walk together on the boulevard of the community, holding hands, reminiscing about their youth, and sharing their hopes and hopes for the future.

In their later years, Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun did not forget to give back to the society and do their part to help those in need. They will participate in volunteer activities in the community, use their experience and wisdom to provide guidance to young people, and help their neighbors with their love. Their behavior has won the respect and love of the people around them, and has become a beautiful scenery in the community.

Although the years have carved marks on their faces, their love is still young and vibrant. Their story is like a long poem, telling the deep affection of each other and the promise of growing old together. Their lives, though ordinary, were full of love and wisdom, and became an example for future generations to follow. In their later life, we saw the power of love, the warmth of mutual support, and the beauty and hope of life.

Liao's later years were not all smooth sailing, and as he grew older, his health problems gradually became apparent. The fatigue and stress accumulated in the revolutionary struggle in his youth began to leave marks on his body. Jing Puchun saw it in his eyes, and his heart was full of worry. She knows that if Liao Chengzhi wants to enjoy his old age in peace, he must start from the bits and pieces of daily life, especially the adjustment and control of diet.

As soon as Pu Chun began to monitor Liao's diet, she knew the importance of a healthy diet to maintain physical function and slow down aging. She carefully prepares low-salt, low-fat, and high-fiber foods every day to ensure that Liao Chengzhi can take in enough nutrients and avoid excessive burdens. She even began to learn about nutrition, just to take better care of him.

Liao Chengzhi was not comfortable with Jing Puchun's diet control at first, he was used to heavy food, and he always felt difficult to swallow for light diets. But Jing Puchun did not give up, she tried all kinds of methods to change the style of the dish, so that the food is healthy and delicious. She often laughs and says, "It's not to limit you, it's so that we can spend more time together." ”

As time passed, Liao Chengzhi gradually felt the benefits of a healthy diet, and his physical condition improved and his mental state became fuller. He began to appreciate Jing Puchun's persistence and dedication, and he also cherished her intentions even more. Sometimes, he would take the initiative to participate in the preparation of food, and research healthy recipes with Jing Puchun, which became a great joy in their later years.

Liao Chengzhi was greedy for meat in his later years, but his wife didn't let him, he pointed to the door and said: Look who is coming

However, Liao's health problems cannot be completely solved by diet alone. Accompanied by Pu Chun, he regularly went to the hospital for physical examinations, and according to the doctor's advice, he used medicine rationally and exercised appropriately. Although their lives have become more regular as a result, they are also full of concern for health and love for life.

Jing Puchun's care for Liao Chengzhi is not limited to food, she also pays attention to his mood changes and encourages him to maintain an optimistic attitude. When Liao Chengzhi felt depressed or anxious, she would patiently listen to him and give him comfort and support. She often reminded him: "We have been through so many storms, what else can stump us? ”

Under the careful care of Jing Puchun, Liao Chengzhi's later life was full of warmth and tranquility. Their love story has been reinterpreted in their later years, no longer with the enthusiasm and impulsiveness of their youth, but into mutual support and deep care. Although their lives are simple, every day is full of love and warmth, making people feel that the years are quiet and the present world is stable.

Although this later life has lost its former glory, it has deeper emotions and more sincere companionship. The love between Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun has become more mellow in the precipitation of the years, and their mutual support has become the most solid support in their lives. Their stories let us see the power of love, even in the twilight of life, it can still bloom with warm light.

In the years they have gone through together, Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun, a husband and wife, have more deeply realized the importance of supporting each other in their later years. With the emergence of Liao Chengzhi's health problems, Jing Puchun has become his strongest support. She not only took care of him in terms of diet, but also gave him unwavering support in spirit.

Every day, Jing Puchun accompanies Liao Chengzhi on moderate exercise, whether it's a walk in the park or some simple gymnastics at home. She believes that proper exercise can help him keep his body active and healthy. In these times spent together, the two often recalled the past when they were young, and those ups and downs have now become a warm conversation in their mouths.

The difficulties in life have not diminished with age, but the husband and wife can always face them together. Once, Liao Chengzhi was injured due to an accidental fall and needed a long time to recuperate. During this time, Jing Puchun took on almost all the housework and care work. She prepares nutritious meals for him every day and helps him with his rehabilitation training, and she never complains. Her dedication made Liao Chengzhi feel deeply warm, and he also cherished the relationship between them even more.

In the mutual support in their later years, the love between the two has also been sublimated. They no longer pursue passion and romance, but pay more attention to mutual companionship and understanding in life. When night falls, they sit together in front of the window, looking at the starry sky outside the window, and sharing each other's feelings and thoughts. This calm and deep love makes them feel extremely relieved and satisfied.

In addition to taking care of Liao Chengzhi, Jing Puchun also has his own old age. She joined the community's senior association and actively participated in various activities such as calligraphy and painting classes, aerobics, etc. These activities not only enriched her life, but also kept her positive and optimistic. And Liao Chengzhi, although his body is limited, he always tries his best to participate in the life of Jing Puchun, and the two respect each other and encourage each other.

In their later years, they also did not forget to care for and educate the next generation. They often spend family time with their children, telling stories from their youth, passing on their values and life wisdom. Their love and attitude towards life have deeply influenced the children and have become a valuable asset in the family.

With the passage of time, the love story of Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun became a good story in the community. They have proved with their lives that true love can transcend the test of time, and even in old age, it can still be full of vitality and vitality. Their stories inspire those around them and make people believe that life is always hopeful as long as there is love.

Mutual support in later years is not only the responsibility and commitment between husband and wife, but also the embodiment of their lasting and firm love. The lives of Liao Chengzhi and Jing Puchun, although ordinary, are full of the power of love. They used their own experiences to show us that no matter how life changes, as long as we support each other, we have the courage to face all challenges. Their love, like the wine of the years, becomes more and more fragrant the older it gets, which makes people intoxicated and admirable.