
Dad's monthly salary is 8000, and my son's game charge is 7000 for half a month! The father took his son to the construction site to move steel pipes



Recently, Mr. Yang in Haikou, Hainan Province, found that his son secretly used his mobile phone to play games, and recharged up to 7,000 yuan in just half a month, and deleted the recharge text messages every time.

Dad's monthly salary is 8000, and my son's game charge is 7000 for half a month! The father took his son to the construction site to move steel pipes

Mr. Yang felt helpless, and his monthly salary was only 8,000 yuan, and he had to pay for his family's expenses. In order to get a better education for his children, Mr. Yang decided to bring his son to the construction site to carry steel pipes, so that he could experience the hardships of life firsthand.

Dad's monthly salary is 8000, and my son's game charge is 7000 for half a month! The father took his son to the construction site to move steel pipes

Parents should be the ones who feel the most sorry for their children, and this father's approach not only makes the child bear his own mistakes, but also may affect the child's life and growth.

While playing games is a personal freedom, over-indulging in games and ignoring other aspects of life can have some negative consequences, such as neglect of academics, careers, and relationships, as well as possible money problems. Parents should guide their children in the right way to educate them, develop healthy habits, and make them aware of the limitations of play.

Dad's monthly salary is 8000, and my son's game charge is 7000 for half a month! The father took his son to the construction site to move steel pipes

Family education and personal responsibility are essential in our lives. We should attach importance to family education, care about the growth of children, and guide them to establish correct values and attitudes towards life.

Messages from netizens in the comment area:

7000 so much, don't the game platforms intercept it? It's so hard to work as a worker

Dad's monthly salary is 8000, and my son's game charge is 7000 for half a month! The father took his son to the construction site to move steel pipes

Let him earn enough seven thousand on the construction site and he will be honest.

Dad's monthly salary is 8000, and my son's game charge is 7000 for half a month! The father took his son to the construction site to move steel pipes

It's really like this, when I was in the first year of junior high school, I did a summer of rice cutting, rice planting, and weeding in the field, and I really found that it was better to study.

Dad's monthly salary is 8000, and my son's game charge is 7000 for half a month! The father took his son to the construction site to move steel pipes

Let's just say, why let the child know the payment password casually

Dad's monthly salary is 8000, and my son's game charge is 7000 for half a month! The father took his son to the construction site to move steel pipes

Asking him to work for a day, and then telling him what your salary is for that day, and then how many days you have to work to pay back the money he has recharged, is absolutely impressive!

Dad's monthly salary is 8000, and my son's game charge is 7000 for half a month! The father took his son to the construction site to move steel pipes

Agree with this dad's approach. It is no longer useful for children in junior high school to reason with facts, they need to experience the natural results brought by themselves and experience real life before they can be touched.

Dad's monthly salary is 8000, and my son's game charge is 7000 for half a month! The father took his son to the construction site to move steel pipes

Support this father's approach, don't know the price of firewood and rice, don't raise children and don't know the kindness of parents.

Will you tell your child your phone password and payment password?

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