
Officially signed! The annual salary is 71 million! The largest contract in NBA history

author:Flying on the grass sports

Officially signed! The annual salary is 71 million! The largest contract in NBA history

Officially signed! The annual salary is 71 million! The largest contract in NBA history

Who says money can't buy happiness? For Tatum, at least, the phrase is untenable. Tatum, the Celtics' superstar, just signed a jaw-dropping contract: $315 million over five years, a new high in NBA history. With an annual salary of $71 million, this figure not only shocked the basketball world, but also made many people in the financial industry begin to think about whether they have chosen the wrong industry.

Celtics president Stevens was very pleased with the signing. He believes Tatum's value is not only in scoring and defense, but also in his versatility and leadership. In the face of different opponents, Tatum has always shown great adaptability. When playing the Cavaliers, he can defend Mobley Jr.; Against the Pacers, he was able to mark Turner again. This all-round performance has made him an integral part of the team.

Officially signed! The annual salary is 71 million! The largest contract in NBA history

The details of this super contract are also very interesting. Tatum's annual salary will reach $54.13 million for the 2025-26 season, increasing annually thereafter, and by the 2029-30 season, his annual salary will be as high as $71.44 million. Tatum became the first player in the NBA to earn more than $70 million a year, an achievement that not only showcased his quality, but also made him a legend in the history of the league.

Tatum originally had two years left on his old contract, but the Celtics decisively locked in his future with this new contract. The new contract replaces the player option for the 2025-26 season, adding $17 million to Tatum's annual salary. Who can't be tempted by such an increase? Tatum's future looks bright.

Officially signed! The annual salary is 71 million! The largest contract in NBA history

However, high salaries also bring more pressure. Tatum needs to continue his high level of performance to be worthy of this contract. In this year's playoffs, he shot just 29.8 percent from the field, drawing a lot of criticism. But he still averaged 25 points, 9.7 rebounds and 6.3 assists per game, ranking first in the league with an overall plus/minus of +147. These stats show that Tatum's influence is everywhere, and his performance on the court is crucial to the team's victory.

In addition to Tatum, the Celtics' other main players also got big contracts. With Brown's five-year $304 million, Holiday $135 million over four years, White's four-year $126 million, and Porzingis' two-year $60 million, the five starters will have a combined annual salary of $198 million for the 2025-26 season. Such a lineup configuration makes the Celtics still a strong contender for the championship for years to come.

Officially signed! The annual salary is 71 million! The largest contract in NBA history

However, the luxury lineup brings not only an aura, but also higher expectations and more challenges. Fans are watching to see if the Celtics, led by Tatum and Brown, can continue to be competitive and compete for more championship trophies.

What do you think about this sky-high contract? Is Tatum's performance worthy of this super cap salary? Everyone is welcome to share your thoughts in the comment area. Such a contract is not only a recognition of Tatum personally, but also reflects the prosperity of the NBA market and the increasing value of players. The future competitions will be even more exciting, let's wait and see!

Officially signed! The annual salary is 71 million! The largest contract in NBA history

As NBA legend O'Neal said, "A player's value is in how many wins he can bring." "Tatum proved himself with his performance and gave us a glimpse into the future of the Celtics. Dear fans and friends, what impact do you think Tatum's contract will bring? Welcome to discuss!

Don't forget, the situation on the basketball court is unpredictable, and every game is a new challenge and opportunity. We look forward to Tatum and his teammates continuing to surprise and excite us in future games!

Officially signed! The annual salary is 71 million! The largest contract in NBA history

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