
Cassia (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Cassia (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)

If you stay at home for a long time and can't go out, everyone holds their mobile phones from morning to night, staring at the screen for a long time, and their eyes will inevitably get tired and dry after a day, and even have constipation. If that's the case, you may need to put down your phone and take a break, look into the distance and move your eyes, or make a cup of fragrant cassia tea.

Cassia (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)
This product is used as a seed for medicine, and the function can be clear, so it is called Cassia Seed, and the "Medical Story" calls it also this meaning. Because its pods are linear, arch-shaped and curved, and look like sheep's horns, it is also known as sheep's horns, sheep's horns, sheep's horns, etc., but such different names are not commonly used.
Cassia (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)


Cassia chrysanthemum tea: 20g of fried cassia seeds, 12g of Hangzhou chrysanthemums. Place the above medicines in a thermos flask, pour boiling water, cover and simmer for 15 minutes, and drink frequently instead of tea. It can clear the liver, calm the wind, and brighten the eyes. Indications for vertigo caused by wind heat, high blood pressure, wind heat red eyes, blue blindness, freckles. Patients with spleen deficiency and diarrhea should not use it.

Chai Hu Cassia Seed Porridge: Bupleurum 15g, Cassia 20g, Chrysanthemum 15g, Rock Sugar 15g, Rice 100g. Fry the three flavors of bupleurum, cassia and chrysanthemum, remove the slag and extract the juice, cook porridge with rice, and add rock sugar while hot until melted. Take one dose daily, divided into 2 doses. Clear the liver and eyes, calm the wind and stop spasms. It is used for menopausal syndrome, liver depression and fire type, common insomnia accompanied by irritability, lack of food, thirst and drinking, red eyes and bitter mouth, yellow urine, constipation and other symptoms.

Cassia (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)

Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine cassia seeds are the dried and mature seeds of the leguminous plant cassia or cassia less. It is mainly produced in Anhui, Guangxi and Sichuan. Ripe fruits are harvested in autumn, dried, seeded and impurities removed. This product has a slight gas and a slightly bitter taste. It is better to have uniform, plump, greenish-brown particles. Use raw, or stir-fried.

Traditional Chinese medicine cassia is sweet, bitter, salty, and slightly cold. Return to the liver and large intestine meridians. It has the effect of clearing the liver and eyes, moistening the intestines and laxative.

Note: People with qi deficiency and loose stools should not use it.

Cassia (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)
"Shennong's Materia Medica": "Cassia seed, salty taste, flat." The main blue blindness, the eyes are red and white, the eyes are red and painful, and tears are bursting out. Long-term service is good for essence and light, light body. Ikukawa Sawa. ”

Shennong's Materia Medica

Treat blue lips and mouth. Long-term service is good for essence and light, light body.

Shu: Cassia has the qi of water, soil and yin essence, and it is also a pure yang. Therefore, its taste is salty and flat. "Don't Record" is bitter and sweet, slightly cold and non-toxic. Salty water, sweet earthy, bitter can release heat, calm stomach, cold can benefit yin and relieve heat, and the foot is syncope yin and liver medicine. It also enters the gallbladder kidneys. The liver is open to the eyes, and the pupil is the kidney, so the main blue blindness, the eyes are red and white, and the eyes are red and tearful. "Don't Record": It also treats the lips and mouth. "This Sutra": Long-term service is beneficial to the essence of light, beneficial to yin and heat and light body, and it is also caused by the great replenishment of liver and kidney qi. It can also be used as a pillow to treat the head wind and clear the eyes.


Tribulus terrestris, chamomile flowers, wolfberry, rehmannia root, ligustrum, acacia fruit, grain essence grass, nourishing the liver, brightening the eyes, and removing liver heat. Rehmannia root, chamomile flowers, nepeta, coptis, licorice, scrophular, forsythia, and wood tong can cure the pain of violent red wind. There is no other use for treating eye diseases, so there is no "simplification".

Cassia (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)

"Honzo Chonggen"

Cassia seeds are everywhere, seedlings are born in early summer, the stem is three or four feet high, the leaves are like alfalfa, the small end is large, the day opens and the night closes, the autumn blooms light yellow flowers come out, the horns are like fine cowpeas, two or three inches long, dozens of horn neutrons, the color is green and bright, the shape is like a horseshoe, so the name is horseshoe cassia, and there is no grass cassia, it is a green leaf.

The eyes of the liver, the smell of cassia is salty, the leaves are open and closed, the color is purple and black and bright, the breath of the sun and cold water, and the liver wood of the yin is born, so it is mainly used to treat blue blindness, obscenity, and red skin. Blue blindness gives birth to a white membrane, the skin is red of the eyes, and the eyes are full of tears, so it is also said: the white membrane eyes are red and tearful. If you wear it for a long time, it will be full of water essence, so it will benefit the essence and lighten the body.

Cassia (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)

Modern pharmacology

Cassia mainly contains anthraquinone compounds, mainly emodin, emodin methyl ether, chrysophanol, chrysophanol-1-b-gentiodisaccharoside, chrysophanol-9-anthone, aloe emodin, blunt leaf pigment, cassiasin, cassisin, orange cassia and their glycosides and rhein, naphthalo-g-pyran derivatives, etc., in addition, it also contains cassicoside, cassia lactone, cassia ketone, vitamin A-like substances, mucus, protein, sitosterol, amino acids and fatty oils. It also contains red fusarin, desmethyl red fusarin, red fusarin-6-b-gentiodiglycoside.

Cassia (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)

Cassia alcohol extract has inhibitory effect on staphylococcus, diphtheria bacillus, typhoid bacillus, paratyphoid bacillus, and Escherichia coli, while aqueous extract is ineffective. After alcohol infusion, it can inhibit Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus albicans, diphtheria bacillus, Bacillus megamegalium, Typhoid bacillus, paratyphoid bacillus and Escherichia coli. The aqueous infusion of cassia seeds had inhibitory effect on Trichophyton gypsumoides, Xanthella xulanensis and Microsporium auduan. Cassia seed infusion can significantly reduce blood pressure, and the antihypertensive effect of its fat-soluble, alcohol-soluble, and water-soluble parts is not quickly tolerated, and can be blocked by atropine. Cassia decoction or cassia powder has the effect of lowering total plasma cholesterol and triglycerides. It has also been shown that cassia does not affect the total cholesterol level, but can increase the serum HDL cholesterol content and increase the HDLC/TC ratio. Cassia decoction or powder has an inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation. In addition, cassia can enhance the function of phagocytes, and has the effects of promoting gastric juice secretion, diarrhea, and strengthening uterine contractions.

Time: 2024
Cassia (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)

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