
It is highly recommended to expose 66 counties! The people have the right to know! What do you have in your eyes but money?

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

It exposes the ugly behavior of some corrupt officials who monopolize children's subsidies, which makes people angry and heartbroken. The problem of corruption in the field of education has also aroused heated discussions in society, and it is urgent to strictly investigate moths. Want to know more details? Let's look down!

The children's subsidies were monopolized by corrupt officials

Recently, some netizens posted on the Internet, breaking an angry news that it turned out that officials in some places would have swallowed all the subsidies that originally belonged to the children.

It is highly recommended to expose 66 counties! The people have the right to know! What do you have in your eyes but money?

What a terrible act this is, no matter who benefits or not, for a child who has just stepped out of society, and what he lacks most is money, such behavior is simply a thief!

As soon as the post was posted, it quickly received everyone's attention and support, and many people expressed anger at the behavior, but there were also many who felt that it was simply impossible.

It is highly recommended to expose 66 counties! The people have the right to know! What do you have in your eyes but money?

I thought about it, why do we think this is impossible? I think it's because we're so used to being overwhelmed by the countless ugly things in reality that we don't dare to expect anything from such things.

We are also so accustomed to the positive energy of countless role models around us that we lose all possibilities for darkness.

It is highly recommended to expose 66 counties! The people have the right to know! What do you have in your eyes but money?

Although we are not sure about the truth of things, we must also admit that such things do exist in our current society.

In today's society, corruption is nothing new, and these officials will do whatever it takes to get benefits.

But they often ignore that the money actually comes from the hard work of the country and most of the people in society.

It is highly recommended to expose 66 counties! The people have the right to know! What do you have in your eyes but money?

Five counties are suspected of splitting up funds

It turned out that the location of the incident was the education field of Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, and the education departments of the five counties involved in the incident were: Anfu County, Suichuan County, Taihe County, Wan'an County and Jishui County.

Their education department has gone so far as to divide up all the funds and subsidies issued by the state to help students.

It is highly recommended to expose 66 counties! The people have the right to know! What do you have in your eyes but money?

Originally, the state issued subsidies in the hope of helping those children from poor families so that they could study well.

But the result is incredible, among them, Anfu County has reached the point where all of it has been monopolized by corrupt officials.

Why would these officials do such an outrageous and outrageous thing? In fact, it is not difficult to understand that if these officials are sincere in their efforts to serve the people, how can they do such a thing that harms the interests of the people?

It is highly recommended to expose 66 counties! The people have the right to know! What do you have in your eyes but money?

So it's not surprising that they do this, but it's the fact that they don't do it that really surprises people.

Our country is now investing more and more money in education, and how can they tolerate corruption in the field of education?

It is highly recommended to expose 66 counties! The people have the right to know! What do you have in your eyes but money?

We not only require teachers to be strict with themselves and noble teachers, but those backstage personnel should strictly control themselves and resolutely not let moths get in.

There is an urgent need to fight corruption and promote integrity in the field of education

In recent years, corruption in the field of education has been frequently exposed, which has seriously affected the country's image and public confidence.

The field of education is not only composed of teachers and students, but also those who are in the background.

It is highly recommended to expose 66 counties! The people have the right to know! What do you have in your eyes but money?

They hold a lot of important information and power in their hands, and are often regarded as "sweet and sweet" by some greedy people.

In fact, corruption exists in all walks of life, but if it exists in the field of education, the impact will be even greater.

After all, as a national basic project, the field of education involves the future development of the country, and has a very important position in the hearts of students, parents and teachers.

It is highly recommended to expose 66 counties! The people have the right to know! What do you have in your eyes but money?

If corruption already exists in education, where is it immune?

In the field of education, it is urgent to fight corruption and promote clean government, and it is necessary for relevant departments to set strict requirements, strengthen supervision and management, and prevent the occurrence of corruption.

In today's information age, it has become easier to supervise anti-corruption efforts.

It is highly recommended to expose 66 counties! The people have the right to know! What do you have in your eyes but money?

And if we can't even do this kind of work, then how can we talk about building a fairer, more just, happier and better society?

Strict investigation and punishment of moths

After the incident was exposed, netizens called on the state to strictly investigate moths and ensure that the funds can reach the students who really need help.

And netizens also hope that by severely investigating and punishing these moths, all other potential corrupt people will be given a deterrent.

It is highly recommended to expose 66 counties! The people have the right to know! What do you have in your eyes but money?

Make sure they know they will be prosecuted if they dare to act in the public interest and encroach on the well-being of their students.

As a public official, if you can't lead by example and do a good job at work, but instead embezzle state funds and student welfare, then you are not eligible to stay in your post at all.

I also hope that the state can strengthen the supervision of the personnel of these back-office management departments, make more stringent requirements for recruitment, and more thorough in their daily work.

It is highly recommended to expose 66 counties! The people have the right to know! What do you have in your eyes but money?


This kind of embezzlement and embezzlement of children's subsidies is really outrageous, and it is hoped that the state will strengthen supervision, severely punish corrupt elements, and ensure the innocence of the education field. Everyone has spoken out, let us work together for fairness and justice!