
No shame? Ouyang Nini posted a photo of her boyfriend's proposal, and she kissed her father mouth-to-mouth

author:Entertaining Beauty

In this era of information explosion, how should the intimate interaction of a family be defined?

Taipei City, a sunny Sunday morning.

No shame? Ouyang Nini posted a photo of her boyfriend's proposal, and she kissed her father mouth-to-mouth

Ouyang Nini sat on the sofa in her living room, her fingers constantly swiping the phone screen.

There was a sweet smile on her face, and a frown, as if she was bothered about something.

"Nini, what are you looking at?" Ouyang Long walked over with a cup of hot coffee.

Ouyang Nini raised her head, with a hint of helplessness on her face: "Dad, do you remember the marriage proposal video I posted last month?" "

Ouyang Long nodded, with a proud look on his face: "Of course I remember, my baby daughter is getting married, how can I forget?" "

Ouyang Nini sighed: "However, there is a lot of noise on the Internet now. "

It turned out that Ouyang Nini was successfully proposed to marriage by her boyfriend Zhang Shuhao, who was 8 years older, on the 29th of last month.

No shame? Ouyang Nini posted a photo of her boyfriend's proposal, and she kissed her father mouth-to-mouth

She excitedly shared the proposal video on social platforms, but she didn't expect it to cause an unexpected controversy.

In the video, the picture of Ouyang Long and his daughter Ouyang Nini kissing mouth-to-mouth aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Some people think that this type of kissing is inappropriate, and some even use words like "incest" to describe it.

Some people also expressed their understanding, thinking that this was just a way for the Ouyang family to express intimacy.

After listening to his daughter's explanation, the expression on Ouyang Long's face became serious.

"Nini, do you think there's something wrong with our family?" He asked softly.

Ouyang Nini shook her head: "No, hasn't our family always been like this?" When I was a kid, you used to kiss me like that. "

Ouyang Long nodded: "Yes, in our family, this is the way to express love." But now..."

He didn't finish his words, but Ouyang Nini understood her father's worries.

No shame? Ouyang Nini posted a photo of her boyfriend's proposal, and she kissed her father mouth-to-mouth

At this moment, Ouyang Nini's fiancé Zhang Shuhao walked in.

Seeing the sad face of his future father-in-law and mother-in-law, he was a little puzzled: "What's wrong?" Did something happen? "

Ouyang Nini briefly explained the situation.

After listening to this, Zhang Shuhao pondered for a while, and then said: "Actually, when I saw you kissing like this for the first time, I also felt a little strange. "

Ouyang Long and Ouyang Nini looked at him at the same time, waiting for his next words.

"But then I discovered," Zhang continued, "that this intimate interaction is just a testament to the harmony and happiness of your family." "

His words made the father and daughter of the Ouyang family feel a little comforted.

However, the online controversy did not subside because of this.

No shame? Ouyang Nini posted a photo of her boyfriend's proposal, and she kissed her father mouth-to-mouth

As time went on, the topic got hotter.

Some people began to dig into the Ouyang family's past, trying to find more evidence of "inappropriate" interactions.

Some people also stood up to defend the Ouyang family, believing that they should not use their own standards to judge other people's family culture.

In the face of disturbing public opinion, Ouyang Nini decided to respond positively.

She posted a long post on social platforms.

"I understand people's concerns and skepticism," she wrote, "but I would say that every family has its own unique way of getting along." "

"In our family, kissing is a way of showing love, both between parents and parents to children. This way I grew up with me and made me feel full of love. "

"We should respect the uniqueness of each family, rather than judging everyone by a single standard." Ouyang Nini wrote at the end of the article.

This response sparked more discussion.

No shame? Ouyang Nini posted a photo of her boyfriend's proposal, and she kissed her father mouth-to-mouth

Some people expressed understanding and support, thinking that Ouyang Nini's response was very mature; There are also those who still cling to their own view that certain behaviors are indeed beyond the scope of what is generally accepted by society.

At the same time, a number of psychologists and sociologists joined the discussion.

They analyzed the impact of family interaction on children's development from a professional perspective, as well as the differences in family intimacy behaviors in different cultural backgrounds.

The discussion gradually evolved from mere criticism or support to a social dialogue about the cultural diversity of the family.

People are beginning to reflect: in this era of globalization, should we look at different family cultures with a more inclusive eye?

At the same time, some people have raised the question: even if we respect diversity, should there be a basic bottom line?

The controversy also made Ouyang's family begin to re-examine their own family interactions.

Although they still have no problem sticking to this approach, they are also aware of the change in social attitudes.

No shame? Ouyang Nini posted a photo of her boyfriend's proposal, and she kissed her father mouth-to-mouth

Ouyang Long said at a family gathering: "Maybe we can try some new ways to express love, which not only preserves our family characteristics, but also makes it easier for the outside world to understand and accept." "

The family agreed, and they began to try more diverse ways of interaction, such as hugging and high-fives.

In the process, they found that the relationship between family members did not decrease because of the change in the way they interacted, but became closer because of this common attempt.

As time passed, the turmoil subsided.

However, the discussion about family culture and social concepts triggered by it has left a deep imprint on people's hearts.

No shame? Ouyang Nini posted a photo of her boyfriend's proposal, and she kissed her father mouth-to-mouth

People are beginning to realize that in this era of high transparency of information, every family may face public scrutiny.

How to maintain the characteristics of one's own family while maintaining harmony with the mainstream values of society has become a problem for many people.

The story of the Ouyang family has become a typical case and has been written into some sociological textbooks.

It is not just a controversy about how families interact, but also a profound discussion about social inclusion and cultural diversity.

This case shows us that in this diverse society, we need to be more open and tolerant about different family cultures.

At the same time, it also reminds us to learn to listen and understand the voices of others while asserting ourselves.

No shame? Ouyang Nini posted a photo of her boyfriend's proposal, and she kissed her father mouth-to-mouth

However, the story also leaves some unanswered questions: should we also have some common bottom lines in our pursuit of individuality and diversity? While respecting different cultures, how do we define and maintain the prevailing values of society? These questions may require each of us to ponder.

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