
She is a noble concubine who has gone through five dynasties, entered the palace at the age of 13 but was demoted, and died of a long life of 40 years

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In ancient Chinese feudal society, the harem was a place full of intrigue and strife. In order to compete for the emperor's favor, the concubines in the harem often did not hesitate to use various means, thus forming the so-called palace fighting phenomenon. This phenomenon is particularly significant in the harem of the Qing Dynasty in history, especially during the reign of Emperor Daoguang, when the rise and fall of concubine grades were even more frequent.

During the reign of Emperor Daoguang, the rise and fall of harem concubines was particularly prominent. According to historical records, Emperor Daoguang was a very frugal emperor, and he often demoted his concubines to the position of concubines when he disagreed. For example, Concubine Tong, Concubine Cheng and others have all been treated as demoted. However, Niu Hulu is an exception. Not only did she receive a good education, but she also had a beautiful appearance and a gentle and demure personality. It is the gentleness and intelligence unique to Jiangnan women that make her stand out in the draft and win the favor of Emperor Daoguang. After she entered the palace, she was favored by Emperor Daoguang, and in a short period of time, she continued to be promoted, so that at the age of 17, she was second only to the queen in the harem.

He Fei Nala is the biological mother of Emperor Daoguang's eldest son, Aixin Jueluo Yiwei. When she was thirteen years in Jiaqing, she was fortunate to be canonized by Emperor Jiaqing as the side blessing of the second elder brother Mianning by virtue of the little imperial grandson who was waiting to be fed in her arms. After the death of Emperor Jiaqing, the second elder brother Mianning ascended the throne, that is, Emperor Daoguang. In November of the second year of Daoguang, Concubine He was canonized as a concubine, and Daoguang was promoted to Concubine He in the third year. However, Concubine He's physical condition was not good, and she was short of glory and blood for a long time, and later she was hit by the early death of her only son, and in the fifteenth year of Daoguang, she suffered from wheezing and coughing. In the sixteenth year of Daoguang, Concubine He further suffered from swelling disease and was presumed to have died of pulmonary heart disease.

In the twentieth year of Daoguang, Shang Jia's family entered the palace as Lu Chang, but he was demoted soon after. In the twenty-fifth year of Daoguang, she was demoted to promise. In the thirtieth year of Daoguang, she was demoted to Chang Zai again, and it was not until the eleventh year of Xianfeng that she was promoted to a nobleman. Mu agreed, formerly known as Hesheri, and was one of the concubines of Emperor Daoguang. She was once named a noble person, and was later promoted to a concubine, but soon after she was demoted to a noble person, and finally reduced to a noble person, and finally promised to agree, and died of drowning in the twelfth year of Daoguang.

Regarding the phenomenon of frequent promotions and promotions of the concubines in the harem of Emperor Daoguang, some people speculate that this may be related to the severity of the harem battle. In order to compete for the emperor's favor and status, the concubines in the harem may resort to various means, including framing and slander, which will lead to the promotion and promotion of other concubines. In addition, the character of Emperor Daoguang may also have something to do with it. His upbringing and personality since he was a child made him often raise and lower the rank of the harem concubine to reflect his momentum.

In general, the phenomenon of palace fighting in the harem of the Qing Dynasty and the rise and fall of concubines are a complex phenomenon involving many factors. The rise and fall of the harem concubines during the Daoguang Emperor's period not only reflects the power and struggle in the harem, but also reflects the character and ruling style of the Daoguang Emperor. This phenomenon deserves our in-depth study and discussion.

She is a noble concubine who has gone through five dynasties, entered the palace at the age of 13 but was demoted, and died of a long life of 40 years

Guo Jia's family, a person from an unprominent background, has almost no officials in her family, and her life trajectory should be ordinary. However, the wheel of history was changed by a draft of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to 11 records, Guo Jia's family had no brothers, and her father Guo Bao'er was an heir, and she entered the palace through the draft of the Internal Affairs Office, beginning her legendary life in the Qing court.

At first, Guo Jia's family was just an ordinary palace maid, and she was an errand boy under the position of Empress Xiaoquan Niu Hulu in obscurity. But soon, she attracted the attention of Emperor Daoguang with her talent and beauty. In the fourteenth year of Daoguang, Guo Jiashi was canonized as Jia Changzai, which was the starting point of her promotion path. Under the favor of Emperor Daoguang, her promotion speed was extremely fast. Only a year later, that is, in the fifteenth year of Daoguang, Guo Jiashi was promoted to the title of a nobleman, which was extremely rare in the harem at that time.

Guo Jia's promotion did not stop there. In the sixteenth year of Daoguang, she was officially canonized as a concubine, and she became a senior concubine in the harem. Her title is "Jia", and the Manchu text is "giltungga", which means "handsome", which is a rare type of title among the concubines of Xuanzong, which is enough to see Emperor Daoguang's special favor for her. According to 11 records, Guo Jia's canon contains the words "the choice of the nine imperial officials", which indicates that her status in the harem is extraordinary.

Guo Jia's rapid promotion, in addition to the favor of Emperor Daoguang, may also have been helped by Empress Xiaoquan. Empress Xiaoquan Niu Hulu was the second empress of Emperor Daoguang, and her wisdom and skill had a decisive influence in the harem. As her subordinate, Guo Jiashi is likely to get more opportunities to get close to the emperor under her protection and recommendation, so as to obtain the possibility of promotion.

However, Guo Jia's road to promotion was not all smooth sailing. According to 11 records, in the twentieth year of Daoguang, Guo Jiashi was once demoted to a good nobleman, but soon after, she regained the favor of Emperor Daoguang, and was honored as the imperial concubine in the thirtieth year of Daoguang. In this process, Guo Jia's tenacity and wisdom have made her position in the harem more and more stable.

The story of Guo Jia's is a typical legend in the Qing court that rose from the bottom. Her life is full of twists and turns and challenges, but with her talent, beauty and wisdom, she won the favor of Emperor Daoguang step by step and occupied a place in the harem. Her experience is not only the epitome of personal struggle, but also a portrayal of the living conditions of harem women in that era.

She is a noble concubine who has gone through five dynasties, entered the palace at the age of 13 but was demoted, and died of a long life of 40 years

The death of Empress Xiaoquan was undoubtedly a huge blow to Emperor Daoguang. As the empress beloved by Emperor Daoguang, her death not only affected the emperor's personal emotions, but also caused waves in the harem. After the death of Empress Xiaoquan, the power structure and favor distribution of the harem underwent significant changes, the most significant of which was the demotion of Guo Jia's family.

Guo Jiashi, formerly a concubine, was one of Emperor Daoguang's favorite concubines. Her promotion path was smooth for a while, from Jia Changzai to Jia noble, and then to Jia Concubine, all of which showed Emperor Daoguang's preference for her. However, the death of Empress Hyoquan seems to have become a turning point in her fate. Soon after the death of Empress Xiaoquan, Guo Jiashi suffered the fate of falling out of favor and was demoted to a nobleman.

There is no clear record in history about the reason for Guo Jia's fall from grace, but it can be speculated that it has a great connection with the death of Empress Xiaoquan. On the one hand, Guo Jiashi may have been implicated after the death of the queen because of his close relationship with Empress Xiaoquan; On the other hand, Emperor Daoguang was in a sad mood after the loss of his beloved wife, and his favor for the harem concubines may have also changed, and Guo Jia's family was neglected because of this.

After being demoted, Guo Jia's status in the harem plummeted. The honor and privilege she enjoyed were gone, and her life became low-key and lonely. However, Guo Jiashi did not give up because of this, she still maintained her demeanor and dignity, and lived silently in the harem. Despite losing the emperor's favor, she still continues to survive in the complex environment of the harem in her own way.

Guo Jia's demotion also reflects the cruelty of the power struggle in the harem. After the death of Empress Xiaoquan, the concubines in the harem may have resorted to various means in order to compete for the emperor's favor, including crowding out and suppressing other concubines. Guo Jia's relegation may be a victim of the harem struggle.

In addition, Guo Jia's demotion may also be related to her own personality and behavior. In such a competitive and stressful environment as the harem, each concubine needs to have certain skills and strategies to maintain her status and interests. If Guo Jia's relationship with other concubines or when dealing with various complicated situations in the harem showed inadequacies or mistakes, then it would not be surprising that she was demoted.

In general, the death of Empress Xiaoquan had a profound impact on Guo Jia's family. Her demotion is not only a turning point in personal fate, but also a microcosm of the power struggle in the harem and the state of existence of the concubines. Despite the loss of favor and status, Guo Jia's story is still worthy of our in-depth exploration and thinking. 212225272829

She is a noble concubine who has gone through five dynasties, entered the palace at the age of 13 but was demoted, and died of a long life of 40 years

After Emperor Xianfeng succeeded to the throne, Guo Jia's fate ushered in a turning point. She was originally demoted in the Daoguang Dynasty for unknown reasons, but she was respected by the new emperor. Emperor Xianfeng's respect for her is not only a personal affirmation of her, but also a respect and appeasement for the old courtiers of the previous dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Xianfeng, Guo Jiashi was honored as the imperial concubine. The conferment of this honorific title marks the restoration and promotion of her status in the harem, and also reflects Emperor Xianfeng's respect and courtesy for Guo Jia's family.

After Emperor Tongzhi succeeded to the throne, Guo Jia's honor went further. Emperor Tongzhi's honorific title to her is not only an affirmation of her past experience, but also a recognition of her years of silent dedication in the palace. In the thirteenth year of Tongzhi, Guo Jiashi was honored as the imperial ancestor Jia Guifei. The conferment of this honorific title made her a high-ranking concubine in the harem, enjoying a very high status and honor. Guo Jia's honorific title is also a summary and affirmation of her life experience.

Guo Jia's later years can be said to have been spent in honor and peace. She enjoyed a high position in the palace and was respected by the emperor and everyone in the harem. In her life, she has experienced the ups and downs from Jia Changzai to Jia Guifei, and has also witnessed the rise and fall of the Qing Dynasty. Her honorific title in her later years is not only a personal affirmation of her, but also a kind of respect and commemoration of her life's experience.

However, Guo Jia's later years were not all smooth sailing. Despite her esteemed status, her physical condition was not ideal. According to historical records, Guo Jia's physical condition was not good in his later years, and he was plagued by illness for a long time. Her health condition also aroused the attention and worries of the emperor and everyone in the harem.

In the sixteenth year of Guangxu, Guo Jiashi died of illness in the Forbidden City at the age of 75. Her death is a great loss to the harem of the Qing Dynasty. Her life is full of legends, but also full of ups and downs and twists and turns. Her death marks the end of an era, and it also makes people think more about and feel more about her life.

Guo Jia's death also triggered a series of funeral matters. As the imperial ancestor Jia Guifei, her funeral is naturally very grand. Her body was placed in the auspicious place for people to pay their respects and pay their respects. At the same time, the emperor and the people in the harem also sent various gifts to express their thoughts and condolences for Guo Jia's family.

In general, Guo Jia's honorific and death in his later years was an important event in the history of the harem of the Qing Dynasty. Her life is full of ups and downs and twists and turns, but also full of legends and glories. Her honorific title in her later years is not only a personal affirmation of her, but also a kind of respect and commemoration of her life's experience. Although her death is regrettable, her life will always be remembered.

She is a noble concubine who has gone through five dynasties, entered the palace at the age of 13 but was demoted, and died of a long life of 40 years