
6 costume dramas that were not favored at the beginning to watching really fragrant, how many have you stayed up late to watch?

author:Zhang Doudou
6 costume dramas that were not favored at the beginning to watching really fragrant, how many have you stayed up late to watch?

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Good drama recommendation

"Walking with the Phoenix" Zhao Liying/Lin Update|Tencent/Mango TV

This play is inspired by Jiulu Feixiang's "The King is Here", and skillfully weaves a fantasy relationship that crosses the spiritual world and the world. In the story, Shen Li, the noble king of the spiritual world, was accidentally injured in an adventure to escape a fateful marriage contract and fell to the mortal world. In this strange land, she met the last ancient god who was traveling and experiencing all kinds of things in the world. Two strong men, one from the top of the spirit world, the other is the embodiment of an ancient god, and their encounter seems to be a clever arrangement of fate.

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As the plot deepens, Shen Li and Xingzhi join hands in shuttling between the Three Realms, facing many challenges and tests together with extraordinary strength and profound wisdom. Their love story is not only a mixture of emotions and collisions, but also a powerful combination of strength and wisdom, showing a kind of romance and magnificence that transcends the convention.

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In this drama, the audience will see vivid and real fireworks pictures and feel the warmth and beauty of the world. At the same time, the majestic sense of power and grand world view will also lead the audience into a new mythical world and experience an unprecedented visual and spiritual feast.

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Overall, with its unique narrative approach, rich emotional layers and shocking visual effects, this series reinterprets the classic story in "This King Is Here", bringing the audience a new mythical love journey that is both romantic and powerful.

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Good drama recommendation

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Zhang Ruoyun / Li Qin |

Between the whirlpool of the family, the grievances and hatreds of the rivers and lakes and the power game of the court, he grasped the sword of justice, raised the sail of kindness, and set sail resolutely, continuing to weave his extraordinary and challenging life picture. On the way back, the second prince used love and righteousness as a shackle and innocence as a bargaining chip, setting up many traps in an attempt to pull him into the abyss of the ministers, and the rift between the two spread rapidly like an ice crack, and the grievances and hatreds were intertwined into an intricate web.

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Fan Xian unfortunately fell into the fog of Baoyue Tower and the undercurrent behind the spring surging in the spring, all of which were a huge net carefully woven by the second prince. However, even though the road ahead is bumpy, the relationship between him and Lin Wan'er is as unswerving as a rock, and after going through wind and rain, they finally blossomed and achieved a good story. However, the joy of the newlywed did not last long, and when Fan Xian took over Neiku, he was stunned to find that this once glorious palace of wealth was crumbling, and the debts were as heavy as a mountain. In the face of such a desperate situation, he refused easy help from the outside world and resolutely chose to bear it alone, which is admirable for his tenacity and courage.

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Fan Xian used his extraordinary wisdom to set up an unprecedented "treasury debt storm" on the top of Cangshan Mountain, attracting merchants from the city to gather together in a unique way of trading, skillfully turning the crisis into an opportunity, not only raising a huge amount of silver taels, but also illuminating the darkness of the inner treasury with the light of wisdom, showing his outstanding business wisdom and extraordinary leadership. However, fate always seems to like to joke with him, above the Hanging Temple, a sudden assassination storm swept in, Emperor Qing's life hung by a thread, Fan Xian stepped forward and protected the Lord with flesh and blood, but he also paid a heavy price for the waste of martial arts.

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was seriously injured, but Fan Xian never had the slightest intention of retreating. He knew that only by going deep into the chaotic and unclear situation in Jiangnan could he challenge those deep-rooted forces with his broken body, break the established rules of the game, and open up a way for the future of Neku. This is a show of perseverance in faith, a contest of wisdom and courage, and Fan Xian will write a more thrilling and shocking legend in his own unique way.

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Good drama recommendation

"Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" Wu Jinyan/Wang Xingyue|Youku

Xue Fangfei, the daughter of the county magistrate who was born in a wealthy family and once enjoyed the tenderness of the world, encountered drastic changes in her life overnight, lost her prosperity, and fell into the dust. In despair, she was entrusted with a difficult mission by her benefactor, Jiang Li, the daughter of the powerful Zhongshu Ling, and was given a difficult mission: to return to the land of the capital in the name of Jiang Li.

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In this journey full of unknowns and challenges, Xue Fangfei incarnated as Jiang Li, with her indomitable will and wisdom, with the help of Xiao Yu, the Duke of Suguo, and his loyal people, embarked on a thorny but radiant road.

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Not only does she have to face the test of misplaced identity, but she also needs to outwit the traitor, expose the conspiracy and injustice hidden in the shadows, clear her father's grievances, and free him from the prison cage.

In this contest between justice and evil, Xue Fangfei and Xiao Yu fought side by side, and their relationship gradually sublimated from mutual support at the beginning to a deep affection for guarding side by side.

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They not only successfully rehabilitated Xue Fangfei's father, but also worked together to uncover a series of crimes that endangered the dynasty and oppressed the people, contributing their own strength to the peace and justice of the world.

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In the end, after going through countless hardships and obstacles, Xue Fangfei not only regained what she had lost, but also won something more precious than before - true freedom, respect and love. She and Xiao Yu guarded the people of Li on this land together, let justice and light shine on the world, and jointly wrote a good story that has been praised through the ages.

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Good drama recommendation

"Bright Moon Flowing Fire" Hu Yiyao/Lin Zehui|Youku

In the vast picture scroll of the rivers and lakes, Lingxuan, the young inheritor of Lingtian Palace, embarks on a journey of self-discovery and adventure. On the way, she met a pair of brother and sister whose lives were hanging by a thread, and the younger sister was rejuvenated by her skillful hand, and the tenacious young man made a vow that spanned ten years - to lead him into the most mysterious shadow pavilion of the Lingtian Palace, and undergo the rigorous baptism of martial arts and mental sharpening.

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However, there was an undercurrent surging under this calm surface, and the old palace master of Lingtian Palace coveted the peerless martial arts secret book "Wanxin Jue" left by Lingxuan's mother for his own selfish desires, and did not hesitate to set off martial arts waves and stir up the storm. Just as all this was quietly brewing, Ying Shi, the elite of the Shadow Pavilion, was saddled with the secret mission of finding the "Ten Thousand Hearts", and quietly descended to Lingxuan's side and became the most secret guardian by her side.

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In the process of facing challenges and trials together, Lingxuan uncovers the hidden mystery of Shadow Ten's life, which is a heavy past of betrayal, loyalty, and sacrifice. As a result, the relationship between the two is more complicated, both a subtle contest between opponents and a deep friendship when they fight side by side. This experience not only strengthened Lingxuan's determination to protect Lingtian Palace and martial arts, but also allowed Ying Shi to find the direction of self-redemption and belonging.

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As a result, a magnificent epic revolving around the "Ten Thousand Hearts", power, love and revenge, under the dome of the Lingtian Palace, slowly unfolded, and each scene was full of twists and surprises, which was fascinating.

Good drama recommendation

"Cherish Flowers" Hu Yitian / Zhang Jingyi |

The glorious and illustrious Huafu in the past suddenly changed overnight, and it was tragically raided, leaving only a group of weak women and children, displaced, and the road ahead is boundless. In this desperate situation, Hua Zhi, the eldest lady who has always been gentle and hidden, resolutely took off her disguise and became a strong pillar of the family, leading the ladies of the family to embark on a unique "journey of women's transformation".

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In this journey, they have gone through trials and hardships, and with extraordinary wisdom and perseverance, they not only overcame the invasion of hunger and cold, but also bloomed in the face of adversity.

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And all this turning point also came from an unexpected encounter - Gu Yanxi, the once terrifying envoy of the Seven Residences, under the influence of Hua Zhi, gradually took off his cold armor and showed a gentle and considerate side, becoming the reliable and charming "Yan Gongzi" in the eyes of everyone.

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The two work hand in hand, although there are sometimes arguments and laughter, but more of them support each other and warmth. Hua Zhi, the former daughter of the boudoir, grew up rapidly under the baptism of wind and rain, not only supporting the family, but also completing the gorgeous transformation from weakness to tenacity in the depths of her heart. With extraordinary leadership and wisdom, she led her family towards a new life of light and hope, writing a legendary chapter of courage, love and rebirth.

6 costume dramas that were not favored at the beginning to watching really fragrant, how many have you stayed up late to watch?

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Good drama recommendation

"Marrying the East Palace" Xu Zhenzhen/Lin Zehui|Youku

In the whirlpool of power in the Yan Kingdom, a seemingly ordinary royal marriage is actually surging. Yu Feichen, the prince of Yanguo, was supposed to tie the knot with Yin Nanyao, the pearl of the general of Zhenguo, but unexpectedly the bride ushered in turned out to be a stand-in killer with an assassination mission - Yuejian. The moment Tsukimi stepped into the prince's mansion, she stepped into the countdown to death, because the prince died suddenly, and she faced a desperate situation of being buried with her.

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At this time of life and death, Tsukimi was in a hurry and secretly contacted her inner response in the organization, the second prince, with the intention of seeking a glimmer of life. However, she never expected that all this was a game carefully laid out by Yu Feichen, who played two roles, both the prince and the behind-the-scenes angler, using wisdom as bait to lead out the conspiracy behind it.

In the delicate balance between the step-by-step camp and the organization of the Prince's Mansion, Yuejian gradually found that his feelings for Yu Feichen became complicated. Every confrontation and temptation made the killing intent in her heart gradually fade, replaced by indescribable pity and admiration for this wise and brave prince.

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And Yu Feichen, with his extraordinary insight and deep scheming, has long been aware of Yuejian's true identity and struggles. On the one hand, he continues to maintain the game of dual identities and enjoys the thrill of controlling the overall situation; On the other hand, I can't help but be attracted by the tenacity and kindness of Tsukimi, and reluctance and tenderness gradually sprout in my heart.

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So, in this contest of love and hate, power and emotion, both of them fell into deep contradictions and struggles. Tsukimi hovers between loyalty and emotion, while Yu Feichen wavers on the balance of reason and emotion. They test each other, but they are close to each other, and together they weave a legendary story that transcends identity and mission.

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