
China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

author:The stars are from the media

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The sand dunes are rolling here, the winds are raging, and there is hardly any sign of life.

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

Today, a miracle of turning a desert into an oasis is taking place. The laying of photovoltaic panels and the planting of green vegetation have made this desert full of vitality.

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

The contrast between the past and the present makes people sigh at the magic of nature and the wisdom of the Chinese.

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

Located in the middle of the Kubuqi Desert, the Dalat photovoltaic base is currently one of the largest photovoltaic power generation bases in the world.

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

It is equipped with 3.46 million photovoltaic panels, generating 2 billion kWh of electricity per year, enough to supply 3 million people with electricity for a year.

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

These photovoltaic panels are neatly arranged in the desert, forming a unique landscape. Such a large scale and power generation not only provide a strong impetus for the mainland's economic development, but also set an example for global environmental protection.

Under the photovoltaic panels, there is a large area of vegetation such as Salix, Saxon, and Caragana.

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

These greens grow tenaciously in the desert and gradually form a green corridor.

This not only effectively improves the ecological environment of the desert area, but also improves the land utilization rate, and achieves a win-win situation of economic benefits and ecological environment.

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

The ecological transition from photovoltaic panels to green corridors demonstrates China's determination and wisdom in desert management. This innovative initiative has amazed the world.

Foreigners' sharing and heated discussions on social networks:

In today's globalized world, social networks have become an important window to showcase the country's image.

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

When the green miracle of the Kubuqi Desert spread around the world, foreign friends shared this amazing scene on social networks.

They uploaded photos of endless stretches of photovoltaic panels, discussed the miraculous process of turning a desert into an oasis, and praised China's feat.

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

For a time, the discussion about the Kubuqi desert became a hot topic and attracted attention around the world.

In this heated discussion, the blunt words of Italian netizens are particularly eye-catching.

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

They argue that China's speed of development and global influence have left Western countries in the dust.

An Italian netizen wrote on social networks: "The West is already far behind, and China has created an unprecedented miracle. ”

This sentence expresses the sentiments of many foreign friends, who are shocked by China's development achievements.

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

Behind this miracle of turning a desert into an oasis is China's advanced scientific and technological and innovative forces.

Foreign friends were amazed by technologies such as photovoltaic panels and desert afforestation, and expressed their desire to learn from China's experience.

An American engineer left a message on social networks: "China's ability to innovate is amazing, and I hope to one day go to the Kubuqi Desert to see this miracle for myself." ”

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

These praises and exclamations are undoubtedly the best affirmation of China's scientific and technological strength. In this feast of innovation, China is leading the world towards a green future.

Exploration and practice of desert reuse

Once considered a barren land, the Kubuqi Desert is now a fertile ground for innovation.

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

In the exploration of desert reuse, the mainland scientific research team adheres to the belief of "asking for land from the desert and electricity from the sunshine", and actively carries out scientific research and technological research.

They use modern scientific and technological means to combine photovoltaic power generation with desert management, and have embarked on a path of green desert development with Chinese characteristics.

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

In this vast desert, photovoltaic panels are like pieces of silver armor, bringing new life to the desert.

In the Kubuqi Desert, one idea after another is becoming a reality.

Under the photovoltaic panels, the desert fish ponds are dotted, and the desert rice is full of greenery. Desert farming and cultivation have been made possible through technologies such as photovoltaic panel shading and water-saving irrigation.

China has created another green miracle: desert fish swim freely, and electricity is generated without oil! Foreigner: Just China

This innovative initiative not only brings economic benefits to the local area, but also enriches the ecosystem of the desert area. Fish farming and rice farming in the desert has become a beautiful landscape for the green development of the mainland.

In the process of harnessing the Kubuqi Desert, the mainland has embarked on a path of development with Chinese characteristics.

This road is guided by scientific and technological innovation and green development, which fully reflects the determination and wisdom of the mainland in the construction of ecological civilization.

There are very few countries in the world that have achieved such fish farming and reforestation in the desert like this.

The development path with Chinese characteristics has set a model of green development for the world and allowed the world to witness China's innovative power.

Sustainable development with limited resources

As we all know, the mainland has a large population and limited per capita resources, and how to achieve sustainable development with limited resources is a major challenge we are facing.

The success of the Kubuqi Desert provides us with a vivid case.

Through the rational use of the desert, we not only improve the ecological environment, but also achieve economic benefits.

All of this stems from our full use of limited resources and scientific planning.

The Kubuqi Desert, once considered a forbidden area for life, has now become a cornucopia.

The installation of photovoltaic panels and the planting of green vegetation have not only improved the local ecological environment, but also brought rich economic benefits to the local area.

The Dalat PV base has enough power generation capacity to meet the electricity demand of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and is even expected to become an energy base in western China.

This magnificent transformation is exactly the remarkable achievement that the mainland has made on the road of sustainable development.

The successful governance of the Kubuqi Desert provides a Chinese model for global desert governance.

This model closely integrates ecological governance with economic development, and achieves a win-win situation for population, resources and environment.

Around the world, many countries are facing similar challenges, and the success of China's model has undoubtedly provided them with valuable references.

More and more countries have begun to pay attention to and learn from the mainland's experience in desert management, and jointly explore the path of sustainable development.

The success of the Kubuqi Desert is an important practice on the road of sustainable development on the mainland. By using limited resources, we have achieved a magnificent transformation from desert management to economic efficiency, providing the world with the inspiration of the Chinese model. This successful case fully demonstrates the mainland's strong strength in scientific and technological innovation and green development, and also contributes China's wisdom to the sustainable development of the world.

In the Kubuqi Desert, there is a group of people who are the builders of the photovoltaic base, and they have created a green miracle in this desert with diligence and wisdom.

They got up early and stayed up late to overcome the harsh environment in the desert to install photovoltaic panels in place.

These photovoltaic panels are like green leaves, bringing life to the desert.

The builders not only focused on the efficiency of power generation, but also carefully designed a greening scheme to create dense vegetation under the photovoltaic panels.

It is their hard work that has given new life to the Kubuqi Desert.

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