
The battle of the 211 heights, the biggest defeat on the Lao Son front, the commander of the Vietnamese army commented: It was a turning point in the war

author:Maleonn talks about history

In the late 70s and early 80s of the 20th century, tensions on the Sino-Vietnamese border escalated, culminating in a series of military conflicts between the two countries. On April 28 of that year, the Chinese army launched a second large-scale offensive against Vietnam, which the Chinese side called the "self-defense counterattack war" and the Vietnamese side called it the "Northern Border War". The context of the war is complex, involving geopolitics, ideology, and a long-standing border dispute between the two countries.

The main target of this offensive by the Chinese army was the border area of Wei Chuan district in Ha Xuan province in northern Vietnam. Strategically speaking, the region is an important gateway between the two countries and a key node in Vietnam's northern defense system. The offensive of the Chinese army was aimed at breaking the Vietnamese border defense line and forcing the Vietnamese army to retreat in order to relieve pressure on the Chinese border.

In this war, the transfer of command personnel is particularly important. In March of that year, Major General Nguyen Duc Huy was appointed by the Vietnamese government as Deputy Chief of Staff of the Second Military Region and Chief of Staff of the Front Commander of Ha Giang, a position that gave him great responsibilities and missions. His main task was to assist Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An in co-directing and coordinating the defensive operations of the Vietnamese army in the Ha Giang area.

Major General Nguyen Duc Huy is an experienced military commander who has accumulated a wealth of practical experience from holding several important positions during the Vietnam War. His accession injected new vitality into the command of the Vietnamese army. With the joint efforts of Nguyen Duc Huy and Nguyen Huu An, the Vietnamese army began to replan and adjust the defense system in the Ha Giang area to cope with the offensive of the Chinese army.

In the preparation stage for the war, Major General Nguyen Duc Huy went deep into the front line and inspected the topography and fortifications of the Ha Giang area. He found that although the Vietnamese army had built a certain number of fortifications in the border areas, these fortifications had many problems in design and layout, and it was difficult to effectively resist the attack of the Chinese army. Therefore, Nguyen Duc Huy proposed a series of improvement measures, including strengthening the concealment of positions, improving the mobility of firing points, and optimizing logistics supply lines.

At the same time, Nguyen Duc Huy also attached importance to the training of the troops and the boost of morale. He organized a series of targeted military exercises to enhance the actual combat capability of the troops. In addition, he used various ways to boost the morale of his soldiers, so that they could maintain a high will to fight in the face of strong enemies.

Under the command of Nguyen Duc Huy and Nguyen Huu An, the Vietnamese army launched an active defensive operation in the Ha Giang area. They took advantage of the terrain to build a multi-layered defense system, which effectively delayed the offensive speed of the Chinese army. At the same time, the Vietnamese army also adopted flexible and mobile tactics, constantly depleting the combat effectiveness of the Chinese army through small-scale counterattacks and harassment.

However, the brutality of the war also took a huge toll on both sides. In the fighting in the Ha Giang area, both sides paid a heavy price. Soldiers fought valiantly on the battlefield, but at the same time people kept falling. The smoke of war permeated the border, leaving a deep wound on this once peaceful land.

As the war continues, so does the international community's interest in this conflict. Many countries and international organizations have begun to call for a ceasefire between the two sides and for a peaceful negotiated settlement of the dispute. Against this backdrop, China and Vietnam also began to seek diplomatic ways to ease tensions, paving the way for an end to the war.

Although the smoke of war has gradually dissipated, the profound lessons it has left on people will always be remembered. The war not only brought huge material losses to both sides of the war, but also caused wounds to people's hearts that are difficult to heal. Peace and development are the eternal themes of human society. In today's era of peace and development, we should cherish peace all the more, strive to avoid war, and jointly safeguard world peace and stability.

On April 28, 1984, a significant day in the history of the Sino-Vietnamese border, the Chinese army launched its second large-scale offensive against Vietnam. The operation is a continuation of the border conflict between China and Vietnam and a further escalation of tensions between the two countries. The main target of the Chinese army is the border area of Wei Chuan district in Ha Xuan province in northern Vietnam, which has become the focus of the conflict due to the strategic importance of its geographical location.

Located at the junction of China and Vietnam, the border area of Weichuan County, Ha Xuan Province is a natural military fortress with complex and changeable terrain, including high mountains and deep valleys and rivers. It is not only an important channel for people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, but also a frontline for military confrontation between the two countries. The Chinese army chose this area as the target for attack, apparently out of strategic considerations, hoping to change the balance of power along the border by controlling this area, and force the Vietnamese army to make corresponding strategic adjustments.

The offensive actions of the Chinese army were carefully planned and well prepared. Before the attack, the Chinese army conducted detailed reconnaissance and analysis of the topography and dynamics of the enemy situation in the border area of Weichuan County, Ha Xuan Province, and formulated a detailed battle plan. At the same time, the Chinese army also carried out large-scale troop movements and material reserves to ensure the smooth progress of offensive operations.

In the early morning of April 28, with an order, the artillery fire of the Chinese army began to bombard the positions of the Vietnamese army fiercely. Artillery fire covered the entire border area, forming a wall of fire that blocked the sight and movement of the Vietnamese army. Subsequently, the infantry and armored units of the Chinese army began a fierce attack on the positions of the Vietnamese troops. Under the cover of artillery fire, the Chinese troops quickly broke through the first line of defense of the Vietnamese army and advanced into the deep area.

Although the Vietnamese army built a certain number of fortifications in the border area, these fortifications did not play their due role due to the surprise attack and powerful firepower of the Chinese army. The soldiers of the Vietnamese army suffered heavy casualties under artillery fire, and the defensive line began to loosen. However, the Vietnamese army did not give up easily, and under the command of the commander, they began to organize a counterattack, trying to stop the offensive of the Chinese troops.

Over the next few days, the Chinese and Vietnamese armies engaged in fierce fighting in the border area of Wei Chuan County, Ha Xuan province. The Chinese army, with its strong firepower and strength superiority, continued to advance, while the Vietnamese army relied on the terrain to put up stubborn resistance. The two sides engaged in a tug-of-war on the border, and the fighting was extremely fierce.

As the war dragged on, both sides paid a huge price. Soldiers fought valiantly on the battlefield, but at the same time people kept falling. The smoke of war permeated the border, leaving a deep wound on this once peaceful land. However, the war did not stop because of the sacrifices of the soldiers, but intensified.

Against the backdrop of the war, politicians and military strategists in both countries have also begun to re-examine the conflict. They realized that the war had not only brought great suffering to the people of the two countries, but also seriously affected regional peace and stability. Against this backdrop, the two countries began to seek a diplomatic solution to the dispute in order to avoid a further escalation of the war.

However, the end of the war did not happen overnight. In the later stages of the war, the two sides still carried out military operations on a certain scale in the border areas, trying to gain more bargaining chips through military means. At the same time, the two countries have also waged a diplomatic struggle on the international stage to win the support and understanding of the international community.

In this war, both the Chinese army and the Vietnamese army showed a high degree of military literacy and tenacious will to fight. For the good and honor of their country, they fought bravely on the battlefield and paid great sacrifices. However, the brutality of war has also left a profound lesson for people to cherish peace more and to desire to resolve disputes through peaceful means.

The battle of the 211 heights, the biggest defeat on the Lao Son front, the commander of the Vietnamese army commented: It was a turning point in the war

The impact of the war was far-reaching. It has not only changed the relations between China and Vietnam, but also had an important impact on the security situation in the entire region. After the end of the war, the two countries began to repair the bilateral relations damaged by the war, resolve differences through dialogue and cooperation, and jointly maintain regional peace and stability. At the same time, the two countries have also shown a more active posture on the international stage, participated in regional and international affairs, and contributed to the maintenance of world peace and stability.

In today's era of peace and development, we should cherish peace all the more and strive to avoid war. War has brought not only material losses, but also psychological trauma to people. We should draw lessons from history, resolve differences through dialogue and cooperation, and jointly safeguard world peace and stability. Only in this way can we create a hopeful future free of war.

In March 1985, an important personnel change was made at the top of the Vietnamese military, with Major General Nguyen Duc Huy appointed Deputy Chief of Staff of the Second Military Region and Chief of Staff of Ha Giang Former Commander. Behind this appointment is the re-examination and adjustment of the border defense strategy of the Vietnamese army. Major General Nguyen Duc Huy, a military commander who had made many achievements in the Vietnam War, was entrusted with the important task of assisting Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An in co-directing and coordinating defensive operations in the Ha Giang area.

Major General Nguyen Duc Huy's military career is full of legends. He held a number of key positions during the Vietnam War, rising from a junior commander to a senior general. His military prowess and leadership have been widely recognized and praised. Prior to his appointment as Chief of Staff of Ha Giang, Nguyen Duc Huy had held key positions in several military regions, accumulating rich command experience and strategic vision.

After taking office, Major General Nguyen Duc Huy immediately threw himself into intense work. He is well aware of the heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and the defense of the Ha Giang area is directly related to the security and stability of Vietnam's northern border. He first conducted a comprehensive inspection and assessment of military deployments and fortifications in the Ha Giang area. He found that although the Vietnamese army had built a certain number of fortifications in the border areas, these fortifications had many problems in design and layout, and it was difficult to effectively resist enemy attacks.

In order to solve these problems, Major General Nguyen Duc Huy proposed a series of improvement measures. He stressed that the construction of fortifications should take into account not only the characteristics of the terrain and landforms, but also the tactics and tactics that the enemy may adopt. He advocated the construction of strong fortifications on key terrain, and at the same time the establishment of hidden firepower points in other areas, forming a multi-layered and three-dimensional defense system. In addition, he put forward suggestions on strengthening the concealment of positions, improving the mobility of firing points, and optimizing logistics supply lines.

Under the impetus of Major General Nguyen Duc Huy, the fortifications in the Ha Giang area were comprehensively strengthened and improved. The new defense system is more focused on concealment and flexibility, and can effectively delay and deplete the enemy's offensive forces. At the same time, Major General Nguyen Duc Huy also attached importance to the training and morale of the troops. He organized a series of targeted military exercises to enhance the actual combat capability of the troops. He also used various ways to boost the morale of his soldiers, so that they could maintain a high will to fight in the face of strong enemies.

The cooperation between Major General Nguyen Duc Huy and Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An is also very tacit. The two men have their own strengths in military command and are able to complement and support each other. Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, as the commander-in-chief of the Second Military Region, is responsible for coordinating the overall situation, while Major General Nguyen Duc Huy focuses on the specific operational command of the Ha Giang area. The communication and coordination between the two men was very smooth, ensuring the efficiency and unity of the operational command.

Thanks to the joint efforts of Major General Nguyen Duc Huy and Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, the defensive operations in the Ha Giang area achieved remarkable results. The Vietnamese army successfully fended off several enemy attacks, defending security and stability in the border areas. Major General Nguyen Duc Huy's military talent and leadership were further evidenced, and his name was recorded in the annals of Vietnam's military history for this war.

However, the brutality of the war also touched the heart of Major General Nguyen Duc Huy. He witnessed first-hand the pain and trauma that war inflicted on soldiers and civilians, which made him cherish peace even more and more eager to resolve disputes through peaceful means. After the end of the war, Major General Nguyen Duc Huy actively participated in peace negotiations and exchanges between the two countries, contributing to the repair of bilateral relations damaged by the war.

Major General Nguyen Duc Huy's military career and his operational command in the Ha Giang area is an important chapter in Vietnam's military history. His military prowess, leadership and desire for peace are worth remembering and learning from. In today's era of peace and development, we should cherish peace all the more, strive to avoid war, and jointly safeguard world peace and stability.

The Weichuan front, a place name that was frequently mentioned in the Sino-Vietnamese border conflict, became a lingering shadow in the hearts of Vietnamese soldiers. The second offensive of the Chinese army on April 28 of that year made the land the focus of the war. As the fighting continued, the fighting on the Weichuan front became more and more intense, and the mood of the soldiers also fluctuated.

In this war, the Chinese army, with its superior strength and firepower, put tremendous pressure on the Vietnamese army. The Chinese army's artillery fire covers the entire border area, and the ability of its infantry and armored units to work together is an unprecedented challenge for the Vietnamese army. Under these circumstances, there was a general pessimism among the Vietnamese soldiers, who believed that the Chinese army had the upper hand on all fronts, and that the Vietnamese army would have difficulty organizing an effective counterattack.

This pessimism spread rapidly among the soldiers, affecting their will to fight and morale. In the trenches on the front line, the soldiers sat around and discussed the development of the battle situation, their eyes revealing confusion and unease. Some soldiers even began to wonder if the war could really be won, and if their lives would end on this land.

However, under the influence of such emotions, the commanders of the Vietnamese army did not give up. They know very well that the level of morale has a direct bearing on the outcome of a war. In order to boost the morale of the soldiers, the commanders took a number of measures. They went to the front line, ate and lived with the soldiers, shared their combat experience, and listened to the soldiers' voices. They encouraged the soldiers with firm words, supported the soldiers with practical actions, and made the soldiers feel the care and trust of their superiors.

In addition, the Vietnamese army has also strengthened psychological counseling and ideological education for soldiers. Counsellors were sent to the front lines to provide psychological support to soldiers and help them relieve the psychological stress of the war. Ideological educators use various methods to strengthen soldiers' patriotic feelings and stimulate their will to fight. They recounted the glorious history of the Vietnamese nation's resistance to foreign aggression, emphasized the sacred mission of defending the country and the homeland, and made the soldiers understand that every drop of their blood and sweat is for the dignity of the country and the happiness of the people.

Driven by these measures, the mood of the soldiers gradually stabilized and their will to fight was boosted. Although they still face a formidable enemy, an unyielding flame has been ignited in their hearts. They began to participate more actively in the fight and face difficulties and challenges more bravely. In the trenches, the soldiers encouraged each other and supported each other, forming an indestructible team spirit.

On the Weichuan front, Vietnamese soldiers illustrated what courage and sacrifice are with their actions. They held their ground in the midst of artillery fire and gunsmoke, and built a line of defense with their flesh and blood. Their heroic deeds won not only the respect of their compatriots, but also the awe of their enemies. In this war, Vietnamese soldiers showed an indomitable fighting spirit and became the pride of the country and the nation.

As the war progressed, the fighting on the Weichuan front was still fierce, but the mood of the soldiers had changed. They are no longer plagued by pessimism, but greet every dawn and dusk with greater faith and determination. They know that as long as they persevere, they will have a chance to change the tide of the war and the dawn of peace.

In this war, the soldiers of the Wei Chuan front became heroes in the hearts of the Vietnamese people. Their deeds have been widely praised and their names have gone down in history. With their lives and blood, they defended the dignity of the country and the happiness of the people, and became a symbol of the indomitable and heroic struggle of the Vietnamese nation.

The battle of the 211 heights, the biggest defeat on the Lao Son front, the commander of the Vietnamese army commented: It was a turning point in the war

The Weichuan front, a land ravaged by war, became the focal point of the Sino-Vietnamese border conflict. On April 28, the Chinese army launched a second attack, turning it into a crucible of war. As time passed, the fighting became more intense, and the soldiers' hearts became heavier. There is a general pessimism among them, believing that the Chinese army has a clear advantage in terms of troops, equipment, and tactics, while the Vietnamese army has difficulty organizing an effective counterattack.

On the Weichuan front, the soldiers faced continuous artillery fire and endless fighting on a daily basis. They watched their comrades-in-arms fall one after another, feeling the threat of death and the despair of survival. In such an environment, pessimism spreads like a plague among the soldiers, eroding their hearts and draining their fighting spirit.

The soldiers gathered in the trenches, their faces full of exhaustion and helplessness. They talk about their loved ones back home and reminisce about the beauty of peaceful times, but these warm memories seem so pale in the face of the cruel reality. Some of them are beginning to wonder, what is the point of this war? Is it really worth the cause for which they gave their lives and blood?

However, in the midst of such pessimism, an unyielding flame ignited in the hearts of some soldiers. They believe that even if the Chinese army has an advantage in some areas, this does not mean that the Vietnamese army does not have a chance to counterattack. They firmly believe that if they stick together and reach their highest potential, they will be able to find a way to defeat their enemies.

The soldiers began to organize themselves spontaneously, discuss tactics, share experience, and encourage each other. They lit bonfires in the trenches and sat around each other, encouraging each other with firm words. They recounted the glorious history of the Vietnamese nation's resistance to foreign aggression and emphasized the sacred mission of defending the country and homeland. They believe that no obstacle is insurmountable as long as there is faith in the heart.

Led by these soldiers, more and more people began to shake off the plague of pessimism and regain the courage and confidence to fight. Under the command of the commander, they began to participate more actively in the battle and face difficulties and challenges more courageously. They supported each other in the trenches and formed an indestructible team spirit.

On the Weichuan front, the soldiers used their actions to interpret what courage and sacrifice are. They held their ground in the midst of artillery fire and gunsmoke, and built a line of defense with their flesh and blood. Their heroic deeds won not only the respect of their compatriots, but also the awe of their enemies. In this war, Vietnamese soldiers showed an indomitable fighting spirit and became the pride of the country and the nation.

In this war, the soldiers of the Wei Chuan front became heroes in the hearts of the Vietnamese people. Their deeds have been widely praised and their names have gone down in history. With their lives and blood, they defended the dignity of the country and the happiness of the people, and became a symbol of the indomitable and heroic struggle of the Vietnamese nation. Their deeds will forever inspire future generations and become a valuable asset to the Vietnamese national spirit.

In the face of the harsh realities of the war, the top commanders of the Vietnamese army were well aware that in order to turn the tide on the Wei Chuan front, strategic adjustments and tactical preparations were necessary. Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, as a senior commander of the Vietnamese army, knows the importance of morale in warfare. He offered to choose suitable targets to organize a counterattack in order to restore the morale of the soldiers and look for opportunities to break the offensive of the Chinese army.

After careful consideration and careful analysis, Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An and his staff team finally selected the A6B heights as the target for attack. This high ground is strategically significant, and controlling it will be able to change the situation on the battlefield to a certain extent and win more strategic initiative for the Vietnamese army. At the same time, the capture of the 211 heights can also give the soldiers a great psychological encouragement, proving that the Vietnamese army is capable of inflicting a substantial blow on the enemy.

In order to ensure the success of the counterattack, Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An ordered targeted training and reconnaissance. He asked the troops to conduct a detailed topographical analysis of the 211 heights, to understand the deployment of enemy forces, as well as possible firepower configurations. Scouts were dispatched to the perimeter of Heights 211 to gather critical intelligence and create accurate topographic maps that would provide first-hand information for the next assault.

At the training ground, the soldiers conducted real combat drills on the simulated 211 heights. They learn how to move quickly in mountainous environments, how to advance covertly under enemy fire, and how to launch sudden and fierce attacks when approaching high ground. The focus of the training is on improving the soldiers' ability to work together and ensure that orders can be carried out quickly and accurately in actual combat.

At the same time, Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An also emphasized the importance of fire support. He asked the artillery units to conduct accurate fire coverage training to ensure that they could provide effective support to the infantry when the attack was launched. The artillery commanders repeatedly calibrated the coordinates of the 211 heights to ensure the accuracy of the fire strike.

While preparing for the tactics, Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An did not ignore the psychological state of the soldiers. He knew that only when the soldiers were confident in their hearts could they exert their maximum combat effectiveness on the battlefield. Therefore, he personally went down to the troops, communicated with the soldiers, listened to their ideas and suggestions, and boosted their morale. He stressed that every soldier is an indispensable part of the Vietnamese army, and their courage and sacrifice will be remembered by the country and the people.

As the day of the counterattack approached, the atmosphere on the 211 heights became more and more tense. Vietnamese soldiers inspect their equipment in the trenches, silently reciting plans for an upcoming attack. They knew it was going to be an uphill battle, but it was also an opportunity to show their mettle and determination.

Under the command of Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, preparations for a counterattack by the Vietnamese army proceeded in an orderly manner. Every link has been carefully planned, and every detail has been repeatedly scrutinized. Soldiers constantly improve their combat skills in training, and constantly accumulate knowledge of the enemy's situation in reconnaissance. They had only one goal: to capture the 211 heights, restore morale and breathe new life into the fighting of the Vietnamese army on the Weichuan front.

As night fell, the soldiers waited quietly in the trenches for orders. They knew that when the first rays of dawn pierced the night sky, they would launch a counterattack on Heights 211. It will be a battle of honor and faith, and they will prove by their actions that the Vietnamese army is invincible.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, an experienced Vietnamese military commander, was well aware of the importance of morale in the face of intense pressure from the Chinese army and the pessimism of the Vietnamese soldiers during the fighting on the Weichuan front. At the critical juncture of the war, he proposed a key strategic adjustment: to choose a suitable target to organize a counterattack as a way to restore the morale of the soldiers and demonstrate the fighting power of the Vietnamese army.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu Anh's strategic thinking is multidimensional. He first analyzed the current situation on the battlefield, taking into account the deployment of the Chinese army, the configuration of firepower, and possible tactical movements. He understood that choosing a suitable counterattack target was not only for the sake of a military victory, but also for a psychological victory, in order to prove to the soldiers that despite the strength of the enemy, they were capable of carrying out an effective counterattack.

After careful consideration, Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An and his staff team identified the target of the counterattack. This objective should be of strategic importance and be able to inflict a substantial blow on the enemy's forces, and it should also take into account practical feasibility and ensure the success of the counterattack. They chose a location where the Chinese army was relatively weak in defense, but had an important impact on the entire battle situation, as a counterattack point.

The battle of the 211 heights, the biggest defeat on the Lao Son front, the commander of the Vietnamese army commented: It was a turning point in the war

In order to ensure the success of the counterattack, Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An began to make careful tactical preparations. He organized a series of military exercises that simulated the actual combat environment and familiarized the soldiers with the tasks they were about to perform. These exercises included not only infantry offensive movements, but also artillery fire support, engineering obstacle removal and logistical supplies.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An particularly stressed the importance of reconnaissance work. He sent reconnaissance teams deep behind enemy lines to gather intelligence on enemy troop dispositions, position structure, and movement patterns. This intelligence is essential for developing an accurate attack plan. At the same time, he also asked the scouts to conduct constant surveillance of the selected counterattack targets in order to keep abreast of the latest movements of the enemy forces.

This series of actions by Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An gradually had a positive impact among the soldiers. The soldiers began to emerge from their pessimism, and the flames of battle were rekindled in their eyes. They know that the upcoming counterattack is not just about regaining lost positions, but also about defending their dignity and honor.

As the day of the counterattack approached, Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An and his staff team put the final touches on all preparations. They scrutinized every detail to ensure that orders were executed quickly and accurately in actual combat. The soldiers were also making final preparations in the trenches, checking their weapons and equipment, reviewing their attack plans, and their hearts were filled with anticipation and nervousness for the upcoming battle.

Under the leadership of Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, the morale of the Vietnamese army was gradually restored. The soldiers were ready for the battle that was coming, knowing that it would be a tough battle, but also an opportunity to show their courage and determination. They believed that under the command of Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, they would be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve the ultimate victory.

Under the strategic layout of Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, the A6B heights were selected as a key target for the Vietnamese army's counterattack. The highlands not only occupy a strategic point geographically, but also play a decisive role in the morale of the two armies psychologically. In order to ensure the success of the counterattack, Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An and his staff team began careful preparations.

First of all, targeted training has become the most important part of the preparation phase. Soldiers of the Vietnamese army conducted numerous combat exercises on the simulated 211 heights. Lessons include how to move quickly in the changing terrain of mountainous terrain, how to conceal yourself under enemy fire, and how to launch swift and precise attacks when approaching high ground. Special emphasis was placed on coordinated operations between squads, and each soldier was informed of his or her role and mission, ensuring that orders could be carried out quickly and accurately in real combat.

At the same time, reconnaissance work was in full swing. Scouts were secretly dispatched to the vicinity of Heights 211, and their mission was to gather intelligence on the Chinese army's disposition, positional structure, and movement patterns. These scouts must not only have excellent stealth skills, but also have a high degree of courage and intelligence to avoid being detected by enemy forces. Carrying advanced reconnaissance equipment, they conducted all-round surveillance and analysis of the 211 heights, providing critical intelligence support for the development of precise attack plans.

At the tactical level, Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An especially emphasized the importance of fire support. The artillery unit, based on the intelligence provided by the scouts, carried out a detailed plan of fire coverage of the 211 heights. The artillery commanders carried out a precise location of possible enemy fire points on the heights and developed a corresponding fire strike plan. Their goal is to be able to provide timely and accurate fire support when the infantry attacks, suppressing the enemy's ability to counterattack.

While conducting targeted training and reconnaissance, Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An did not ignore the psychological state of the soldiers. He knew that the morale and confidence of the soldiers were crucial to victory in battle. Therefore, he personally went down to the troops, communicated with the soldiers, listened to their ideas and suggestions, and boosted their morale. He stressed that every soldier is an indispensable part of the Vietnamese army, and their courage and sacrifice will be remembered by the country and the people.

As the day of the counterattack approached, the atmosphere on the 211 heights became more and more tense. Vietnamese soldiers inspect their equipment in the trenches, silently reciting plans for an upcoming attack. They knew it was going to be an uphill battle, but it was also an opportunity to show their mettle and determination. Under the command of Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, the morale of the Vietnamese army was gradually restored, and the soldiers were ready for the upcoming battle.

In the process of preparing for the counterattack, Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An's leadership and strategic vision were fully demonstrated. His decisions were based not only on a deep understanding of the situation on the battlefield, but also on a deep trust in the soldiers. He believed that as long as the Vietnamese army could unite as one and give full play to its combat effectiveness, it would certainly be able to win the counterattack.

Under the careful planning of Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, the preparations for the counterattack of the Vietnamese army proceeded in an orderly manner. Every link has been carefully planned, and every detail has been repeatedly scrutinized. Soldiers constantly improve their combat skills in training, and constantly accumulate knowledge of the enemy's situation in reconnaissance. They had only one goal: to capture the 211 heights, restore morale and breathe new life into the fighting of the Vietnamese army on the Weichuan front.

On May 31, 1985, a significant day in Vietnam's military history, the Vietnamese army, under the command of Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, successfully occupied the strategically important A6B heights. This tactical victory was not only of great military significance to the Vietnamese army, but also greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers on a psychological level.

Before the start of the counterattack, the Vietnamese army had been preparing for a long time. Targeted training and reconnaissance work ensures that every soldier is well aware of the task ahead. Based on the intelligence provided by the scouts, the artillery unit developed a precise fire coverage plan, which provided strong support for the infantry offensive.

In the early morning of the same day, the artillery fire of the Vietnamese army began to pour down on the 211 heights, and the intensive shelling covered the entire heights, suppressing the fire of the Chinese troops and creating conditions for the charge of the infantry. As the artillery fire extended, the Vietnamese infantry began to launch a fierce attack on the heights. Taking advantage of the cover of night and terrain, they quickly approached the enemy's positions.

In the fierce fighting, the Vietnamese soldiers showed great fighting skills and courage. Using the tactical maneuvers learned in training, they moved around the battlefield with agility and effectively evaded enemy fire. Approaching the top of the heights, the Vietnamese soldiers launched a final charge and engaged the defenders in hand-to-hand combat.

After several hours of fierce fighting, the Vietnamese army finally broke through the defense line of the Chinese army and successfully occupied the 211 heights. During the battle, the Vietnamese army not only repelled the enemy, but also captured a Chinese soldier, which dealt a heavy psychological blow to the enemy troops.

However, victory in the battle did not mean the end of the war. The Chinese army was not willing to lose this strategic point, and they quickly organized a counterattack in an attempt to recapture the 211 heights. Over the next 11 days, the Chinese army launched a series of attacks on the positions of the Vietnamese army. In the face of the enemy's fierce offensive, the Vietnamese army showed stubborn defensive capabilities.

The commanders of the Vietnamese army flexibly adjusted their tactics according to the situation on the battlefield and strengthened the defense of their positions. They took advantage of the topography of the high ground and built strong fortifications, effectively resisting enemy attacks. At the same time, the artillery units also provided timely fire support in accordance with the needs of the front, disrupting the enemy's offensive.

The battle of the 211 heights, the biggest defeat on the Lao Son front, the commander of the Vietnamese army commented: It was a turning point in the war

During the 11-day battle, the Vietnamese soldiers showed a high will to fight and a spirit of sacrifice. They held their positions, did not flinch or give up in the face of enemy artillery fire and charges. Their heroic actions not only thwarted the Chinese army's plan to retake it, but also set a strong example among the Vietnamese army.

As the fighting continued, the position of the Vietnamese army on the 211 heights became more and more solid. Not only did they successfully defend this strategic location, but they also gained valuable experience in the battle. These experiences are of great guiding significance for the Vietnamese army in future battles.

Under the command of Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, the victory of the Vietnamese army on the 211 heights became a glorious chapter in Vietnam's military history. This victory was not only of great military significance to the Vietnamese army, but also greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers on a psychological level. It proved that the Vietnamese army was capable of achieving tactical victory through careful preparation and tenacious fighting in the face of a formidable enemy.

Despite the fact that the fighting continued, the victory on the 211 heights had already bought the Vietnamese army valuable time and space. They can use this opportunity to further consolidate their positions and strengthen their training to prepare for the larger battles that may come. At the same time, this victory also had a profound impact on Vietnam, inspiring patriotic enthusiasm among the people and strengthening the trust and support of the whole country for the army.

In this counterattack, the Vietnamese army showed tenacity and excellent combat ability. Their victory is the highest praise to all soldiers who fought for the country and the people. Their deeds will go down in history and become a valuable spiritual treasure to inspire future generations.

On May 31, 1985, the Vietnamese army, under the command of Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, launched a fierce counterattack on the A6B heights. The strategic location of this high ground is extremely important, and its occupation will have a profound impact on the entire war situation. The soldiers of the Vietnamese army, after a long period of preparation and training, launched a decisive attack on this key target.

The Vietnamese soldiers, quickly and cautiously approaching the enemy's positions in the darkness of the night, took advantage of the terrain and avoided the enemy's sight and fire. During the approach to the high ground, the Vietnamese soldiers showed a high level of tactical literacy and teamwork. They divided into small groups and supported each other, effectively suppressing the counterattack of the Chinese army.

In the fierce fighting, the soldiers of the Vietnamese army showed extraordinary courage and determination. They braved the odds and forged ahead in close combat with the enemy. During the battle, the Vietnamese army not only managed to capture the 211 heights, but also captured a Chinese soldier, which dealt a heavy psychological blow to the enemy troops.

After the capture of Heights 211, the Vietnamese army quickly strengthened the defense of the position, constructing new fortifications to defend against a possible counterattack by the Chinese troops. At the same time, the commanders of the Vietnamese army also summed up the battles, analyzed the gains and losses in the battles, and accumulated valuable experience for future battles.

Over the next few days, Chinese forces launched a series of counterattacks on Heights 211 in an attempt to recapture the strategic location. However, the soldiers of the Vietnamese army, under the command of Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, held their positions and thwarted enemy attacks again and again. They showed a tenacious will to fight and a high degree of tactical discipline in the battle, successfully defending the 211 heights.

The victory of the Vietnamese army on the 211 heights was not only a tactical victory, but also a psychological and morale victory. This victory greatly boosted the morale of the Vietnamese army and proved that the Vietnamese army was capable of winning the battle through careful preparation and tenacious fighting in the face of a formidable enemy.

Under the command of Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, the soldiers of the Vietnamese army showed an indomitable fighting spirit on the 211 heights. Their victory is the highest praise to all soldiers who fought for the country and the people. Their deeds will go down in history and become a valuable spiritual treasure to inspire future generations.

After the occupation of the A6B heights, the Vietnamese army faced unprecedented challenges. After losing this strategic location, the Chinese army quickly organized an 11-day counterattack in an attempt to regain the lost territory. However, the Vietnamese army, under the command of Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, demonstrated a tenacious will to defend and excellent combat skills, and successfully thwarted the Chinese army's plan to recapture.

During the counterattack, the Chinese army employed a variety of tactics, including night raids, artillery cover, and infantry charges. Taking advantage of their superior firepower, they carried out a sustained bombardment of the 211 heights, trying to destroy the fortifications and morale of the Vietnamese army. However, the Vietnamese army was not intimidated by these offensives, and under the leadership of Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu An, they held their ground and showed amazing resilience and courage.

The Vietnamese army built a strong defense system on the 211 heights, taking advantage of the terrain and setting up multi-level fortifications. They dug trenches and bunkers, deployed machine guns and mortars, formed a network of crossfire. Covered by enemy artillery fire, the Vietnamese soldiers quickly moved to underground bunkers, effectively reducing casualties. While the Chinese army launched an infantry charge, the Vietnamese soldiers used trenches and bunkers to counterattack, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy.

During 11 consecutive days of fierce fighting, the commanders of the Vietnamese army showed superb tactical command skills. They flexibly adjusted their defensive strategies according to changes in the battlefield situation and effectively coped with the various offensives of the Chinese army. At the same time, the logistics of the Vietnamese army also played a key role, replenishing ammunition and supplies in a timely manner, ensuring the combat needs of the front-line soldiers.

The Vietnamese soldiers showed a high fighting will and spirit of sacrifice in the battle. They held their positions, did not flinch or give up in the face of enemy artillery fire and charges. Many soldiers died heroically in battle, but their heroic actions inspired more comrades to continue fighting. Their heroic deeds became a good story among the Vietnamese army and became a powerful motivator for morale.

In this difficult defensive battle, the artillery units of the Vietnamese army also played an important role. According to the needs of the front, they provided timely fire support and effectively suppressed the offensive of the Chinese army. The artillery commanders, based on the intelligence provided by the scouts, accurately located the enemy's firing points and staging areas, firing round after round of artillery fire, disrupting the enemy's offensive.

In addition, the scouts of the Vietnamese army played a key role in the battle. They went deep behind enemy lines and gathered a wealth of intelligence on the enemy's disposition and movements, providing commanders with an important basis for decision-making. The scouts also accurately located the enemy's artillery positions and guided their own artillery to strike effectively.

The battle of the 211 heights, the biggest defeat on the Lao Son front, the commander of the Vietnamese army commented: It was a turning point in the war

In 11 consecutive days of fighting, the Vietnamese army successfully held the 211 heights, thwarting the Chinese army's plan to recapture. This victory was not only of great military significance to the Vietnamese army, but also greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers on a psychological level. It proved that the Vietnamese army was capable of winning battles through careful preparation and tenacious fighting in the face of a formidable enemy.

Lieutenant General Nguyen Huu Anh's commanding art and the tenacious defense of the Vietnamese army became key factors in the battle. Their successful defense not only defended the 211 heights, but also set a strong example in the Vietnamese army. This victory will go down in the annals of Vietnam's military history and become a valuable spiritual treasure that will inspire future generations.

In the Sino-Vietnamese border conflict, the Chinese military chose Weichuan County as the battlefield, a decision that contains profound strategic considerations. The remoteness of Weichuan County and limited communication with the outside world have reduced international attention to the conflict in the region to some extent, thus providing a relatively relaxed external environment for the Chinese military's operations. In addition, the topographical features of the Weichuan region also provided the Chinese army with a tactical advantage. The vast terrain of the plateau mountains on the Chinese side is conducive to the deployment and offensive of large forces; On the Vietnamese side, on the other hand, there are mostly high mountains, which is not only not conducive to the defense of large forces, but also brings many difficulties to logistics support.

During more than 5 years of fighting on the Weichuan front, the Vietnamese army paid a heavy price. According to statistics, nearly 5,000 cadres and soldiers of the Vietnamese army have been killed, and their heroic sacrifices have made great contributions to Vietnam's national defense and security. However, due to the battlefield environment and the subsequent political situation, the search for the remains of these martyrs has not been carried out in a timely manner. It was not until 2018, thanks to the efforts of the Ha Giang Provincial Military Command, that a special search team for the remains of martyrs was officially established, and the search for the remains of cadres and fighters killed in the Northern Border War from 1979 to 1989 began. This action is not only a sign of respect for the martyrs, but also a responsibility for history, reflecting the importance that Vietnam attaches to the history of the war and the spirit of the martyrs.

Regarding the significance of the 211 Heights Battle, Major General Nguyen Duc Huy considered it a turning point in the entire war. However, some authors have questioned this. They believe that although the Vietnamese army has won a certain victory on the 211 heights and boosted the morale of the army, judging from the overall battlefield situation, the Vietnamese army is still at an absolute disadvantage in terms of strength and firepower. The Chinese army remained in control of the battlefield, and the Vietnamese army was unable to fundamentally change the tide of the war or recapture and hold any important positions from the Chinese army. Therefore, the claim that the 211 Highland battle was a turning point in the war may be an overstatement of its role in the overall war situation.

Nevertheless, the morale boost of the 211 Heights battle and its victory cannot be ignored. In a long-term battle, the level of morale can often directly affect the course and outcome of the battle. The victory of the Vietnamese army on the 211 heights undoubtedly brought confidence and courage to the soldiers, allowing them to resist the enemy's attack more resolutely in the subsequent battles.

The impact of war is far-reaching and multidimensional. It has not only shaped the confrontation between the two militaries militarily, but has also had a profound impact on the political, economic and social levels. For Vietnam, the war further highlighted the importance of national defense and army building, prompting the country to increase investment and reform of military forces after the war. At the same time, the war has also brought deep pain and loss to the Vietnamese people, many families have lost their loved ones, and social and economic development has been seriously affected.

For China, the battle on the Weichuan front was also an important military operation, which tested the combat effectiveness and tactical level of the army, and also provided a guarantee for China's stability and development in the border areas. In the post-war peacebuilding, the Chinese armed forces have also continuously summed up the experience of the war and promoted the process of military modernization in order to better safeguard the country's security and interests.

Although the smoke of war has dissipated, the profound lessons and enlightenment it has left on people are still of great practical significance. In today's era of peace and development, we should cherish peace even more, strive to avoid war, and resolve differences through dialogue and cooperation. At the same time, we should also remember history, cherish the memory of the martyrs, draw wisdom and strength from war, and work together to build a better world.

The Weichuan front, a land that was once ruthlessly ravaged by war, witnessed the tragic scenes of the decade-long border conflict between China and Vietnam. For more than five years, after the end of the border war in 1979, it became the focus of military rivalry between the two sides. The Vietnamese army invested a lot of troops in this land, and carried out hard defense and counterattacks, but also paid a heavy price.

In the more than five years of fighting, nearly 5,000 cadres and soldiers of the Vietnamese army were killed, and many of them died in the prime of their youth, but their lives were forever fixed in the mountains and jungles of Weichuan. These young soldiers sacrificed their precious lives for the security and territorial integrity of the country. However, due to the cruelty and complexity of the war, the remains of many martyrs were not searched and buried in time, but scattered on the former battlefield, becoming a dusty history.

It was not until 2018 that the Vietnamese government began to pay attention to these martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country. The Ha Giang Provincial Military Command set up a special search team for the remains of martyrs and began to search for the remains of cadres and fighters killed in the war on the northern border from 1979 to 1989. It is a difficult and respectful task, and the search team needs to conduct a careful search in the border area with complex terrain and variable climate to find the remains of those forgotten martyrs.

The search was not only faced with the challenges of the natural environment, but also with the overcoming of dangers such as landmines left over from the war. Courage and expertise are required for the search team to traverse dense forests, climb mountain peaks, and even search for possible remains on steep cliffs. Every time a body is found, the search team carefully records and protects it to ensure that the dignity of the martyr is respected.

Once the remains are found, they will be sent to specialized institutions for identification and DNA testing to confirm the identity of the martyrs. Once identified, the remains of the martyrs will be buried in the National Cemetery, where they will be laid to rest with their comrades. Although this process is long and difficult, it is a consolation for the living relatives and compatriots, and it is also the best commemoration of the heroic sacrifice of the martyrs.

The search for remains is not only a respect for history, but also a cherishing of peace. It reminds people of the cruelty of war and the preciousness of peace, and also educates future generations to remember history and cherish the hard-won peace. At the same time, it is also a deep remembrance of those martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country, and their names and deeds will forever be remembered in the memory of the country.

As the search continued, more and more of the remains of the martyrs were found and properly placed. Although this process cannot repair the wounds caused by the war, it is a kind of respect and remembrance for the heroic martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country. In the days to come, the Government and people of Viet Nam will continue this respectful work so that every martyr can be given the rest and remembrance he deserves.

In many analyses of the Sino-Vietnamese border conflict, Major General Nguyen Duc Huy has suggested that the 211 Heights battle was a turning point in the war, a view that inspired the Vietnamese army and people to a certain extent. However, some authors have questioned this, arguing that although the 211 Heights battle has boosted the morale of the Vietnamese army, the overall battle situation shows that the Vietnamese army is still at a significant disadvantage in terms of strength and firepower.

These skeptics point out that although the Vietnamese army has achieved a tactical victory on the 211 heights, the Chinese army still holds the dominant position on the battlefield in the grand scheme of war. The Chinese army not only had an advantage in terms of strength, but also far surpassed the Yugoslav army in terms of equipment and firepower. After the battle of Heights 211, the Chinese army continued to exert pressure on the Vietnamese army, carrying out many counterattacks and offensive operations, showing its strong military strength and deep strategic layout.

Skeptics further analyze that the victory of the Vietnamese army on the 211 heights did not substantially change the balance of power between the two sides. In the ensuing battle, the Vietnamese army still faced heavy artillery fire and force suppression from the Chinese army. The Vietnamese army's defenses, while tenacious, were often fought through hard resistance rather than active and effective counterattacks. With a disadvantage in strength and firepower, every victory of the Vietnamese army paid a huge price.

In addition, skeptics point out that a turning point in a war usually refers to a decisive battle or campaign in which one side fundamentally changes the course of the war and the balance of power between the two sides through a decisive battle or campaign. And the 211 highland battle, although it has a certain tactical significance, at the strategic level, did not achieve such an effect. The Chinese army maintained constant pressure on the Vietnamese army throughout the conflict, and the Vietnamese army was not able to gain the strategic initiative through this battle.

Despite the inferiority in strength and firepower, the commanders and soldiers of the Vietnamese army showed a high will to fight and a spirit of sacrifice. Their performance on the battlefield has earned them respect and praise. However, the brutality of war also requires us to objectively assess the meaning and impact of each battle. The Highland Battle, while having a place in the history of the Vietnamese army's wars, was not a turning point in the war, at least not a decisive one.

In general, although the views of Major General Nguyen Duc Huy boosted the morale of the Vietnamese army to a certain extent, from the point of view of objective war analysis, the disadvantage of the Vietnamese army in terms of strength and firepower was not fundamentally changed by the battle on the 211 heights. The turning point of the war required a deeper change of strategy and a shift in the balance of forces, which was not reflected in the 211 Highland battle. An in-depth analysis and understanding of this battle will help us to understand more comprehensively the complexity and multidimensional nature of the Sino-Vietnamese border conflict.