
Wei Yingluo was the first woman to defeat and gave birth to a baby son to Yongzheng, named the imperial concubine!

author:The Eight Stars of Fire say something

"Yanxi Raiders" is a costume court drama set in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, which tells the story of how the palace maid Wei Yingluo grew up step by step in the court and finally became a concubine. Wei Yingluo's life is full of legends, and her wisdom, courage and tenacity not only won the favor of the emperor, but also allowed her to occupy a pivotal position in the harem.

Wei Yingluo's journey to the palace began with the pursuit of the truth about her sister's death. She entered the Forbidden City as a palace maid, and with her ingenuity and indomitable spirit, she gradually uncovered the mystery of her sister's death. In the process, she not only confirmed that her sister's death was related to the absurd prince Hongday, but also determined to seek justice. However, the court is far more complex and sinister than she imagined, and she must learn to survive in this environment of intrigue and struggle.

In the palace, Wei Yingluo met Empress Fucha, a woman who was adept at etiquette and had a gentle personality. The queen deeply admired Yingluo's talent and courage, and not only gave her warmth and help when she faced difficulties, but also gradually grew into an upright and strong palace maid under her teaching. Under the influence of the Queen, Yingluo learns to let go of her resentments and face life and challenges with a more positive attitude.

However, life at the court was not always peaceful. The unfortunate death of the empress made Yingluo misunderstand Emperor Qianlong, and the relationship between the two fell into tension for a while. But as time passed, the relationship between Yingluo and Emperor Qianlong gradually changed, from the initial hostility to the eventual mutual understanding and support. Yingluo's intelligence and broad-mindedness enabled her to overcome many difficulties in the court and won the respect and trust of Emperor Qianlong.

Wei Yingluo was the first woman to defeat and gave birth to a baby son to Yongzheng, named the imperial concubine!

In the struggle of the harem, Yingluo shows her extraordinary intelligence and strategy. Not only is she able to skillfully deal with various crises, but she is also able to show her determination and courage in critical moments. Her battle of wits and courage with Concubine Chun, especially after the death of the queen, Concubine Chun's good impression of Fu Heng and the development of the relationship between Yingluo and Fu Heng have become important highlights in the plot. Yingluo's wit and decisiveness have made her position in the harem increasingly solid.

Yingluo's life is a process of continuous growth and struggle. She not only gave birth to four children for the emperor, but also established her status and influence in the harem. Her story is a celebration of the wisdom and strength of women, as well as a vivid depiction of court life in that era. Through Yingluo's growth process, the audience can see how a woman can rely on her intelligence and courage in the special environment of the palace to constantly overcome difficulties and finally realize her self-worth.

The story of Yingluo in "Yanxi Raiders" is not only a story about love and power struggle, but also a story about personal growth and self-realization. The image of Yingluo shows the tenacity and wisdom of women in the face of difficulties, as well as the way to survive in the special environment of the court. Her story inspires every viewer to be brave enough to pursue their dreams and values, no matter what challenges they face.

Concubine Yu, the historical concubine of Emperor Chunyi, was a legendary figure in the harem of Emperor Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty. Her story is not only recorded in detail in historical documents, but also widely disseminated and interpreted in modern film and television works such as "The Legend of Zhen Huan". Emperor Chunyi, formerly known as Geng, was born in a family of middle-class officials during the Kangxi period, and was very intelligent since childhood, and was deeply loved and expected by her family.

According to historical records, Geng entered the palace in the 42nd year of Kangxi and became the maid of Emperor Yongzheng, who was still the prince at that time, and was called Gege. She is not only beautiful and moving, but also won the favor of Emperor Yongzheng with her gentleness, virtue and profound connotation. In the fiftieth year of Kangxi, Geng gave birth to the fifth son of Emperor Yongzheng, the later Prince of Hegong, Hongday. The mother and son were deeply loved by Emperor Yongzheng, which made Geng's status in the harem increasingly prominent.

Wei Yingluo was the first woman to defeat and gave birth to a baby son to Yongzheng, named the imperial concubine!

After Emperor Yongzheng ascended the throne, Geng was named a concubine, and his father Geng Dejin was also carried into the interior affairs office, and later was compiled into the yellow flag and the cloth and collar, and finally carried into the yellow flag Manchuria. This change not only enhanced the social status of the Geng family, but also reflected the importance and favor of Emperor Yongzheng to the Geng family. In the seventh year of Yongzheng, Geng's status was promoted again and he was named Concubine Yu.

In Emperor Yongzheng's harem, Concubine Yu, with her healthy body and excellent amount of alcohol, often accompanied Emperor Yongzheng to drink in addition to dealing with heavy official duties, relieving Emperor Yongzheng's worries. These qualities of hers make her occupy a special place in the heart of Emperor Yongzheng. In the eleventh year of Yongzheng, her son Hongday was named Prince He, which further consolidated her position in the harem.

After Emperor Qianlong ascended the throne, his respect for Concubine Yu did not decrease. In the second year of Qianlong, Geng was honored as the imperial concubine, and in the forty-third year of Qianlong, because of his advanced age, he was honored as the imperial concubine. Her honorific title "Yu" means "fulu" in Manchu, which means "wealthy" and "broad", while her nickname "Chunyi", in Manchu as "gulu fujurungga", means "pure and dignified".

Concubine Yu's life is full of glory and legend, she not only has an important position in the harem of Emperor Yongzheng, but also received high honor during the period of Emperor Qianlong. Her story is an indelible part of the history of the Qing Dynasty's harem, and it is also an important reference for future generations to study the Qing Dynasty court culture and the status of women. Although in film and television works such as "The Legend of Zhen Huan", the image of Concubine Yu may be different from history, but her wisdom, gentleness and tenacity are undoubtedly worthy of praise and learning from future generations.

Wei Yingluo was the first woman to defeat and gave birth to a baby son to Yongzheng, named the imperial concubine!

Emperor Chunyi's concubine Geng, a lowly but ill-fated woman, has become a stroke in history that cannot be ignored with her unique life trajectory in the vicissitudes of the Qing Dynasty court. Her story is not only a legend of personal struggle, but also a microcosm of the status and destiny of women in that era.

Geng's father is Geng Dejin, the head of the Internal Affairs Bureau, although the official position is not high, but as a member of the Internal Affairs Office, the Geng family is inextricably linked with the royal family. According to historical records, Geng's great-grandfather Geng Shilong was incorporated into the Baoyi Banner in the early Qing Dynasty and became a person with a yellow flag and a Baoyi bannerman. Although this identity was not prominent in the society at that time, it laid the groundwork for Geng's future court career.

During the Kangxi period, the young Geng was elected to the palace and became the concubine of Yinzhen, who was still the prince at the time. In that era of strict hierarchy, it was undoubtedly an honor and an opportunity to change one's destiny for the Geng family, who was a clothed Han man, to be able to enter the royal palace. In the hidden mansion, Geng's gentleness, virtue and ingenuity, gradually won Yinzhen's favor and trust.

In the fiftieth year of Kangxi, Geng gave birth to Yinzhen's fifth son, the later Prince of He, Hongday. The birth of this child not only brought the glory of mother and son to Geng's family, but also made her occupy an irreplaceable position in the heart of Emperor Yongzheng. According to historical records, the mother and son were deeply loved by Sejong.

After Emperor Yongzheng ascended the throne, the status of the Geng family also rose. In the first year of Yongzheng, she was named a concubine and became the lord of a palace in the harem. In the harem of Emperor Yongzheng at that time, the status of the Geng family was second only to the Empress Wulanala clan, the Guifei Nian clan, the Qi Concubine Li clan and the Xi Concubine Niu Hulu clan, ranking fifth. However, compared with the noble background and glorious family background of the first four concubines, the Geng family was able to obtain such an honor, completely thanks to the favor and attention of Emperor Yongzheng.

Wei Yingluo was the first woman to defeat and gave birth to a baby son to Yongzheng, named the imperial concubine!

In the battles and intrigues of the harem, the Geng clan gradually stabilized its position with its low-key and wise way of survival. She did not get involved in the right and wrong battles of the harem, but focused on educating her son, serving the emperor wholeheartedly, and using her wisdom and gentleness to win the respect and trust of Emperor Yongzheng. In the eighth year of Yongzheng, Geng was promoted to Concubine Yu, and her status and influence were further enhanced.

After Emperor Qianlong ascended the throne, his respect for the Geng family did not decrease. In the second year of Qianlong, Geng was honored as the imperial concubine, and in the forty-third year of Qianlong, he was honored as the imperial concubine. The change of this honorific title not only reflects the status of the Geng family in the court, but also highlights her important position in the heart of Emperor Qianlong.

The life of the Chunyi Imperial Concubine Geng is a gorgeous transformation from a humble concubine to an imperial concubine. Her story is a unique presence in the Qing Dynasty court, and it is also a representative of the wisdom and tenacity of women in that era. Her life experience not only provides us with a window into the life of the Qing court, but also allows us to see the touching story of a woman who struggled in the face of adversity and finally gained respect and glory.

Wei Yingluo was the first woman to defeat and gave birth to a baby son to Yongzheng, named the imperial concubine!