
When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly

author:First Humanities

When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly

01 The longing of old age

Time flies, and life is easy to get old. When our children grow up and fly separately, our generation has gradually entered the twilight of life.

At that time, the busyness of work was a thing of the past, and the trivialities of life were gradually moving away. I can't help but feel a desire to live freely, a way of life that is uninhibited and leisurely.

When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly
When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly

02 The concept of group pension

So, I discussed with a few like-minded friends, why not build a few warm courtyards in a quiet suburb and spend our old age together?

There, we can get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, return to the embrace of nature, and enjoy the rare tranquility and tranquility.

Loved ones are by the side, friends live next to each other, such a "group pension" must have a different flavor.

When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly
When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly

03 The meaning of "huddle".

"Group pension" is not just a simple cohabitation life, it is more like a kind of spiritual fit, a kind of emotional sustenance.

Here, we can share the bits and pieces of life and pour out our inner joys, sorrows and sorrows. It makes us understand that even as the years go by, we can still have dreams and pursue our own happiness.

When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly
When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly

04 Practice of pastoral life

In that tranquil piece of land on the outskirts, we built a few dream courtyards.

In the morning, when the first rays of sunlight shine on the earth, we begin to work in the vegetable garden and experience the joy of rural life.

hoeing, watering, fertilizing...... Every action is filled with a love of life and a reverence for nature.

When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly
When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly

05 The comfort of tea and chatting

After work, we chatted with tea in the courtyard. In the fragrance of tea, we talk about the world's major events and share the trivialities of life.

Those past glories and setbacks have turned into a light-hearted joke at this moment. Such time, simple and tranquil, constitutes the most valuable treasure in our later life.

When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly
When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly

06 The joy of interest groups

In addition to daily work and leisure, we also participate in various interest groups together. Calligraphy, painting, gardening...... Everyone has found their interest here.

These activities not only exercise our bodies, but also nourish our minds. Here, we rediscover that love and pursuit of life.

When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly
When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly

07 Gathering in the sunset

In the evening, when the afterglow of the setting sun fills the sky, we sit in the courtyard and share the joy and harvest of the day.

Sometimes it's a beautiful song, sometimes it's a beautiful dance, sometimes it's a great chess game. These activities allowed us to spend a good time in laughter and feel the joy of life.

When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly
When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly

08A sense of security and belonging in the hospital

In this warm family, we care for each other, help each other, and support each other.

This spirit of mutual help and love makes us feel the warmth and strength of friendship, and also allows us to find the meaning and value of life in our later years.

Here, we have a sense of security and belonging, as if this small yard is our safe haven.

When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly
When you are old, build a small courtyard in the countryside, and old friends will support the elderly

09 Maintain a love of life

On the way to get old, we still maintain our love and pursuit of life. Age is just a number, and it cannot restrain our yearning and pursuit of a better life.

We cherish every moment and strive to live our own wonderful and worthy. Learning new knowledge and skills together, trying new things and new challenges together, makes our later life full of infinite possibilities and surprises.