
Life and death! National feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fainted, and the life and death decision behind the AED became a compulsory course?


According to relevant reports, on June 30, national badminton player Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted at the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships held in Indonesia, and passed away after being sent to the hospital. Why did this sudden tragedy, and the little-known life-and-death struggle behind it, make the AED (automated external defibrillator) the focus of heated national discussion?

Life and death! National feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fainted, and the life and death decision behind the AED became a compulsory course?

AEDs should not just be "decorations" on the sidelines!

Imagine that in the heat of the field, an athlete in the prime of his youth suddenly collapses, time seems to stand still, and even the referee is stunned. At that moment, we often think that the AED is just an inconspicuous "ornament" on the sidelines, but in fact it has become the last straw of life. Zhang Zhijie's tragedy made the three letters "AED" instantly leap into the public eye and become the "life code" that everyone must grasp in their hearts.

Life and death! National feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fainted, and the life and death decision behind the AED became a compulsory course?

On-site direct hit: from prone to supine, professional judgment between life and death!

"The medical staff quickly changed Zhang Zhijie from the prone position to the supine position" - behind this simple action, there is a collision of professionalism and experience. Dr. Liu Zhiyang, an AHA-certified expert, explains: "It's not just about observation, it's about assessing vital signs in a race against time. "But the point is that every step that follows can be the difference between life and death.

Life and death! National feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fainted, and the life and death decision behind the AED became a compulsory course?

AED is not a panacea, but it can save lives when it matters most!

Many people think that AED works as soon as it is used, but it is not absolute. In the words of Dr. Liu Zhiyang: "The use of AEDs must be based on accurate judgment. In the case of epilepsy, it is sufficient to wait for the onset to pass; But if it is sudden cardiac death, it is a race against death, and every second must be made. ”

The golden sentence emphasized: "AED is not a panacea, it is the only lifeline that you and I can grasp at critical moments."

Life and death! National feather teenager Zhang Zhijie fainted, and the life and death decision behind the AED became a compulsory course?

Zhang Zhijie's tragedy makes us realize that first-aid knowledge is no longer exclusive to medical staff, but also needs to be possessed by ordinary people. Dr. Liu Zhiyang's mantra of "one observation, two calls for help, and three cardiopulmonary resuscitation" is simple and easy to understand, but it can save lives at critical moments. He emphasized: "Every drill is a respect for life; Every study is a necessary preparation for the future. ”

Conclusion: Let love continue to pass on and let life be eternal

Zhang Zhijie's death is a loss to the mainland sports community and a wake-up call to all athletes. But in this tragedy, we see professionalism and responsibility, but also love and hope. Please take a little time to learn the necessary first aid knowledge, not only to save yourself, but also to let every life get the most timely rescue at a critical moment.