
A 7-year-old boy died of a "rabies attack" and had been vaccinated before he died.

author:Come quickly


A 7-year-old boy with a kind heart was bitten by a wild dog while playing, but the child's immune system is not well developed, and as long as he is infected with the rabies virus, his life is in danger.

Fortunately, the boy's mother found out about this in time, so she hurried to the hospital to vaccinate the little boy.

A 7-year-old boy died of a "rabies attack" and had been vaccinated before he died.

How effective are vaccines?

Rabies is a typical highly pathogenic animal disease with obvious symptoms of acute deafness, infected animals can die quickly in a short period of time, this fatal disease is very contagious, and is one of the seven major infectious diseases identified by the World Health Organization.

In order to prevent the infection and spread of this virus, people have developed rabies vaccines, which are also to strengthen prevention and control, but vaccine manufacturers have not made efforts to make this cause better.

In order to seek more benefits, some manufacturers can easily forget their responsibilities in the process of production and sales, resulting in problems in the production process of some vaccines, and the quality of vaccines has also become very problematic.

Does the fact that the little boy still unfortunately contracted rabies after being vaccinated prove that the vaccine is not so effective?

In fact, this situation is relatively rare when the system and regulations are complied with, but it is difficult to say whether the effect of the vaccine can be guaranteed 100%.

In medicine, a vaccine is an immune protection against viruses and microorganisms, which can trigger a series of protective defense responses by activating specific antibodies and cellular immunity in the immune system.

However, the effect of the vaccine is not absolutely guaranteed, nor can it be absolutely predicted, because there are great differences in the concentration of antibodies produced by the human body after vaccination and the duration of the antibodies.

Even the best vaccines are not 100% effective, vaccination does not make everyone immune, and rampant pathogens can be easily transmitted, and for some people, the effectiveness of vaccines is not obvious.

A 7-year-old boy died of a "rabies attack" and had been vaccinated before he died.

In addition, the vaccine will also deteriorate due to the influence of temperature and other factors in the process of production and storage, so the source, storage, type, and dose of the vaccine will affect the effectiveness and prevention effect of the vaccine.

A 7-year-old boy died of a "rabies attack" and had been vaccinated before he died.

Reasons why you still get sick after vaccination.

Although the vaccine is not 100% guaranteed, the effect of vaccination is still very obvious if it is used and administered correctly under the guidance of doctors and vaccine workers.

So is it because his doctor and family members did not do the right thing about the vaccination, so the vaccine he was injected did not have the desired effect?

In this regard, the mother of the little boy said that she had been preparing for several days when receiving the rabies vaccine, and had been observing the little boy's condition, making notes at home, and also treating the little boy's wounds under the advice of the doctor.

In the process of vaccination, the doctor also gave professional guidance and treatment to the little boy to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the vaccine, and the temperature change during the refrigeration of the vaccine was also dealt with in a timely manner, so from the perspective of the implementation of the vaccination procedure, the problem was not big.

A 7-year-old boy died of a "rabies attack" and had been vaccinated before he died.

So will there be a problem with the vaccine that the little boy is injected?

Problems with the quality of the vaccine are also one of the possible reasons why young boys still get rabies after being injected.

If there is a quality problem with the vaccine itself, no matter how correctly the vaccination procedure is implemented, it is unlikely to have the desired effect.

In addition to these two reasons, there is also the possibility of individual differences, which means that everyone receives and responds differently to the vaccine, and some people may not produce sufficient protective antibody concentrations after vaccination.

A 7-year-old boy died of a "rabies attack" and had been vaccinated before he died.

In some cases, the effectiveness of vaccination is greatly reduced due to insufficient antibody production due to insufficient immune response, so if the effectiveness of vaccines can be better understood and studied in this regard, then it is also possible to produce vaccines that are more suitable for needs.

A 7-year-old boy died of a "rabies attack" and had been vaccinated before he died.

In addition, there are some personal subjective factors that will also affect the effectiveness of the vaccine, such as some people choose not to get vaccinated or under-vaccinated because of misunderstanding of the vaccine or worrying about the side effects of the vaccine, but in fact, it is these people who need to be vaccinated more, which will not only affect the effect of the vaccine, but also affect the safety of other people's lives.

Therefore, more education and education efforts are needed in key areas of vaccines to increase public awareness and understanding of vaccines, raise their awareness of the importance of vaccines, and address their concerns about vaccine side effects.

A 7-year-old boy died of a "rabies attack" and had been vaccinated before he died.

How to reduce the risk of developing disease after vaccination.

Although it is rare to still get sick after vaccination, the emergence of this situation is undoubtedly a wake-up call.

So what should we do to reduce the risk of developing disease after vaccination?

First of all, we need to address this problem at the source, which means that we need to strengthen the supervision and management of the vaccine production process to ensure that the vaccine meets the quality requirements, so that the public's trust in vaccination can be increased.

A 7-year-old boy died of a "rabies attack" and had been vaccinated before he died.

In addition, we need to better understand the role of individual differences in the effectiveness of vaccination, so that we can better provide personalized vaccination services to people and improve the effectiveness of vaccination.

A 7-year-old boy died of a "rabies attack" and had been vaccinated before he died.

Second, we need to strengthen publicity and education on vaccination, so as to help the public correctly understand the importance and role of vaccines, and how to get vaccinated correctly.

Only by making the public aware of the importance of vaccination can we increase the vaccination rate and protect the health and lives of the public.

A 7-year-old boy died of a "rabies attack" and had been vaccinated before he died.

In addition, we also need to improve the professionalism and quality of medical personnel, and only if medical personnel can correctly carry out the vaccination procedures can the effectiveness of vaccination be guaranteed.

A 7-year-old boy died of a "rabies attack" and had been vaccinated before he died.

Finally, we need to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of vaccines, and identify and address vaccine quality issues in a timely manner, so as to ensure that vaccines are safe and effective.


The disease is still onset after the vaccine injection, and the suspected virus is inactive and absorbed by the nervous system in the child's body!

There is no doubt that vaccines are a "sharp weapon" that can prevent diseases and save lives, but they also need more protection and support in the process.

Whether it is the manufacturer of the vaccine, the regulatory authorities in all links, or the medical staff and the families of patients, they are inseparable from a sense of reverence for this "sharp weapon", with which the quality assurance of vaccines can be strengthened from the source.

Only when everyone works together to create a safe and reliable vaccine environment can everyone who is vaccinated stay away from danger and live a healthy life!

A 7-year-old boy died of a "rabies attack" and had been vaccinated before he died.