
There are more than 7,500 stores, how good is the supply chain of "the king of peace" sweet lala?

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

An emerging milk tea brand that originated in the sinking market - Sweet. Through the supply chain system to maintain low prices, small profits and quick turnover, and excellent products, Tian has emerged in the milk tea market. Want to know the strength and operation of this low-key brand? Let's find out!

A new milk tea brand in the sinking market

With the continuous expansion of the milk tea market, new brands are emerging in an endless stream, such as Panda Preferred, which I introduced to you before, in fact, there are many niche brands.

The same is true of the brand that we are going to talk about today, but although this brand is not very famous in the big eastern countries, it is actually a milk tea brand that originated in the sinking market of the big eastern countries.

And its positioning is also very distinct, that is, cheap and multi-material fresh fruit tea.

As a product in the sinking market, its price is also low, so it also has a momentum of rapid expansion throughout the country.

There are more than 7,500 stores, how good is the supply chain of "the king of peace" sweet lala?

Despite this, the brand has always kept a low profile, even on its own products.

The brand I'm going to talk about today is Sweet Lala.

Tianlala is not very famous at the moment, but in fact, it has been quietly working hard for its own expansion.

It not only innovates in products, but also designs products specifically for consumers in the sinking market.

Although it is not very well-known on our side, in fact, this brand has entered more than 20 provinces across the country and opened hundreds of stores.

So what kind of strength and operation does Tianlala, as a low-key milk tea brand, have?

The supply chain system keeps prices low

I believe many people know that although milk tea is delicious, the price has always been relatively high.

In addition to the high cost of raw materials for milk tea itself, there is actually a very important factor in this high price is the brand effect.

There are more than 7,500 stores, how good is the supply chain of "the king of peace" sweet lala?

Many well-known brands will be priced high because they have a high reputation in the market.

However, a brand like Tianlala, which is not very well-known, is different.

Although Tianlala originated in the sinking market, its parent company is not simple, and the parent company of Tianlala is called Anhui Huiwang Catering Management Co., Ltd.

The company has a complete supply chain and supplies all of its products.

Its supply chain system mainly includes production bases, sub-warehouses, raw material procurement, etc., so that the cost of raw material procurement for its own products is greatly reduced, and the quality of raw materials can also be guaranteed.

This also allows Tianlala to keep the price of its products low.

This method also makes Tianlala known as the "replacement" of the new tea drink industry by people in the industry.

Small profits but quick turnover

In fact, when it comes to milk tea brands, many people may think that a milk tea shop is actually a very simple business, just buy some milk tea powder, make some tea, and make some juice.

There are more than 7,500 stores, how good is the supply chain of "the king of peace" sweet lala?

But in fact, as a consumer, they must want the milk tea they drink to be delicious, safe and hygienic.

Therefore, it is not an easy task to stand out in the highly competitive milk tea market.

And Tianlala is positioned in the sinking market, and the audience is not the same as the previously mentioned panda's preferred audience.

Although they are all sinking markets, Tianlala is actually more inclined to low- and middle-income groups, so the price is even more important for Tianlala.

Its business model of small profits and quick turnover is also one of the reasons why Tianlala can keep prices low.

Tianlala has always insisted on using parity and more ingredients to position itself, and the pricing in the current milk tea market belongs to the relatively low category.

Although it may seem simple to be affordable, it takes a lot of thought and technology to achieve it.

There are more than 7,500 stores, how good is the supply chain of "the king of peace" sweet lala?

However, Tianlala has never given up the pace of innovation and development, constantly updating and iterating on products, and investing more energy in the research and development of new products.

And this is the practice of continuous investment and innovation, so that Tianlala can launch many products with unique taste, full of creativity, delicious and affordable prices.

In addition, Tianlala has also been rated as "Guochao Product" and "Guochao Enterprise", and has been awarded the "Guochao Certification" by the State Intellectual Property Office, and has participated in the "Large-scale Achievement Exhibition to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of the Eastern Power" as a representative of the "Guochao" enterprise.

Funding challenges

Although it seems that Tianlala is developing rapidly and has also obtained national certification, as a brand in the sinking market, there are still great challenges in commercialization.

As a young brand, it is not very well-known in the market, the audience is still relatively small, and its own positioning determines that the price must remain low.

There are more than 7,500 stores, how good is the supply chain of "the king of peace" sweet lala?

So the funding aspect is a bit stretched.

At present, Tianlala's annual revenue can reach about 1 billion yuan, but due to the need to invest funds in expansion and research and development, the cash flow is still relatively tight.

However, Tianlala does not plan to stop, and started the national store investment plan at the beginning of this year, and plans to achieve a Hong Kong stock listing in 2025 to promote the development of its own brand.

So what kind of outstanding products and business methods do brands that can obtain national certification and enter the development of the sinking market have?

Excellent product

When it comes to sweet lala products, let's start with its main product - fresh fruit tea.

Although fresh fruit tea looks similar to the milk tea we commonly drink, its production process is fundamentally different from traditional milk tea.

There are more than 7,500 stores, how good is the supply chain of "the king of peace" sweet lala?

Fresh fruit tea is made by mixing and matching fruit juice, fruit grains, tea base and other raw materials, so that the fruit juice can fully penetrate into the tea base, making the taste more delicate and smooth, refreshing and full, and rich in nutrients.

The sweet fruit tea is even better, more bold and innovative than other brands in fruit selection, and will be made with the original fruit juice with ice drip hand-poured and other processes to ensure that the fresh fruit juice is more pure and delicious, and the taste is richer and more layered.

Not only that, after the launch of fresh orange latte floral mellow tea in June 2020, it will also match a variety of its own popular models such as "taro" and "mango" with it to form a popular series, and each series will launch special styles for rotation to meet the needs of consumers.

This ability to update product mixes, methods and flavors according to the seasons and other conditions is also one of the unique features of the Sweet Lala product range.

There are more than 7,500 stores, how good is the supply chain of "the king of peace" sweet lala?

Although such a complex product line makes Tianlala's operation more stressful, and it will also encounter some inventory backlog problems, this way of retaining consumers' footprint and appetite by constantly updating products also reflects one of Tianlala's strong operational capabilities.

In addition to its own popular products, Tianlala also contains many popular products of well-known brands including Ice and Fire Island and Xingfutang, and combines them with its own popular models to form a product matrix to meet the different needs of consumers.


As a low-key but powerful milk tea brand, Tian has successfully emerged in the sinking market through supply chain management, small profits and quick sales model and excellent products. Not only that, Tian also continues to innovate and launch a variety of fresh fruit teas with unique tastes, which are deeply loved by consumers. Do you like to try new flavors of milk tea? Leave a comment to share your thoughts!