
The more green tendons on the hands, the more ...... the body Hurry up and look at your hands, it's not too late to pay attention

author:Life is a bit of a material

On a bright morning, Lao Li Tou sat under the gazebo in the community and chatted with a few old friends.

Lao Li Tou is a retired old man, who usually pays attention to health and his body is quite strong, but recently he found that the green tendons on his hands have become more and more obvious, which can't help but make him worried.

"Lao Liu, look at my hand, why are there more and more green tendons?" Lao Li stretched out his hand and asked Lao Liu next to him with some concern.

The more green tendons on the hands, the more ...... the body Hurry up and look at your hands, it's not too late to pay attention

Lao Liu picked up Lao Li's hand and looked at it carefully, "Lao Li, this is not a good thing, the green tendons may be a sign that there are some problems in the body." ”

This conversation has attracted everyone's attention.

Green tendons, in medicine, are actually veins, which appear faintly on our skin. Usually, a bulge in the veins means that the venous blood return is blocked, and the pressure increases, which manifests as varicose, bulging, twisting, and finally discoloration.

The green tendons in different parts of the body suggest different health problems.

First, if there are more green tendons in these two parts of the body, you should be careful

The green tendons on the hands

The more green tendons appear on the hands, it may indicate that there is some problem in the body.

For example, the green tendons on the back of the fingers may indicate insufficient blood supply to the head, frequent headaches, and dizziness; If there are green tendons on the side of the palm, it may indicate gastrointestinal stagnation, high blood lipids, blood viscosity, high blood pressure and other problems.

The green tendon in the middle of the back of the hand is obvious, which may indicate insufficient blood supply to the heart, and it is easy to have problems such as palpitation, chest tightness, and angina.

The more green tendons on the hands, the more ...... the body Hurry up and look at your hands, it's not too late to pay attention

Green tendons on the legs and feet

Green tendons in the calves are often a sign of varicose veins, and they mostly occur in people who need to stand or work for long periods of time. In severe cases, this condition may cause swelling and pain in the lower limbs, and even phlebitis and venous thrombosis.

Second, to improve the green tendons, clear the liver and detoxify the first

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the appearance of green tendons is related to the stagnation of toxins in the body and the poor flow of qi and blood.

Therefore, the first thing to do to improve green tendons is to cleanse the liver and detoxify. The liver is responsible for regulating the qi, regulating the spirit and emotion, promoting digestion and absorption, etc., and is an important detoxification organ of the body. By massaging the Taichong acupoint, it can help to relieve the liver and regulate qi, detoxify and relieve depression.

The Taichong acupoint is located on the dorsal side of the foot, in the depression before the junction of the first and second metatarsals. During the massage, you can use your thumb to rub for 3-5 minutes to feel sore.

However, it should be noted that people with coagulation disorders, pregnant women, and people recovering from surgery should avoid or reduce massage.

3. Slight varicose tension, use moxibustion to mobilize qi and blood

For mild varicose veins, moxibustion is a good option. Moxibustion can warm the meridians and harmonize qi and blood through the action of heat, so as to achieve the effect of improving the green tendons.

The more green tendons on the hands, the more ...... the body Hurry up and look at your hands, it's not too late to pay attention

During moxibustion, you can choose acupuncture points near the varicose area, such as Zusanli, Sanyinjiao, etc., and moxibustion for 10-15 minutes at each acupuncture point, with local skin flushing as the degree.

However, please note that you should keep an appropriate distance and time during moxibustion to avoid burning your skin.

Fourth, the bulge of green tendons may be a sign of these diseases

In addition to the above-mentioned health regimen methods, we also need to be alert to the signs of disease that may be hidden by the bulge of the green tendons. For example, the appearance of green tendons on the forehead may indicate long-term hard work, nervousness, work pressure or emotional stress;

When the temples are raised, it often indicates dizziness and headache; When the temples are bulging and twisted, they indicate a possible risk of cerebral arteriosclerosis; If there are green tendons on the bridge of the nose, it may indicate gastrointestinal stagnation, indigestion and other problems.

V. Conclusion

A bulge is not a trivial matter, it can be a health alert from the body. By observing the location and shape of the green tendons, we can detect potential problems in the body in time and take corresponding measures to improve them.

In addition to the above-mentioned massage and moxibustion methods, maintaining good living habits, reasonable diet, and moderate exercise are also important measures to prevent and improve green tendons.

The more green tendons on the hands, the more ...... the body Hurry up and look at your hands, it's not too late to pay attention

Finally, at the suggestion of his friends, Lao Li Tou began to try the method of massaging Taichong acupoint and moxibustion to improve his green tendon problem. After persevering for a while, he found that the green tendons in his hands had indeed been reduced, and the whole person felt more energetic.

"It seems that this way of health preservation really has to be taken to heart at all times!" Lao Li Tou said with emotion.

Friends have also expressed that they should always pay attention to their physical changes, adjust their living habits in time, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Under the gazebo, the laughter of a group of elderly people spread far and wide......