
Is it difficult for a prince of the Qing Dynasty to be crowned a prince? As long as the life is long enough, he is guaranteed to be the king of the county, and the prince is nine times out of ten

author:The old king next door

Is it difficult for a prince of the Qing Dynasty to be crowned a prince? As long as the life is long enough, he is guaranteed to be the king of the county, and the prince is nine times out of ten

The difficult journey of the prince of the Qing Dynasty to become the prince

The Qing Dynasty royal family was an extremely special political family, and there were strict rules for the inheritance of the throne and the promotion of clan members. For the prince, whether he can obtain a higher title of prince is undoubtedly a difficult process. By combing through the history of Prince Jin Feng, the prince of various dynasties of the Qing Dynasty, we can find that it is magnificent.

Unlike the previous dynasties, the knighthood of the prince in the early Qing Dynasty mainly focused on military exploits. Of Nurhachi's sixteen sons, only a few were given the title of prince, and so did the descendants of Huang Taiji. It can be said that during this period, if you want to be crowned a prince, you need to make great contributions on the battlefield. This also coincided with the path of establishing power in Manchuria, which was a form of rule based on military conquest.

Is it difficult for a prince of the Qing Dynasty to be crowned a prince? As long as the life is long enough, he is guaranteed to be the king of the county, and the prince is nine times out of ten

After entering the Kangxi Dynasty, the criteria for the title of the prince changed, and it depended more on the preferences of the emperor himself. Although Kangxi had many talented sons, few eventually won the title of prince. This is related to the political disputes between the princes in the late Kangxi period, and some princes were implicated and it was difficult to obtain high titles.

In contrast, the Yongzheng and Qianlong dynasties showed a more relaxed attitude. Whether it is Yongzheng's sons or Qianlong's many descendants, as long as they don't violate the taboo, they can basically be successfully promoted to the prince or county king. This may also reflect the fact that the two emperors had a more secure and confident grip on power.

In the late Qing Dynasty, the opportunity for the prince to become a prince became less and less. During the Daoguang and Xianfeng periods, there were also some princes who won the title of prince, but after that, they were even more neglected, and in the end, it was difficult to find even a qualified crown prince. This undoubtedly heralded the decline of the Qing Dynasty.

Is it difficult for a prince of the Qing Dynasty to be crowned a prince? As long as the life is long enough, he is guaranteed to be the king of the county, and the prince is nine times out of ten

In general, Prince Jin Feng, the prince of the Qing Dynasty, was by no means achieved overnight. From the Nurhachi period's emphasis on military exploits, to the Kangxi period's emphasis on the emperor's favor, and then to the late Qing Dynasty, the road was full of ups and downs. This not only reflects the strife within the Qing royal family, but also reflects the history of the dynasty from prosperity to decline.

Even so, we can still find some patterns. First of all, as long as the life span is long enough, basically all the brothers of the emperor of this dynasty can obtain the title of county king or above, which seems to be a bottom line. Secondly, it has become a common practice for new emperors to bestow on their brothers the title of prince after they ascend the throne.

In general, the prince of the Qing Dynasty, Prince Jin Feng, is full of twists and turns, but it also leaves us with a wealth of historical materials. This not only reflects the change process of the Manchurian Dynasty from its founding to its decline, but also shows the cruel side of the power struggle. Through these cases, we may be able to gain insight into the Qing Dynasty's statecraft and the drawbacks of the imperial succession system. In any case, this is undoubtedly a historical topic worth savoring.

Is it difficult for a prince of the Qing Dynasty to be crowned a prince? As long as the life is long enough, he is guaranteed to be the king of the county, and the prince is nine times out of ten

The tortuous road of the Qing Dynasty prince Jin Feng

The feudal system of the Qing Dynasty was a historical process full of changes and twists and turns. From the Nurhachi period, which focused on martial arts, to the Kangxi period, which was dominated by the emperor's favor, and then to the late Qing Dynasty, which was almost extinct, this road can be described as full of thorns. But even so, we can still find some regularities in it.

For example, no matter what dynasty it is, as long as the prince's life is long enough, he can basically obtain the title of county king or even prince. This may be a bottom-line guarantee. For example, every time a new emperor ascends the throne, he will bestow gifts on his brother and give him the honorific title of prince, which seems to have become a common practice. These all reflect the patriarchal system and blood politics unique to the Qing Dynasty.

Is it difficult for a prince of the Qing Dynasty to be crowned a prince? As long as the life is long enough, he is guaranteed to be the king of the county, and the prince is nine times out of ten

However, it is worth noting that the princes of different dynasties have very different paths to the throne. For example, during the period of Nurhachi and Huang Taiji, who insisted on meritorious service, the title of prince was very rare. In the Kangxi Dynasty, even if there were some outstanding princes, it was difficult to obtain the title of prince in the end, which was closely related to the later court political disputes.

In the Yongzheng and Qianlong dynasties, the door of the prince Jin Feng was quite loose. As long as you don't violate the taboo, you can basically get the title of prince or county king smoothly. This may reflect the confidence and ease with which these two emperors controlled power.

In the late Qing Dynasty, the situation changed dramatically. From Daoguang and Xianfeng to Tongzhi and Guangxu, the opportunity for the prince to become the prince became less and less, and in the end, it was difficult to find even a qualified crown prince. This undoubtedly indicates that the decline of the entire Qing Dynasty is accelerating.

Is it difficult for a prince of the Qing Dynasty to be crowned a prince? As long as the life is long enough, he is guaranteed to be the king of the county, and the prince is nine times out of ten

It is not difficult for us to find that the history of Prince Jinfeng, the prince of the Qing Dynasty, is not only a simple family history, but also a microcosm that reflects the rise and fall of the dynasty. From the military achievements in the founding period of the People's Republic of China, to the favor arbitration in the Zhongxing period, and then to the snub in the late period, this process of change reflects the historical trajectory of the Qing Dynasty from prosperity to decline.

The criteria for the promotion of princes to princes in each period are different, which undoubtedly reflects the changes in the political environment at that time. For example, during the Nurhachi and Huang Taiji periods, martial arts were emphasized, which coincided with the path of establishing the Manchurian dynasty. In the Kangxi Dynasty, the personal will of the emperor became more important, which was also related to the fierce court political struggles at that time.

Is it difficult for a prince of the Qing Dynasty to be crowned a prince? As long as the life is long enough, he is guaranteed to be the king of the county, and the prince is nine times out of ten

However, even so, we can still find some universal patterns in it. For example, as long as the prince lives long enough, he can eventually obtain the title of county king and above, which seems to have become an unwritten convention. For example, when a new emperor comes to power, he often bestows his brother the title of prince, which is also a common practice. These are undoubtedly the unique family political traditions of the Qing Dynasty.

In general, the journey of the Qing Dynasty prince Jin Feng was tortuous and changeable. It not only reflects the dynasty's rise and fall, but also shows the brutal side of the power struggle of the Qing rulers. Through these cases, we may be able to better understand the Manchurian dynasty's statecraft and the shortcomings of its mode of rule. This is undoubtedly a historical topic worthy of our in-depth consideration.