
It's hard to marry if you're a beautiful fairy, it's not easy to find a partner these days!

author:Small cakes
It's hard to marry if you're a beautiful fairy, it's not easy to find a partner these days!

Ooh! There is another "rare in two hundred years" beauty! Is this time someone really there or is it just another marketing hype gimmick? Let's not rush to conclusions. It is said that this beauty does have two brushes, not only her appearance is off the charts, but she also conquers many men with her beauty. However, at the age of 47, you are still not married? What's going on? Is it really a "thin life"? Or has beauty become a burden to her?

As soon as this news came out, everyone must have been stunned. What? A great beauty that is rare in 200 years? That's an exaggeration, isn't it? Let's don't care if these "two hundred years" are bragging, just talking about the appearance of this beauty, there is really nothing to say. That face, that figure, that temperament, it's just a fairy who came out of the painting! No wonder so many men can fall under her pomegranate skirt.

It's hard to marry if you're a beautiful fairy, it's not easy to find a partner these days!

However, why hasn't such a beautiful beauty found a home at the age of 47? Is it really a "thin life"? We can't think so. In these days, being single is not uncommon. Besides, if people don't get married, maybe it's their own choice?

However, this matter is really worth pondering. You say that a woman who is as beautiful as a fairy should be the one that men are rushing to marry home. But at this age, she is still alone, and there must be a story here.

It's hard to marry if you're a beautiful fairy, it's not easy to find a partner these days!

Let's take a guess. First, will it be because it is so beautiful, but it makes people feel unattainable? Do you think, how dare ordinary people casually come up and talk to such a beautiful goddess when they see such a beautiful goddess? For fear that he would not be worthy of others, he vetoed himself before he started.

Second, could it be because of beauty? Beautiful women will always attract all kinds of eyes, some envy, some jealous, and those with bad intentions. Living in this environment for a long time will inevitably have an impact on interpersonal relationships. Maybe it's because they're fed up with all these disturbances that they choose to be celibate?

It's hard to marry if you're a beautiful fairy, it's not easy to find a partner these days!

Third, we have to think about it, is this beauty's mate selection standard too high? After all, my conditions are so good, and I must hope to find the right person when I am looking for a partner. But how many men in this world can be worthy of "rare beauties in two hundred years"?

After all, this is a lesson for us. Beauty is important, but it is definitely not the only guarantee of a happy marriage. When looking for a partner, you can't just look at the outside, but also look on the inside. Whether the personalities are compatible or not, and the three views are inconsistent, these are the keys that really determine whether two people can be together for a long time.

It's hard to marry if you're a beautiful fairy, it's not easy to find a partner these days!

Besides, being single is not a bad thing. This beauty is 47 years old and unmarried, maybe she will live a chic life. Without the shackles of marriage, you can do whatever you want, how comfortable you are! Let's not judge people with those old ideas.

In fact, from the experience of this beauty, we can still see a problem. Even in today's society, the requirements for women are too high. You have to be beautiful like a flower, you have to have a successful career, and you have to teach your husband and children. Isn't that embarrassing! We need to change this mindset and give women more choice and freedom.

It's hard to marry if you're a beautiful fairy, it's not easy to find a partner these days!

In short, the reasons behind this 47-year-old beauty being single must be complicated. We outsiders just look at the surface, and we really can't tell what's going on. But one thing is certain, that is, marital happiness is really not necessarily related to appearance. Instead of envying other people's beauty, it is better to manage your own life well, this is true.

So in the end, the editor would like to ask: If you are the "rare beauty in two hundred years", will you choose to be single at the age of 47? Does beauty really bring happiness? What do you think about this?

It's hard to marry if you're a beautiful fairy, it's not easy to find a partner these days!