
Yongzheng: Kangxi broke the prince's scandal, the fourteenth forged the prince's edict, and the nine sons were about to seize the heir

author:Dexterous orange 6s

In the sixty years of Kangxi, the situation has changed abruptly. A shocking scandal quietly erupted in the Forbidden City, affecting the nerves of the entire Qing Empire. Emperor Kangxi visited the harem at night and broke an unspeakable secret. Prince Yinren, the prince who had high hopes, actually had a secret relationship with a concubine in the deep palace. This discovery not only shook the status of the crown prince, but also triggered a series of magnificent political wrestling.

At the same time, the fourteenth elder brother Yinyu secretly forged the prince's edict, intending to take the opportunity to disrupt the court. Eighth Elder Brother Yinxi, Thirteenth Elder Brother Yinxiang and others also acted in secret, trying to take the lead in this battle for succession. In the face of this complex situation, how will Emperor Kangxi choose? Can Prince Yinren keep his position? What will be the consequences of the plan given by the fourteenth elder brother? Who will emerge victorious in this thrilling power struggle?

In the early autumn of the 60th year of Kangxi, there was silence in the Forbidden City. The night was low, but Emperor Kangxi couldn't sleep. In the past few days, the government has been busy, coupled with the various misdeeds of the crown prince Yinren, which has made the emperor who is close to the age of a sixtieth birthday uneasy.

This night, Kangxi suddenly got up and instructed his personal eunuch Li Dequan: "Prepare a sedan chair, I want to go out of the palace to relax." Li Dequan was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly dissuaded: "Your Majesty, you have been working hard for days, it is better to rest and rest." Kangxi didn't say anything, just waved his hand. Seeing this, Li Dequan had no choice but to take the order.

A moment later, Kangxi quietly left the Qianqing Palace under the escort of the guards Tu Lichen and Delentai. In the night, the three of them walked along the winding path of the palace wall, and after a while, they came to a small remote courtyard in the harem.

Yongzheng: Kangxi broke the prince's scandal, the fourteenth forged the prince's edict, and the nine sons were about to seize the heir

At that moment, there was a rustling sound in the distance. Kangxi listened attentively, and it seemed that someone was talking in a low voice. He glanced at Turichen, who understood and quietly approached the direction from which the voice came.

Not long after, Tu Lichen came back to report: "Your Majesty, it's the voice of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. When Kangxi heard this, his brows tightened. At this hour, the prince is not sleeping in the East Palace, but wandering in the harem, what is the matter?

Kangxi was just about to step forward to check, but was pulled by Delentai: "Your Majesty, don't act rashly!" Kangxi bowed his head slightly, signaling the two to go with him.

The three of them cautiously approached the source of the sound, only to see a delicate pavilion with candlelight flickering. The two figures could be seen clinging to each other in a low voice. Kangxi looked at it fixedly, and couldn't help but gasp - the man in the pavilion was actually the crown prince Yinren, and the woman who got along with him intimately was his concubine Zheng Chunhua!

Kangxi only felt dizzy and staggered back a few steps. Tu Lichen and Delentai hurriedly stepped forward to help. Kangxi suppressed his anger and said in a low voice: "Stand down!" "

The three of them left quietly and returned to the Qianqing Palace. Along the way, Kangxi was always silent. Back in the palace, Kangxi immediately summoned Li Dequan and asked sharply, "Has the prince behaved abnormally recently?" "

Li Dequan replied tremblingly: "Back to the emperor, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has been in and out of the harem every day, and the servants have dissuaded him, but His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has ignored it. "

Yongzheng: Kangxi broke the prince's scandal, the fourteenth forged the prince's edict, and the nine sons were about to seize the heir

When Kangxi heard this, he was furious. He said in a deep voice: "Spread my will, immediately investigate the prince's whereabouts in recent days, and be sure to find out!" "

Li Dequan took the order and left, and Kangxi paced in the hall alone. He remembered the cultivation of the prince over the years, the many criticisms of the ministers of the court and the central government against the prince, and the scene he had just seen. All kinds of thoughts are intertwined, which makes this talented emperor feel powerless.

In the early morning of the next day, Kangxi convened his confidants to discuss secretly. He told everything he had seen last night, and everyone present was shocked. Zhang Yushu, a scholar, said: "Your Majesty, this matter is related to the safety of the society, please think twice before acting." "

Kangxi pondered for a moment and said, "Don't make a noise about this matter for the time being, I will investigate it myself." Pay attention to what is going on in the middle of the court, and report anything unusual immediately. "

The ministers took the order and left, and Kangxi began to deploy secretly. He sent his henchmen and eunuchs to spy around, while keeping a close eye on the prince's every move. In this tense atmosphere, an even greater conspiracy is quietly brewing.

After Emperor Kangxi visited the harem at night and discovered the scandal of the prince, Yinren's situation took a sharp turn for the worse. Originally, as the prince, he became the target of public criticism overnight. The ministers of the DPRK and China discussed one after another, some secretly watched, and some began to take sides again. Yinren felt the pressure from all sides, but he didn't know that his father had broken his secret.

In the early morning of this day, Yinren went to court as usual. However, he soon discovered that the atmosphere in the court was very different from what it used to be. The ministers looked at him with scrutiny and suspicion in their eyes, and some even deliberately avoided making eye contact with him. Yinren forced himself to be calm, but his heart had already set off turbulent waves.

Yongzheng: Kangxi broke the prince's scandal, the fourteenth forged the prince's edict, and the nine sons were about to seize the heir

After the next court, Yinren hurried back to the East Palace. He summoned his henchmen and eunuchs and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with it lately?" The eunuch replied tremblingly: "Back to Your Highness, the servant heard that the emperor secretly summoned several ministers last night, and the specific content of the discussion is unknown. "

When Yinren heard this, his face changed suddenly. He realized that the situation could be even more serious than he thought. Just as he was thinking about what to do, a palace maid quietly handed over a note. Yinren unfolded it and looked at it, and it read: "The matter is revealed, come and discuss it quickly." The inscription is the word "Chunhua".

Yinren's heart sank, and he hurriedly changed into civilian clothes and sneaked out of the East Palace under the cover of night. He avoided the patrolling guards and came to Zheng Chunhua's dormitory. Zheng Chunhua had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw Yinren, he immediately threw himself into his arms and couldn't cry.

Yinren comforted softly: "Don't be afraid, what happened?" Zheng Chunhua sobbed and said, "The emperor came here last night, and I suspect that he has found out about us." When Yinren heard this, it was like being struck by lightning. He realized that his situation was already precarious.

At this moment, Zheng Chunhua suddenly covered his abdomen, his face showing pain. Yinren hurriedly supported her and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you?" Zheng Chunhua hesitated for a moment, and finally mustered up the courage to say, "Your Highness, I... I'm pregnant. "

This news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, which made Yinren at a loss for a while. He was both rejoicing at the prospect of becoming a father and worried about the huge risks that the birth of this child would bring. In the Qing court, such a child was undoubtedly a time bomb.

Yinren knows that if this child's life story is revealed, not only will his position as the crown prince be difficult to protect, but even his life may not be guaranteed. He held Zheng Chunhua's hand and said solemnly: "No matter what, we have to keep this child." "

Yongzheng: Kangxi broke the prince's scandal, the fourteenth forged the prince's edict, and the nine sons were about to seize the heir

However, the reality of the situation made Yinren feel powerless. He needs to find an ally he can trust to help him through this. After thinking about it, Yinren decided to ask his thirteenth brother Yinxiang for help.

Yinxiang has always been good friends with Yinren, and he can be regarded as the most intimate one among the princes. Yinren sent his henchmen eunuch to secretly meet Yinxiang. The two met in a remote pavilion in the royal garden.

Yinren explained the ins and outs of the matter to Yinxianghe. After Yinxiang listened, he was silent for a long time. Finally, he slowly spoke: "Brother Huang, this matter is indeed tricky. But rest assured, I will do everything I can to help. "

Yinxiang suggested that Yinren should not startle the snake first, and continue to pretend that nothing happened. At the same time, he would secretly inquire about the attitude of Emperor Kangxi and the movements of other princes. Yinren nodded gratefully, feeling a little relieved in his heart.

However, Yinren didn't know that while he was plotting with Yinxiang, another bigger conspiracy was quietly unfolding. After the fourteenth elder brother Yinyu learned the news of the prince's fall from grace, he began to secretly plan, intending to take the lead in this battle for succession.

After Yinren returned to the East Palace, he immediately began to deploy. On the one hand, he strengthened the protection of Zheng Chunhua, and on the other hand, he began to secretly contact the ministers of the DPRK and China who supported him. However, as time went on, Yinren found himself in a more difficult situation. Many officials who had flattered him began to distance themselves from him, and some even openly disrespected him.

At this stormy moment, Yinren had to face a cruel reality: his position as the crown prince was already in jeopardy. And an even bigger storm is quietly approaching.

Yongzheng: Kangxi broke the prince's scandal, the fourteenth forged the prince's edict, and the nine sons were about to seize the heir

When the crown prince Yinren was in trouble, the fourteenth elder brother Yinren smelled the breath of power change. As the fourteenth son of Emperor Kangxi, Yinyu has always coveted the position of crown prince. Now, he sees a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Yinyu knows that if you want to stand out in this battle for succession, your own strength alone is far from enough. He needed a shocking conspiracy that would shake the court. After careful consideration, Yinyu decided to forge a copy of the prince's edict in order to disrupt the court situation and seek benefits for himself.

In order to implement this plan, Yinyu first needs to find a master who can perfectly imitate the prince's handwriting. He secretly sent people to investigate all over the capital, and finally found such a talent in a small bookstore with a small name. This scholar named Zhao Mo has the ability to never forget, and he can imitate all kinds of handwriting.

Yinyu personally left the palace and disguised himself as a wealthy businessman to come to Zhao Mo's bookstore. He hired Zhao Mo to copy an "ancient book" for himself with a lot of money, but in fact, he asked Zhao Mo to imitate the prince's handwriting. Although Zhao Mo was skeptical, he still agreed to the job under the temptation of a huge reward.

At the same time, Yinyu began to carefully design the content of this forged edict. He decided to imply in his edict that the crown prince intended to rebel in order to provoke Emperor Kangxi. But in order not to arouse suspicion, he cleverly added some seemingly loyal elements to the edict to make the whole document appear authentic and credible.

In the process of preparing to forge the edict, Yinyu did not forget to win over the ministers of the DPRK and China. He deliberately got acquainted with several important ministers who were at odds with the prince, such as Tuhai, the old minister of Aobai, and Zhao Liangdong, the governor. Yinyu hinted at the prince's misconduct to them in various ways, while showing his talents and ambitions to pave the way for future actions.

After several days of careful preparation, the forged prince's edict was finally completed. Yinyu hid this edict in his mansion secretly, waiting for the best time to make it public.

Yongzheng: Kangxi broke the prince's scandal, the fourteenth forged the prince's edict, and the nine sons were about to seize the heir

At this moment, an unexpected news came - Emperor Kangxi suddenly announced that a large-scale hunting event would be held, in which all princes must participate. Yinyu realized that this might be the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time.

On the day of the hunt, all the princes gathered in the palace. Yinyu took the opportunity to get close to Emperor Kangxi, pretending to be worried. He said to Emperor Kangxi: "Father, the son has something to tell you, but I am afraid that the matter is very important, and I don't know whether to talk about it or not." "

Seeing this, Emperor Kangxi immediately took Yinyu aside for detailed inquiry. Only then did Yinyu "tremble" and say the prince's edict that he had "accidentally" discovered. He presented the carefully forged edict to Emperor Kangxi, and pretended to be frightened and said: "Father, the content of this edict is really unbelievable. It is outrageous that the prince has such a rebellious heart! "

Emperor Kangxi took the edict and read it carefully. I saw that it read: "The situation between the DPRK and China has been turbulent recently, and in order to stabilize the storage position, we have to take extraordinary measures." He has conspired with the old department of Aobai, and when the time is ripe, he will immediately launch a mutiny. At that time, we will also ask all the ministers to help and participate in the grand event. "

After reading the edict, Emperor Kangxi's face was gloomy. He asked in a deep voice, "Where did this edict come from?" "

Yinyu hurriedly replied: "Back to my father, this was discovered by the son in the prince's mansion the day before yesterday." At that time, the prince was talking secretly with several ministers, and the ministers felt strange when they saw this, so they secretly investigated, and who knew that they found such an edict. "

Emperor Kangxi fell into deep thought. Although he had long been dissatisfied with the crown prince, the contents of this edict were too appalling. He decided to stand still for the time being and secretly investigate the truth of the matter first.

Yongzheng: Kangxi broke the prince's scandal, the fourteenth forged the prince's edict, and the nine sons were about to seize the heir

Yinyu saw that Emperor Kangxi did not take immediate action, and he was slightly disappointed in his heart. But he knows it's just the beginning. Next, he needs to continue to exert pressure to let this forged edict cause even more turmoil in the DPRK.

After returning to the capital, Yinyu began to secretly spread rumors about the prince's rebellion. He used the ministers he had befriended to spread news in the court. Soon, the entire court began to talk about it, and people were panicked.

At the same time, Yinyu also sent people to secretly contact several influential ministers in the court, such as Zhang Tingyu, Li Guangdi and others. He hinted to the ministers that if they could stand by their side at a critical moment, they would be reused in the future.

However, these actions of Yinyu did not escape the eyes of other princes. Eighth Elder Brother Yinxi, Thirteenth Elder Brother Yinxiang and others also began to act secretly, trying to get a piece of the pie in this power struggle. A more complicated battle for succession is quietly unfolding.

Emperor Kangxi fell into deep contemplation after learning the news of the possible rebellion of the crown prince Yinren. As a wise monarch, he is well aware of the undercurrents surging above the court, and he cannot easily believe any side of the word. However, this "evidence" from the Fourteenth Elder Brother Yinyu had to attract his attention.

In order to find out the truth, Emperor Kangxi decided to make an unannounced visit in person. He changed into civilian clothes, left the Forbidden City under the cover of night, and came to the streets of the capital. In the streets and alleys, he heard many gossips about the crown prince. Some say that the prince colluded with the old tribe of Aobai, some say that the prince secretly accumulated military strength, and some even say that the prince has secretly contacted the Mongolian tribes. Although these rumors are difficult to distinguish between true and false, they undoubtedly aggravated Emperor Kangxi's doubts.

After returning to the palace, Emperor Kangxi summoned several confidants, including Zhang Tingyu, Li Guangdi and others. He took all the rumors he had heard and asked the ministers for their opinions. Zhang Tingyu pondered for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, the minister thinks that these rumors cannot be trusted. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has been smart since he was a child, and he has always been dedicated to his duties, if he really has a bad heart, I am afraid that he would have already shown his feet. "

Yongzheng: Kangxi broke the prince's scandal, the fourteenth forged the prince's edict, and the nine sons were about to seize the heir

Li Guangdi disagreed: "Your Majesty, although you can't fully believe these rumors, you can't take them lightly. The crown prince is high and powerful, if he really has different intentions, the consequences are unimaginable. The minister thought that the matter should be thoroughly investigated. "

After listening to the opinions of the two ministers, Emperor Kangxi fell into deep thought. He decided to observe for a while while secretly sending someone to investigate the prince's every move.

Just then, another unexpected news came. It is said that a palace maid in the prince's palace suddenly disappeared, and this palace maid is rumored to have been closely related to the prince. Emperor Kangxi immediately sent someone to investigate the matter thoroughly, and it turned out that the palace maid had indeed not appeared in the palace for many days.

This news further strengthened Emperor Kangxi's doubts. He began to think back to what he had seen and heard during his previous night tour of the harem, and all signs seemed to point to the prince's ill intentions. However, as a wise monarch, Emperor Kangxi knew that he could not make a judgment based on these scattered pieces of evidence alone.

In order to further understand the situation, Emperor Kangxi decided to meet with the crown prince Yinren in person. He sent someone to summon the crown prince to the palace and prepared to inquire in person.

After Yinren received the news of the summons, he was uneasy. He didn't know what his father's intention was to summon him suddenly, but he vaguely sensed that the situation might be out of his control.

In the imperial study, Emperor Kangxi asked calmly: "Ren'er, I heard that you have recently held some secret meetings in the mansion, but is there such a thing?" "

Yongzheng: Kangxi broke the prince's scandal, the fourteenth forged the prince's edict, and the nine sons were about to seize the heir

Yinren hurriedly replied: "Back to my father, my sons have indeed convened some ministers recently, but they are all for the purpose of discussing state affairs, and they have no other intentions. "

Emperor Kangxi asked again: "So, do you know that there is a palace maid in your mansion who is missing?" "

Yinren was shocked when he heard this, and said hesitantly: "This... Erchen really didn't know. Maybe the palace maid secretly escaped from the palace? "

Emperor Kangxi looked at Yinren's reaction and frowned slightly. He didn't continue to ask, but said lightly: "I know, you can retreat first." "

After Yinren withdrew from the imperial study, Emperor Kangxi fell into deep thought. The prince's reaction was obviously somewhat unusual, but it was not enough to prove that he was treasonous.

Just then, a eunuch hurried in and reported that some suspicious documents had been found in the prince's mansion. Emperor Kangxi immediately ordered these documents to be brought.

After carefully examining these documents, Emperor Kangxi found that some of them did involve military transfers and personnel arrangements, which were beyond the purview of the crown prince. Although these documents themselves do not directly prove that the prince rebelled, they are enough to show that the prince did have some misdeeds.

Yongzheng: Kangxi broke the prince's scandal, the fourteenth forged the prince's edict, and the nine sons were about to seize the heir

Emperor Kangxi was in a dilemma. As a father, he didn't want to believe that his son would betray him; But as an emperor, he could not ignore these evidences.

After some careful consideration, Emperor Kangxi made a decision: to leave the crown prince for the time being, but to strengthen surveillance of him, and at the same time secretly investigate the movements of other princes. He is well aware that in this power struggle, everyone may have their own calculations.

Emperor Kangxi summoned his henchmen and eunuchs and instructed: "You go and pass on my message, and order the Jinyi guard to secretly monitor every move of the prince and other princes, but you must not startle the snake." In addition, strengthen the palace guards to prevent people from taking advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble. "

The eunuch took the order and left, and Emperor Kangxi stood in front of the window, looking at the palace wall in the distance. He knew that an even bigger storm was coming, and that he had to stay awake and make the right decisions in the midst of it.

In the sixty-first year of Kangxi (1722), Emperor Kangxi died, and Emperor Yongzheng ascended the throne. This result came as a surprise to many, as the crown prince had been hanging in the balance until then. However, Yongzheng's accession to the throne was not accidental, but caused by a series of complex events.

At the beginning of Yongzheng's ascension to the throne, there were many discussions between the government and the opposition. Some people claim that he was the heir designated by Emperor Kangxi before his death, while others suspect that he tampered with the edict. Whatever the truth, Yongzheng has already sat on the dragon chair and begun his reign.

The first major task of the new emperor after ascending the throne was to deal with the grievances with the princelings. The ministers who once supported Yinren trembled, for fear of being liquidated. However, Yongzheng unexpectedly adopted a more moderate policy. He did not purge the old party on a large scale, but adopted the strategy of "using its strengths and avoiding its shortcomings".

Yongzheng: Kangxi broke the prince's scandal, the fourteenth forged the prince's edict, and the nine sons were about to seize the heir

For example, Zhang Tingyu, the minister who once supported Yinren, Yongzheng not only did not demote, but continued to reuse. Zhang Tingyu served as a cabinet scholar in the Yongzheng Dynasty and participated in a number of important decisions. This move not only showed Yongzheng's tolerance and wisdom, but also reserved valuable talents for the imperial court.

At the same time, Yongzheng also began to deal with other princes. He put the eighth elder brother Yinyu, the ninth elder brother Yinyu and others under house arrest and deprived them of their political power. These former rivals were confined to the palace and were not allowed to interfere in the government's affairs.

However, Yongzheng's treatment of Yinyu is quite special. Although Yinyu was once one of his biggest competitors, Yongzheng did not take immediate action against him. On the contrary, he gave Yinyu a certain amount of freedom, and even allowed him to continue to participate in some court politics. This move has sparked many speculations, some believe that this is Yongzheng's scheme, and others believe that it is a friendship between brothers.

After dealing with internal affairs, Yongzheng began to implement a series of new policies. One of the most striking is the implementation of the policy of "spreading the land into the acre". This policy incorporated the tax that was originally levied on a per capita basis into the land tax, which greatly reduced the burden on the people. At the same time, Yongzheng also implemented the "rolling order system", that is, the private tax arrears are rolled over year by year, and no longer accumulate interest, which also alleviates the economic pressure of the people to a certain extent.

On the military front, Yongzheng inherited the policies of Emperor Kangxi and continued to strengthen his control over the northwest region. He sent the general Nian Qianyao to Qinghai to quell the rebellion of Lobzang Danjin. This action not only consolidated the rule of the Qing Dynasty in the northwest, but also laid the foundation for the later "Qianlong Ten Complete Martial Arts".

In terms of cultural policy, Yongzheng showed a different attitude from Kangxi. He was more open to Han culture and encouraged Manchu scholars to learn about Han culture. Yongzheng himself was proficient in Chinese literature, and often personally reviewed and even wrote articles. The "Mystery of the Great Righteous Jue" compiled by him is an important work to refute the anti-Qing remarks.

However, Yongzheng's new policy also encountered some resistance. Some conservative ministers believed that Yongzheng's reforms were too radical and could shake the foundations of Qing rule. In particular, in dealing with Manchu-Han relations, some Manchu nobles feared that Yongzheng's policies would weaken the Manchus' privileged position.

Yongzheng: Kangxi broke the prince's scandal, the fourteenth forged the prince's edict, and the nine sons were about to seize the heir

In the face of these doubts, Yongzheng took a tough attitude. He set up the "Military Aircraft Department" to directly control the government and bypass the traditional cabinet system. Although this move strengthened the imperial power, it also caused dissatisfaction among some ministers.

In the third year of Yongzheng's accession to the throne, a major event occurred that shocked the government and the opposition: the fourteenth elder brother Yinyu suddenly died. The official version is that Yinyu died of illness, but there are various rumors circulating in the government and the opposition. Some people say that Yinyu was poisoned by Yongzheng, and some people say that he committed suicide in fear of sin. Whatever the truth, Yinyu's death undoubtedly eliminated Yongzheng's last potential political opponent.

Over time, Yongzheng's rule gradually stabilized. Although his new policy met with resistance, it also achieved some results. The state treasury revenue has increased, the peasants' burdens have been lightened, and the situation in the border areas has stabilized. However, Yongzheng has never been able to completely get rid of the shadow of "usurpation". In order to consolidate the legitimacy of his rule, he constantly emphasized that he was the heir of Kangxi, and even ordered the construction of a building dedicated to storing Kangxi's edict - the "Zhengda Guangming" plaque pavilion.

Although Yongzheng's reign lasted only thirteen years, his policies had a profound impact on the later generations of the Qing Dynasty. He laid the foundation for the Qianlong Dynasty and made important adjustments to the Qing Dynasty's ruling model. The history of the Yongzheng Dynasty is not only the story of an emperor, but also a microcosm of an era.