
Gypsum (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Gypsum (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)


Gypsum (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)

Gypsum was first published in the "Shennong Materia Medica" and was listed as a medium grade. It is said that "the Lord has a stroke of cold and heat, the heart is against the qi, wheezing, the mouth is dry and the tongue is burnt, he cannot rest, the abdomen is painful, he removes evil spirits, produces milk, and gold sores." "There are many inheritances in later generations, and they are constantly enriching and innovating. Miao Xiyong, a materia medicia in the Ming Dynasty, carefully sorted out and analyzed the exposition of the former sages on gypsum, and came to the conclusion that "gypsum is the essential medicine for relieving real heat, dispelling heat, dispersing evil heat, quenching thirst and removing annoyance". Zhang Bingcheng's "Materia Medica" in the Qing Dynasty said that "gypsum, retreat the fire and evil of the lungs and stomach, clear the heat and get rid of annoyance, quench thirst, relieve the depression and heat of Yangming, and dispel plague and eliminate spots." So far, the understanding of the efficacy and indications of gypsum has been perfected.

Gypsum is an ore, which is named because the water is delicate and smooth like grease after flying. "Famous Doctors" called "fine stone, fine stone" because of its fine texture.


Gypsum black bean porridge: 60g of raw gypsum, 25g of kudzu, 1.5g of light black bean, 5g of nepeta, 1.5g of ephedra, 3 slices of ginger, 3 white onions, 100g of japonica rice. Wash the seven flavor medicines, add water to decoction to remove the juice and remove the slag, clarify the precipitation, boil the washed rice with water, add the medicinal juice and green onion to boil into thin porridge. Serve it hot, and stop taking it if the sweat and heat subside after eating. Relieve sweating on the surface, clear the lungs and clear heat. It is used for high fever caused by cold, pulmonary heat and shortness of breath, headache, irritability, insomnia, no sweating, thirst, dry throat and other symptoms.

Gypsum barley porridge: 30~60g of raw gypsum, 30~45g of barley, 5g of sand kernels, 100g of japonica rice. Gypsum water decoction juice, add barley, japonica rice to cook porridge, when cooked, add sand kernels to cook slightly, and then add sugar to dissolve. Take 2 times a day. Clears away heat and dampness. It is used for symptoms such as heat and dampness, high fever and thirst, sweating and drowning, stomach fullness, and weight.

Gypsum (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)

Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine gypsum is a sulfate mineral anhydrite gypsum, mainly containing aqueous calcium sulfate (CaSO4·2H2O). It is mainly produced in Hubei, Anhui and Shandong, and is the best in Hubei Yingcheng. It can be mined throughout the year, and after excavation, the sediment and miscellaneous stones are removed. This product has a slight gas and light taste. It is better to be white, large, translucent, and have a silky profile. Crush raw or calcined.

Gypsum is sweet, pungent and cold. Return to the lungs and stomach meridians. Raw use has the effect of clearing heat and quenching fire, removing annoyance and quenching thirst; Calcining has the effect of dampening, muscle building, sores and hemostasis.

Note: People with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold and yin deficiency and internal heat should not use it.

Gypsum (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)
"Shennong's Materia Medica": "Gypsum, pungent and slightly cold. The Lord suffered from cold and heat, and his heart was unaware, he was shocked, wheezing, his mouth was dry and his tongue was burnt, he could not rest, and his abdomen was painful; Evil spirits, milk production, gold sores. Raw Valley. ”

"Materia Medica"

The nuclear said: out of Qilu Mountain, and Lumeng Mountain, Yanzhou, Pengcheng, Qiantang also have. In the raw stone, the large piece is made of layers, the fine text is short and dense, like a bundle of needles, white as paste, soft and fragile, and burned white and rotten like powder. A kind of hard one is born in the ground, the pieces are edged, straight and white, the blow is transverse, the wall is bright, the burning is easy to disperse, and it is not powdered. There is no other kind, the fine text is long and dense, like a silk bundle, and the stone is also. A kind of block without edges, the horizontal reason is white, the solution of the hit, the burning of the powder is scattered, and the calcite is also. In the past, the so-called feldspar was the hard one of gypsum; The so-called cold water stone, that is, the soft gypsum. The smell of stone and calcite is bitter and cold, but it is not as soft as gypsum, and it can relieve muscle sweating and become different ears.

Treatment: Pound and grind into powder in the stone mortar, Luo Guo, raw licorice water flies twice, clarifies and removes the water, and dries: re-research. Chickens make it. Evil mangweed, croton, horse poison male, and iron.

Refer to it: The stone is used for the body, and the ointment is used for the release. The tranquility of quality, the slight coldness of qi, that is, the end of the body; The reason of the text, the bitter understanding of the taste, that is, the interpretation of the use. The body is used to show each other, but there are times when the release is stopped, so the body is used in its own order. or because of the end of the likeness, then the manifestation is used to explain it, or because of the interpretation of the likeness, the manifestation is used to stop. This is the way to go against it, to follow it against, and to take it from the other. If the wind is shaken, use it from it, and reverse it with the body; The cold nature is strong, from the body to the body, and the reverse is used, which is from the nature of the cold wind, not from the cold wind and the cold. With no change in nature, the qi is anti-subordinate, and the anti-subordination is against the cold of the original qi, and from the yang of the sign, it is the heat of the disease. Those who want to solve the knot should do it. Those who want to get down are not appropriate. It is the same as ephedra, cinnamon and kudzu, and the hair is the same. The cold and heat are different from the adverse qi. The main treatment of all the evidence, all with the body to stop the use of interpretation, against the heat from the cold, repeated separation, all of which can be easily solved. And it can push the desire to reduce the heat sex, the fire desire to be inflammatory, the dry desire to be wet, the wet desire to flow, and the shape of the viscera, the blood and qi acupoints, and those who want to stop the desire to release, the detailed examination is appropriate, and the effect is quite fast. Otherwise, disasters will come, so be cautious.

The desire of the summer sex is reduced, and the inflammation is knocked into purification; The desire for fire is hot, and the fire is empty, and Zhang Xiada's order is also.

Gypsum (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)

Shennong's Materia Medica

The gypsum gas is slightly cold, and the sun is cold and the water is cold; The taste is pungent and non-toxic, and it has the taste of yang and bright dry gold. The wind is yang evil, and in the sun it is cold and hot, but it must be judged that it is not sweaty, irritable and wheezing, and it can be used in combination with Ma Gui; In Yangming, it is hot and slightly cold, but it must be judged that its dry mouth and tongue are thirsty and sweaty, and it can be used with the mother. It is said that the heart is reversed, that is, "Treatise on Typhoid Fever", the mutual word of qi reversal and vomiting; It is said that it cannot be rested, that is, the mutual words of "Treatise on Typhoid Fever"; However, it must be examined for those who are deficient in qi and have internal heat after the solution, and can be used together with ginseng, bamboo leaves, banxia, wheat winter, licorice, and japonica rice. Pain in the abdomen, dryness and even firmness, will cause the stomach to be stool-dropping. Those who are evil spirits are evil and evil, who speak in vain, or are frightened for no reason, if evil spirits possess them. The heat of gypsum can rule it. The veins of Yangming, from the lack of potted milk, gypsum can moisten the dryness of Yangming, so it can pass milk. Yang Ming main muscles, gypsum grits, and can heal the ulcers of gold sores. However, when the stone is seen in the fire, it will turn into lime, and today's people are afraid of its cold and use it, which greatly loses its original nature.

Gypsum (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)

Zhang Xichun with plaster

Zhang Xichun is one of the representatives of the Huitong School of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, and a medical champion in the field of modern Chinese medicine. One of the medicines he is best at using is plaster. In his "Records of Medicine in the Hearts of Chinese Ginseng and Western Medicine", the White Tiger Decoction is used to treat diarrhea and abdominal pain, which is either red or white, or red and white. In addition, such as Qingjie Soup, Hanjie Soup, Yulong Soup, and Zhenzheng Baihu Soup, which treat dampness, all use gypsum as the main medicine. Zhang Xichun is not only a model of reusing gypsum, but also has a lot of experience, he thinks: "Use raw gypsum to treat external heat, mild symptoms must also be two times, if the heat is really hot, and constantly heavy use to four or five taels, or seven or eight taels." Or alone, or with other medicines, must decoction three or four tea, divided into four or five times slowly warm drink, heat subsidence does not have to exhaust the agent.

Gypsum (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)

Modern pharmacology

Whether gypsum has an antipyretic effect on artificial heating animals has no consistent experimental conclusion so far. It has been reported that gypsum decoction gavage or enema has antipyretic effect on rabbits with typhoid fever, paratyphoid mixed vaccine or sterilized milk, and it has also been reported that gypsum decoction has no antipyretic effect on experimental febrile rabbits or rats. External use of calcined gypsum has a myogenic effect, which can promote the formation of fibroblasts and capillaries in rat wounds, accelerate the proliferation of granulation tissue, and thus promote the healing of skin wounds. Gypsum injection has inhibitory effect on both early and late inflammatory reactions. Raw gypsum and ointment have analgesic effects. Raw gypsum has a significant effect on promoting intestinal peristalsis, while calcined gypsum has no such effect.

Time: 2024
Gypsum (heat-clearing and laxative gunpowder)

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